Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        adopting the shortest direct route between   westwards from Mumbai, through the Red   Out with the old, in with the new
        Asia,  Africa,  and  Europe.  It  also  supports   Sea  and  the  Mediterranean  Sea,  before   Of  course,  the  development  of  these
        customized  cooperative  solutions  and   landing  at  its  final  destination  in  Savona,   four  cables  is  only  the  beginning  of  our
        provides more flexible business models to   Italy.                       submarine cable journey in 2024.
        help  customers  achieve  autonomous  and
        customizable network-building conditions.  Combined, these two systems will provide   Cables built around the turn of the century
                                             more than 200Tbps of capacity over more   that  were  once  state-of-the-art  are  now
        The  cable  was  activated  at  the  end  of   than 16,000km, offering additional diversity.  beginning to reach the end of their lifespan,
        2022 and, since then, plans to expand the   As  the  world’s  fastest  growing  digital   often  requiring  major  investments  to
        cable  yet  further  to  Singapore  have  been   economy and occupying a crucial junction   remain  operational.  While  advances  in
        announced for 2024. This will expand the   for  international  data  traffic,  linking   technology  –  particularly  Submarine  Line
        cable’s role considerably, making it a major   Southeast Asia to Europe, India is a major   Terminal  Equipment  –  are  allowing  these
        Asia-Europe  interconnection  –  indeed,   data hub in its own right. Both APAC and   cables to last longer than ever before, even
        making it the fastest express route between   Europe are already highly developed when   beyond  the quarter-century  milestone,  the
        Southeast Asia and East Africa.      it comes to submarine cable infrastructure,   need for new cables will only increase as
                                             but  the  sheer  scale  of  the  data  growth   we approach 2030.
        Singapore is already a major data hub for   expected  over  the  coming  decade  is
        CMI, which has invested in over 10 cables   making  the  further  development  of  these   Finally,  it  is  also  worth  mentioning  the
        there  connecting  Inner  Asia  to  Europe.   state-of-the-art cables highly attractive.  incredible  importance  that  cable  route
        Using  these  various  cable  resources,  CMI                            diversity continues to have for both public
        can  provide  connectivity  from  Europe  to   IAX and IEX will play a major role in meeting   and  private  sector  customers  around
        Africa  via  Djibouti  to  Asia  via  numerous   that need, offering customers alternatives   the  world.  Not  only  does  having  multiple
        routes.                              on some of the most popular data routes   routes  to  choose  from  drive  competition
                                             in the world.                       and  therefore  more  competitive  pricing,
        It is worth noting that this is just a small part                        but  it  also  allows  greater  flexibility  and
        of PEACE’s overall expansion plans, which   A new data backbone for Africa, Asia, and   control  of  where  and  how  your  data
        include growing the system to 25,000km in   the Middle East              is  transported.  With  network  security
        length and landing in over 20 countries.  For  CMI,  these  new  resources  will   playing  an  increasingly  important  role  in
                                             operate  synergistically  with  their  existing   operators’ decision making, new routes will
        PEACE is being co-created by a consortium   carrier  infrastructure,  like  the  South  East   undoubtedly be developed to cater for these
        of  12  industry  partners,  including  CMI,   Asia–Middle  East–Western  Europe  5   more  diverse  customer  needs.  These  are
        China  Unicom,  China  Telecom,  Ooredoo,   (SeMeWe-5)  and  Asia-Africa-Europe  1   all  additional  motivating  factors  for  CMI’s
        Orange, and Telecom Egypt.           (AAE-1)  cables.  When  combined,  these   broader investment in the Asia–Europe and
                                             cable  routes  will  serve  to  enrich  regional   Asia–Africa data transport markets.
        A wealth of opportunities:  The IAX & IEX   network  connectivity  along  the  Middle
        system                               Eastern and African coastlines and provide   Therefore,  as  older  cables  approach  the
        Finally,  this  year  will  see  the  further   advantageous   regional   transmission   end  of  their  lifespan  and  enterprises
        development  of  a  pair  of  interrelated   networks for local carriers.  demand even higher standards of latency
        systems  of  great  interest  to  the  global                            and capacity, with governments prioritising
        submarine cable community: the India Asia   Naturally, the advent of new, more advanced   network  resilience  globally,  it  can  be
        Xpress  (IAX)  cable,  expected  to  be  ready   data  transport  systems  will  require  the   anticipated  that  numerous  cable  projects
        for  service  later  this  year,  and  the  India   evolution  of  the  relevant  interconnectivity   will be annouced in the coming years. When
        Europe Xpress (IEX) system, which will be   hubs themselves. In Marseille, for example   combined with initiatives such as 2Africa,
        ready next year.                     –  a  city  where  all  three  of  the  above   PEACE,  and  IEX/IAX,  these  cables  will
                                             systems  converge  in  Europe  –  CMI  is   establish  a  network  that  significantly
        IAX will stretch from Mumbai, India, to the   making  significant  investments  to  offer  a   enhances  the  interconnected  connectivity
        Maldives, and onwards to Singapore, with   wide  range  of  IP  services  and  strengthen   between Africa, Asia, and Europe.
        additional branches extending to Thailand   the synergy between its existing and new
        and  Sri  Lanka.  IEX,  meanwhile,  will  travel   cable systems.

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