Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
P. 66
TDRA Supports the Implementation of National Digital Accessibility Policy
In the context of enhancing the digital
knowledge society and economy,
the Telecommunications and Digital
Government Regulatory Authority
(TDRA) emphasizes the significance of
implementing the principles outlined in
the National Digital Accessibility Policy
adopted by the cabinet, to facilitate
access to diverse digital services for all
segments of society, including people of
determination and senior citizens. The
National Digital Accessibility Policy is
based on several international references
and agreements. Its goal is to ensure
that people of determination have equal
opportunities to access services and
information provided on various entities’
platforms and websites. This entails
removing barriers that hinder their ability
to benefit from these services and
platforms. This policy aligns with The UAE
Government Charter for Future Services to
prioritize people when designing services
and policies. It emphasizes the importance policy into effect, in line with the objectives introduced the UAE Design System 2.0
of listening to customers' needs and of “We the UAE 2031” vision. This vision for government websites, prioritizing
delivering services that offer exceptional emphasizes establishing an advanced and comprehensive accessibility within this
value and a seamless, proactive experience, integrated social enabling system to unlock framework. By adhering to the Web
regardless of individuals' capabilities or the potential of all UAE citizens and fosters Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines and
social backgrounds. This policy contributes the development of a Forward Ecosystem. the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
to enhancing the UAE’s leadership in the By embracing the next generation of (WCAG) 2.1, federal government entities in
field of digital transformation, as well advanced digital technologies, we aim to the UAE are guided to achieve compliance
as to the country’s contribution to the create the smartest, most dynamic agile with the “AA” level classification.”
process of sustainable development and government in the world.” Al Mesmar Furthermore, TDRA endeavors to enhance
the humanitarian goals set by the United added: “The National Digital Accessibility Public-Private collaboration, fostering
Nations in this context and its slogan Policy is in line with the directives of investment in digital infrastructure and the
of “leaving no one behind.” The policy the wise leadership to enable people of advancement of modern technologies. This
outlines a set of general principles that determination as they are a valued group collaborative effort serves to accelerate
digital government service providers must of society, and based on the culture of digital transformation across the nation
follow to enhance smart services and solidarity that characterizes UAE society.” and plays a pivotal role in attaining the
applications. These principles ensure that Eng. Mohammad Al Zarooni, TDRA Deputy policy objectives. In collaboration with
smart services and applications must be Director General for the Information and federal and local government entities, TDRA
supported by technologies that enable Digital Government Sector, said: “TDRA is actively engaged in developing programs
people of determination to access and is tasked with ensuring the provision of and initiatives aimed at enhancing digital
benefit from these services just like for suitable digital infrastructure to enhance accessibility and delivering comprehensive
others. H.E. Eng. Majed Sultan Al Mesmar, digital accessibility and elevate the quality and efficient digital government services to
TDRA Director General, highlighted the of digital services provided to citizens cater to all segments of society, including
importance of implementing the directives and residents. This entails formulating people of determination and senior citizens,
and standards stipulated in the policy. He the requisite regulatory framework to ensuring inclusivity and equal access to
said: “TDRA is confident that government achieve the policy’s objectives and ensure essential digital services.
entities will spare no effort in putting this their efficient execution. Recently, TDRA
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