Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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        FCC Drives 5.9 GHz Proposal for C-V2X, Wi-Fi Use Forward

                                             on  board,  compared  to  more  than  250   moving  forward  with  the  proposal  to
                                             million  cars  on  the  road.  Changes  to  the   allocate  the  upper  20  MHz  of  5.9  GHz
                                             5.9 GHz band have faced opposition from   for  C-V2X,  as  the  5G  Auto  Association
                                             some,  including  the  U.S.  Department  of   proposed  last  year,”  said  Brenner  in  a
                                             Transportation, which wanted the entire 75   statement.  “This  visionary  FCC  proposal
                                             MHz to remain exclusive for transportation   will  enable  us  to  bring  the  tremendous,
                                             safety. Pai said the proposal balances both   unmatched safety benefits from C-V2X to
                                             unlicensed  wireless  innovation  and  auto   U.S. drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
                                             safety technology. In terms of the lower 45   We will continue to work with the FCC and
                                             MHz,  Commissioner  Brendan  Carr  noted   all other stakeholders to get C-V2X on the
                                             the 5.9 GHz portion open for Wi-Fi could be   air  as  quickly  and  broadly  as  possible.”
                                             combined with similar adjacent spectrum   WifiForward in a statement called the vote
                                             in  the  5  GHz  band,  together  enabling   “win-win”  for  both  broadband  innovation
        The Federal Communications Commission   the  first  contiguous  160  MHz  channel   and safety communications. “Wi-Fi already
        (FCC)  voted  unanimously  to  advance   for  unlicensed  devices.  He  also  pointed   carries  the  majority  of  all  internet  traffic,
        a  proposal  that  would  reallocate  large   to  5G  and  the  need  for  more  unlicensed   and this NPRM helps ensure that enough
        portions  of  the  5.9  GHz  band,  dedicating   spectrum.    “To  stimulate  the  services,   spectrum  is  available  as  Wi-Fi  carries
        spectrum  to  both  unlicensed  and  C-V2X   devices,  and  ultimately  the  networks   even  more  traffic  during  the  5G  rollout,”
        technologies.  For  two  decades,  75  MHz   that  make  5G  meaningful  to  everyday   said WifiForward in a statement.   The Wi-
        of the 5.9 GHz band has been designated   Americans, we must have a 5G ecosystem   Fi  Alliance  said  it  was  an  important  step
        to dedicated short range communications   that  works  everywhere  Americans  are,”   toward  addressing  the  growing  need  for
        (DSRC), but the agency is looking to revise   Carr said. “5G services must work just as   unlicensed spectrum for Wi-Fi use, adding:
        rules, noting progress on DSRC has been   well  at  home  and  in  the  car,  at  a  coffee   “We look forward to reviewing this 5.9 GHz
        stalled  for  many  years.  The  Notice  of   shop or in a park. And that means we will   Band  proposal  in  detail,  and  continuing
        Proposed  Rulemaking  (NPRM)  would   need a lot of unlicensed spectrum to help   to  support  the  Commission  in  this  and
        make  the  lower  45  MHz  (5.85-5.895   power  5G  devices.”  Rosenworcel  noted   other initiatives that will deliver necessary
        GHz)  available  for  unlicensed  use,  which   that  70%  of  5G  traffic  is  expected  to  be   mid-band  spectrum  to  preserve  Wi-Fi
        Chairman  Ajit  Pai  said  will  “fully  realize   offloaded onto Wi-Fi, and said the proposal   connectivity  for  millions  of  Americans.”
        Wi-Fi’s  potential.”    Digital  refunds  bring   will  help  development  of  next-generation   Michael Calabrese, director of the Wireless
        the chance to lower costs, eliminate your   gigabit  Wi-Fi.  Movement  on  the  5.9  GHz   Future  Project  at  New  America’s  Open
        administrative  burden,  and  even  drive   band is seen as a win for the Wi-Fi industry,   Technology  Institute,  in  a  statement
        customer winback. The Wirecard Refunds   auto-makers  like  Ford,  and  others,  with   said  that  expanding  unlicensed  use  is
        Report  reveals  how  to  transform  refunds   many,  including  cable  operators  Charter   essential  part of a robust  5G ecosystem.
        from  an  afterthought  to  a  competitive   and Comcast, applauding the move. “The   “Wi-Fi  already  generates  hundreds  of
        advantage. Under the NPRM, the upper 30   strong  bipartisan  support  for  this  item   billions  of  dollars  for  the  U.S.  economy
        MHz  (5.895-5.925)  of  the  5.9  GHz  band   speaks  volumes  about  the  importance   each year as it’s become the primary way
        would be kept exclusive for transportation   of  this  proceeding.  The  Commission’s   that  consumers  and  business  access
        and vehicle safety, notably with 20 MHz of   compromise  proposal  is  a  major  step   data  on  mobile  devices,”  said  Calabrese.
        that  (5.905-5.925)  dedicated  specifically   toward   delivering   next-generation   “High-capacity  Wi-Fi  is  also  increasingly
        for  newer  Cellular  Vehicle  to  Everything   broadband connectivity and strengthening   essential  to  schools,  libraries  and  other
        (C-V2X)  technologies  that  have  been   the  foundation  for  5G,  while  clearing   community  anchor  institutions.”  At  its
        championed  by  the  likes  of  Qualcomm.   the  path  for  modern  automotive-safety   December 12 open meeting, the FCC also
        The agency will seek comment on whether   technologies,” said Tony Werner, president,   voted  unanimously  to  designate  988  as
        to  allocate  the  remaining  upper  10  MHz   TPX  –  Technology,  Product,  Xperience  of   the three-digit number for national suicide
        to  C-V2X  or  leave  it  for  DSRC.  The  FCC   Comcast Cable, in a statement. Ford, which   prevention  and  mental  health  crisis
        said  slow  traction  on  DSRC  prompted   has  been  one  of  the  biggest  proponents   hotline,  echoing  the  familiar  911  number
        the  need  for  changes  and  that  under   of  C-V2X  over  DSRC,  previously  touted   that’s known for emergencies. The agency
        current  commission  rules  no  spectrum   changes to 5.9 GHz, saying: “Without this   also  proposed  changes  to  the  3.1-3.55
        is  allocated  for  C-V2X.  Commissioner   proceeding,  C-V2X  cannot  be  deployed.”   GHz band, as what it called a first step in
        Jessica Rosenworcel was strongly in favor   Qualcomm  has  been  working  on  C-V2X   making spectrum in the band available for
        of  the  proposal  and  said  technologies   with Ford, and Dean Brenner, Qualcomm’s   advanced  commercial  services,  including
        for  communication  between  vehicles   SVP  of  Spectrum  Strategy  &  Technology   5G.
        have  moved  beyond  DSCR,  noting  only   Policy, also cheered the move. “Qualcomm
        a  few  thousand  vehicles  have  DSRC   is  very  pleased  that  the  FCC  approved

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