Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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                          in the allocation application was not properly secured,”   accept it, but I think it is unreasonable.”  It was only in
                          said  second  Vice  Science  Minister,  Kang  Do-Hyun   February this year that Stage X emerged as the winner
                          in  a  press  conference.    A  representative  of  Stage  X,   of a spectrum auction, placing a bid of $322.1 million
                          Seo  Sang-won  has  refuted  the  claims,  saying  “we   for a license in the 28 GHz (‘mmWave’) band. The newly
                          submitted a plan to the government and are proceeding   established  company  was  due  to  launch  services  in
                          accordingly,  but  they  suddenly  ignore  it  and  say  it  is   2025. (June 17, 2024)
                          wrong. If I understand the government’s argument, I will

                         In  October  2021,  the  Togolese  telecoms  regulator   It was in April 2023 that ARCEP started the technical
                         carried  out  a  study  to  determine  the  opinion  of  the   implementation  of  mobile  number  portability  in Togo,
                         population  regarding  the  launch  of  mobile  number   in accordance with the relative regulations adopted in
                         portability.  95%  of  consumers  were  in  favor  of   July  2022  and  approved  by  the  government  a  month
        Togo             this  idea.  The  Regulatory  Authority  for  Electronic   later. The initiative follows a market study carried out
                                                                        by  the  regulator  in  October  2021,  which  showed  that
                         Communications  and  Posts of Togo  launched  mobile
                         number  portability  recently.  It  was  during  an  official   95% of Togolese consumers were in favor. The advent
                         ceremony chaired by Cina Lawson, the Minister of the   of portability should make it possible to introduce more
                         Digital Economy and Digital Transformation. Togolese   competition into the Togolese mobile telephony market,
                         telecoms  consumers  will  now  be  able  to  change   for the benefit of consumers. According to ARCEP data
                         mobile telephone operator while retaining their original   for the 4th quarter of 2023, Moov Africa holds 59% of
                         numbers.  “   Their  choice  will  now  only  be  based  on   the  7.5  million  mobile  telephone  subscribers,  while
                         the  quality  of  service  offered  by  the  operators  or  on   Togo Cellular holds a market share of 41%.
                         the affordability of the tariff offers  ” explains ARCEP.   (May 7, 2024)

                          Ofcom  has  confirmed  that  it  will  revoke  the  current   of Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s $14 billion acquisition
                          mobile  operator  licenses  for  the  unpaired  part  of  the   of Juniper Networks. In a brief statement the regulator
                          2100MHz band by 3rd April 2029. The licenses are held   indicated it planned to look into whether the combination
                          by EE, Three UK and Virgin Media 02. The unpaired part   of  the  two  companies  would  cut  competition  for
        United            of  the  2100MHz  band  was  originally  auctioned  off  in   goods and services in the UK market. It is working to
                                                                        a deadline of 14 August to decide whether to refer the
                          April 2000 to support the rollout of 3G mobile broadband
        Kingdom           networks.  All  four  of  the  major  MNOs  currently  use   deal for a deeper investigation and is inviting comments
                          the  paired  radio  spectrum  in  the  2100MHz  band.  But   from interested parties until 3 July. Having announced
                          the slice of unpaired part of that same band is largely   the  deal  at  the  start  of  2024,  the  bosses  of  the  two
                          unused and the operators don't have any plans to deploy   companies extolled the benefits of the combination at
                          higher-power services in the spectrum. This is primarily   MWC  Barcelona  2024,  highlighting  deemed  positives
                          due to the lack of a supportive ecosystem, as well as the   for  customers  in  the  telecommunications  sector
                          need for a guard band against paired spectrum, which is   and  beyond.  During  that  session  HPE  president  and
                          used to reduce the risk of interference, and the limited   CEO  Antonio  Neri  and  Juniper  Networks  chief  Rami
                          bandwidth it offers. Ofcom is looking to ensure optimal   Rahim pointed to the potential of the joint company in
                          use of the unpaired 2100MHz spectrum, which resulted   providing  solutions  to  deal  with  increased  power  and
                          in its decision at the end of 2023 to revoke all existing   performance requirements from infrastructure in the AI
                          licenses. The regulator said that the spectrum that will   era. In the company’s earnings call held on 4 June Neri
                          be freed could be better used by the emergency services,   said the deal was currently going through the regulatory
                          railways or the utilities sector. Ofcom has formally given   process and is expected to close in line with an originally
                          five years' notice to the operators that their licenses will   communicated  estimate  of  the  end  of  2024  or  early
                          be revoked.  (June 20, 2024)  2025. In addition to getting through UK authorities, the
                                                                        deal will also have to be cleared by regulators in various
                          The UK Competition and Markets Authority kicked-off a   other markets including the duo’s home country of the
                          preliminary investigation into the potential ramifications   US.  (June 19, 2024)

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