Page 97 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 97



        Emerging 5G IoT Use Cases

                                                   eMBB and FWA will be amongst the first use cases to be
                                                   adopted (already offered in multiple countries), followed
                                                   by use cases that are enhanced by 5G, but can also work

                                                   on older  technologies  (smart grid, wearables,  drones,

                                                5G, the fifth generation of wireless technologies, will be a critical enabler of digital
                                                transformation worldwide. Unlike previous technologies, 5G’s impact is expected to
                                                stretch far beyond just the telecoms industry and its users. It will transform societies
                                                and economies by providing continual and convenient access to mobile and fixed
                                                broadband services to its consumers and by nurturing the development of new use
        Rohan Dhamija                           cases  like  augmented  reality  (AR),  virtual  reality  (VR),  autonomous  vehicles  and
        Partner, Head – Middle East &           smart manufacturing for consumers and enterprises alike.
        South Asia, Analysys Mason
                                                There are several characteristics of 5G networks that enable them to cover such a
                                                wide variety of use cases. For instance, high throughput (minimum 100Mbit/s as per
                                                ITU’s IMT-2020 standards) drives use cases such as VR for 4K/8K streaming. Low
                                                latency (1ms) is critical for use cases like autonomous vehicles and remote surgery.
                                                High connection density (1 million connections per km2) will help drive use cases
                                                such as smart meters. Finally, network slicing capabilities will help operators create
                                                private networks with high degrees of customization with very little integration effort
                                                (compared to dedicated physical networks).

                                                1. Key use cases of 5G
                                                The wide variety of use cases that 5G supports can broadly be classified into the
                                                following three categories –
                                                •  eMBB (enhanced mobile broadband): extension to existing 4G broadband services
        Jacopo Pichelli                            which provides much higher throughputs and lower latencies
                                                  – in a recent engagement in a GCC country, Analysys Mason forecasted 5G share
        Manager, Analysys Mason                   of all mobile connections to reach 25-30% by 2023 and account for 10-15% of the

        Shashwat Mishra
        Consultant, Analysys Mason

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