Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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        Subsea Cable Route Evolution in 2024

                                             45,000km.  With  46  planned  cable  landing   operation for over 12 years.
                                             stations,  the  2Africa  system  will  directly
                                             serve  33  countries  in  Africa,  Asia,  and   For  comparison,  WACS,  even  after  being
                                             Europe with high quality and highly reliable   upgraded  in  2015  and  2019,  only  has  a
                                             connectivity.                       total  capacity  of  14.5Tbps  over  its  four
                                                                                 fibre pairs. 2Africa, on the other hand, has a
                                             Equipped with 16 fibre pairs and a capacity   capacity of 180Tbps over its 16 fibre pairs.
                                             of 180Tbps, the cable is exceptionally well   The  cable  is  expected  to  be  operational
                                             equipped  to  deal  with  the  connectivity   in 2024, with the PEARLS branch – which
                                             needs of the entire African continent.  extends  the  system  to  Oman,  the  UAE,
        The  global  requirements  for  faster  and                              Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Pakistan, India,
        securer connectivity continue to accelerate.   2Africa  is  owned  by  a  consortium   and  Saudi  Arabia  –  planned  for  service
        The developing nations in Africa, Asia, and   comprising  major  players  from  across  all   in  2025.  The  addition  of  PEARLS  will  not
        the  Middle  East  are  particularly  growing   three  continents:  Bayobab,  Center3,  CMI,   only  greatly  enhance  the  2Africa  cable’s
        more  digital,  while  the  world’s  more   Meta,  Orange,  Telecom  Egypt,  Vodafone   connectivity to the Gulf region, furthermore,
        developed  conomies  continue  to  grow   Group, and WIOCC.              to  offer  further  connections  to  the  entire
        more  data  hungry  because  of  emerging                                APAC  region  through  CMI’s  self-invested
        technologies thriving on 5G networks.   The  impact  that  2Africa  is  expected  to   cables.
                                             have  on  the  African  continent  cannot  be
        In  response  to  this  booming  demand,   understated.  The  continent  is  growing   Diversify and expand: The PEACE cable
        China  Mobile  International  Limited  (CMI)   increasingly  digitalised,  with  data  usage,   In contrast to the near ubiquitous nature of
        is  investing  heavily  in  related  submarine   especially  mobile  data  usage  –  booming.   the 2Africa cable, the PEACE cable system
        cable infrastructure.                In  the  2023  Mobility  Report,  Ericsson   is far more targeted.

        Part of four new cable systems – 2Africa,   Circumnavigating the entire African continent and linking it
        IAX,  IEX,  and  PEACE  –  are  all  planned
        to  go  live  this  year,  when  a  number  of   to Europe and Asia, 2Africa is set to be the largest submarine
        other  submarine  cable  systems  are  also   cable system ever deployed, spanning over 45,000km. With
        scheduled.  Taken  together  with  their
        existing cable projects, these new systems   46 planned cable landing stations, the 2Africa system will
        will create an interconnected backbone for   directly serve 33 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe with
        international  data  traffic,  bolstering  these
        transport routes between Asia and the rest   high quality and highly reliable connectivity.
        of the world for years to come.
                                             found  that  Sub-Saharan  Africa  is  the   Spanning  roughly  15,000km,  this  route
                                             fastest  growing  region  in  the  world  when   connects  Marseille,  France,  to  Karachi,
        Unlocking a continent: The 2Africa cable  it  comes  to  total  mobile  data  traffic,  with   Pakistan,  with  an  additional  branch
        A study from RTI estimated that 2Africa’s   a CAGR of 33% anticipated between 2023   extending to Mombasa, Kenya, and Victoria,
        economic impact in Africa will be a boost   and 2029. As such, access to high quality   Seychelles.
        of $26.2 billion to $36.9 billion within two   submarine  cable  infrastructure  will  soon
        to  three  years  of  the  system’s  activation.   become  imperative  for  these  nations  to   The  PEACE  system  operates  on  an  open-
        This is equivalent to around 0.5% of Africa’s   make  the  most  of  emerging  technologies   cable model and is committed to providing
        GDP.                                 and  transform  the  local  economy.  This   neutral,  flexible  and  non-differentiated
                                             is  especially  true  for  nations  like  the   interconnection   services   for   various
        Circumnavigating   the   entire   African   Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo,  which   operators,  OTTs  and  enterprises  across
        continent and linking it to Europe and Asia,   is currently served by just a single existing   the regions. The system is designed for a
        2Africa is set to be the largest submarine   submarine  cable  –  the  West  Africa  Cable   maximum capacity of 192Tbps and offers
        cable system ever deployed, spanning over   System  (WACS),  which  has  been  in   substantially  reduced  network  latency  by

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