Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 117


                         blocking  of  28,200  mobile  handsets  and  to  carry  out   348 mobile handsets across the country, and flagged
                         immediate reverification of 20 lakh mobile connections   10,834  suspected  mobile  numbers  for  re-verification.
                         linked to these mobile handsets and disconnect failing   Besides,  DoT  has  blocked  1.58  lakh  unique  mobile
                         re-verification," the statement said. The DoT launched   device identification number IMEI due to involvement in
                         Chakshu  portal  two  months  ago  to  handle  telecom   cybercrimes and financial frauds or mobile connections
                         fraud-related grievances. Since the launch of the portal,   taken on fake or forged documents.
                         the  department  has  blacklisted  52  entities  involved   (May 10, 2024)
                         in  sending  malicious  and  phishing  SMSes,  blocked

                         Telecommunication companies planning to bid for the   from a single wholesale network (SWN) to a dual net-
                         dual 5G network need to finalize the share subscription   work. Fahmi said the Cabinet has agreed that the im-
                         agreement (SSA) within 20 days, says Communications   plementation of the 5G network will shift from SWN to
                         Minister Fahmi Fadzil. He also said that the Malaysian   the dual network once the coverage reaches 80% of the
        Malaysia         Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)   populated areas. “Overall, there are a total of 13.2 million
                         is expected to announce the tender process for the roll-  5G accounts nationwide. This is a positive achievement
                         out’s  second  network.  “As  the  coverage  of  populated   and proof that the roll-out was successful policy-wise
                         areas for 5G network has surpassed 80%, the next step   and through the monitoring body (MCMC),” he said. Of
                         would be for the mobile network operators to complete   the total number of accounts, Fahmi said that there are
                         the SSA process, which is their equity share in Digital   12.7 million individual users and 422,609 enterprises.
                         Nasional Berhad (DNB). “The Cabinet was informed that   He said a memorandum of understanding will be signed
                         the meeting between the telco companies was held on   between MCMC and the Malaysian Investment Develop-
                         May 20 and they were given 20 days to decide their eq-  ment Authority (Mida) to further boost 5G participation
                         uity share in DNB within that period,” he told reporters   among small and medium enterprises. “Within a week
                         on  May  21. He  added  that the telco  companies  need   or two, MCMC and Mida will sign an MOU to help these
                         to complete the SSA before they are allowed to bid for   SMEs adopt and implement a 5G network in their busi-
                         the tender. In December, five mobile network operators   nesses,” he added.
                         (MNOs) signed a SSA with DNB as part of the transition   (May 21, 2024)

                         El  Instituto  Federal  de  Telecomunicaciones  (IFT),  the   available  to  operators.  Concessions  will  be  granted
                         Mexican telecommunications regulator, has announced   for 20 years. Some of the bands could be used for 5G
                         plans  to  put  out  to  tender  6,158  spectrum  blocks  for   networks, though this announcement does not outline
                         wireless  access  services.  In  what  it  describes  as  a   minimum  reference  value  or  coverage  commitments.
        Mexico           consultative  process,  it  is  calling  for  comment  from   IFT  said  it  had  about  330MHz  of  spectrum  available
                         all  parties  interested  in  the  bidding  process,  as  well   for bidding. The same source points out that spectrum
                         as  the  academic  sector,  experts,  private,  public  and   pricing could be an issue, having put off would-be buyers
                         civil society organizations and the general public. The   during previous bidding processes. Still, there’s quite a
                         process is open for a period of 20 working days, from 7   long time to go. Expressions of interest are expected by
                         May to 3 June. The tender, once public consultations are   this September. Evaluation and issuance of certificates
                         over, will make portions of spectrum in the 600MHz (for   of participation are to take place no later than March
                         both national coverage and what are known as partial   2025. The presentation of offers is due to take place
                         service  areas  or  APS),  L-band  (national),  AWS  (APS),   from May 5 2025 – just under a year from now.
                         PCS  (APS),  2.5GHz  (APS)  and  800MHz  (APS)  bands   (May 9, 2024)

                         The  Dutch  government  will  launch  an  auction  for   5G bandwidth, as bidders will be allotted a maximum
                         bandwidth  for  5G  networks  on  June  25,  it  said.  The   of 40% of the available space, the Ministry of Economic
                         auction will award at least three telecom providers with   Affairs and Climate Policy said. (May 28, 2024)


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