Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         The  process  to  sell  Brazilian  regional  telecoms   –  voted  to  privatize  Sercomtel  after  an  18-1  ballot
                         operator Sercomtel will commence in February 2020.   in  favor  of  the  proposal.  Regional  power  company
                         An auction for the company’s shares will commence   Companhia  Paranaense  de  Energia  (Copel)  holds  a
                         on 5 February, with the reserve price for the telco set at   45.00% stake in the operator, with the remaining 4.12%
        Brazil           BRL130 million (USD32 million). The tender paperwork   distributed  between  minority  shareholders.  In  July
                         notes that there is a need to ‘restructure the company   2019 minority shareholders Marcelo Kneese and Heber
                         to   provide   increased   investments,   operational   Wedemann, who run Dez de Dezembro Investimentos
                         management  improvements,  expansion  of  customer   e  Participacoes,  withdrew  a  BRL120  million  takeover
                         service infrastructure, an increase in the quality of the   offer, blaming unresolved issues concerning the telco’s
                         services provided and, above all, improved economic-  complicated corporate structure.
                         financial  performance’.  In  May  2019  the  City  Council   (December 19, 2109) BNAmericas
                         of Londrina – which holds a 50.88% stake in the telco

                         A regulatory proposal to reduce frequency fees could   frequencies but also have enough funds left to invest
                         see  Bulgaria’s  government  begin  issuing  5G-ready   in the necessary infrastructure for 5G.” Bulgaria’s three
                         spectrum in the second quarter of 2020. Ivan Dimitrov,   operators  -  A1,  Telenor  and  Vivacom  –  have  stated
                         the  head  of  Bulgaria’s  Communication  Regulation   that they will likely cooperate in order to split the hefty
        Bulgaria         Commission (CRC), confirmed that frequencies in the   investment costs for 5G, which could total as much as
                         700MHz and 3600MHz bands would be made available.   BGN800 million (USD453 million) across the next three
                         The regulator – with the backing of the transport ministry   to four years. Vivacom CEO Atanas Dobrev noted that
                         - has proposed cutting fees by 30%-50% to expedite   5G equipment at present costs around four times as
                         5G deployment. The Council of Ministers will vote on   much as 4G and 3G network kit. All of the operators
                         the proposal, with pricing to be decided depending on   have begun 5G trials in the country.
                         whether it is adopted. Dimitrov commented: “The idea   (November 24, 2019)
                         is to find the proper balance – to pay enough for the

                         Cambodian mobile operator Smart Axiata has said it is   Axiata conducted a live 5G trial in the capital Phnom
                         ready to roll out 5G services but is waiting for permission   Penh using a mobile device from Chinese equipment
                         from  the  Ministry  of  Posts  and  Telecommunications   vendor  Huawei.  The  firm  said  that  when  commercial
                         Cambodia (MPTC) before it can do so. The operator’s   rollout begins in the next few years, 5G coverage will
        Cambodia         CEO Thomas Hundt told that talks are underway with   initially  be  centered  on  ‘hotspots’  in  major  cities.
                         the  Ministry  with  a  view  to  securing  the  necessary   (November 14, 2019) The Khmer Times
                         approvals  for  5G-suitable  spectrum.  In  July  Smart

                         The Competition Bureau has published a submission to   like Freedom and Videotron are increasingly disrupting
                         the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications   the market – with prices up to 35%-40% lower in areas
                         Commission (CRTC’s) mobile market review, in which   with a ‘disruptor’ presence. The Bureau recommended
                         it  says  consumers  could  save  substantially  on  their   that the CRTC pursue a roaming/MVNO policy including
        Canada           wireless bills if major national cellcos Bell, Rogers and   mandating  Bell,  Rogers  and  Telus  to  sell  temporary

                         Telus were faced with more competition from regional   access to their wireless networks to regional carriers
                         carriers like Freedom Mobile and Videotron, as well as   who  intend  to  invest  and  further  expand  their  own
                         MVNOs. The Bureau found that Bell, Rogers and Telus   networks,  to  spur  additional  price  competition  in  the
                         are  able  to  charge  higher  prices  in  most  of  Canada   short term while avoiding the risk of declining network
                         where they possess market power but regional players   quality in the long term. (November 26, 2019)

                         Chile’s Antitrust Tribunal (Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre   Under the new rules, limits are set by macro-band and
                         Competencia, TDLC) has reached a decision regarding   are imposed on each territorial zone. The five defined
                         new  spectrum  holding  limits,  largely  supporting   macro bands are: ‘Low’ – less than 1GHz; ‘Middle Low’
                         the  most  recent  proposals  of  sector  watchdog  the   – 1GHz to 3GHz; ‘Middle’ 3GHz and 6GHz; ‘Middle High’
        Chile            Department  of  Telecommunications  (Subsecretaria   – 6GHz to 24GHz; and ‘High’ – more than 24GHz. For
                                                                        the Low and Middle Low bands, the TDLC established
                         de  Telecomunicaciones,  Subtel),  for  flexible  limits.
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