Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 85


                         Response  Stream  for  the  Universal  Broadband  Fund,   constellation,  to  significantly  improve  connectivity
                         making up to CAD150 million available for projects that   in  rural  and  remote  areas  including  the  Far  North.
                         will be completed by 15 November 2021. The Fund also   The government said it has committed up to CAD600
                         includes CAD50 million dedicated to improving mobile   million to secure the LEO capacity which will be made
                         internet  availability  in  areas  of  benefit  to  Indigenous   available to ISPs at a reduced rate (note: at the time
                         communities. Selected projects under the new funding   of  agreeing  the  Telesat  partnership  in  July  2019  the
                         will be confirmed starting in early 2021. The government   government earmarked ‘up to CAD685 million’ for the
                         also reiterated that it has entered into an agreement   project, including CAD85 million through the Strategic
                         with  Telesat  to  secure  high-speed  internet  capacity   Innovation Fund).
                         through the company’s low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite   (November 10, 2020)

                         The  Ministry  of  Transport  and  Telecommunications   Boreal and WOM were the only companies to submit
                         (MTT), through the Department of Telecommunications   offers for the 700MHz contest, consisting of a single
                         (SUBTEL)  has  received  offers  from  five  companies   2×10MHz tranche of spectrum. For the 1700MHz band,
                         as part of its public tender for the development of 5G   meanwhile,  Borealnet  and  WOM  are  also  competing
        Chile            networks. The tender comprises four separate contests   with Claro, whilst the 26GHz band tender is contested
                         for spectrum in the 700MHz, 1700MHz (AWS), 3.5GHz
                                                                        by  three  established  MNOs:  Claro,  Entel  and  WOM.
                         and 26GHz bands, with the 3.5GHz competition seeing   Finally, all four of the previously mentioned companies
                         the most interest despite legal challenges hanging over   have submitted offers for a portion of the 150MHz of
                         the  process.  All  four  of  the  nation’s  mobile  network   3.5GHz frequencies that have been made available. In
                         operators  (MNOs)  have  submitted  offers  for  at  least   another  unexpected  development,  however,  Movistar
                         one  of  the  bands,  whilst  new  competitor  Borealnet   has  also  filed  an  offer  for  the  spectrum,  despite  its
                         entered submissions for all but the 26GHz contest. The   ongoing efforts to halt the tender. The cellco has argued
                         surprise  newcomer  is  a  consortium  comprising  US-  that the design of the 5G auction process grants anti-
                         based  communications  firm  Rivada  Networks,  which   competitive advantages to some operators in certain
                         describes itself as a ‘designer, integrator and operator   tenders and excludes competitors in others. The case
                         of wireless and interoperable  communications   was  rejected  by  the  Antitrust  Tribunal  (Tribunal  de
                         networks’, and Business Finland – a public organization   Defensa  de  la  Libre  Competencia,  TDLC)  earlier  this
                         that  finances  innovation  and  research  –  La  Tercera   month but Movistar is reportedly planning to take the
                         writes. The company is reportedly aiming to establish   matter to the Supreme Court.
                         a  presence  in  the  country  as  a  wholesale  provider.   (November 20, 2020)

                         The market regulator sought input from the country’s   including Alibaba, Tencent and e-commerce platform
                         tech giants on proposed rules designed to curb anti- The regulator proposed establishing a review
                         monopolistic  practices  and better-protect  consumer   system to monitor internet companies to prevent abuse
                         interest, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported. The   of market power. It could force companies to sell assets,
        China            State  Administration  for  Market  Regulation  said  the   technologies or intellectual property if breaches occur,
                         draft rules aimed to crack down on practices including   WSJ  stated.  Authorities  recently  suspended  an  IPO
                         pricing items below cost, using data and algorithms to   by Alipay parent Ant Group less than 48 hours before
                         offer different prices to different consumers, and taking   trading was set to begin over regulatory concerns. Ant
                         advantage  of  market  power  to  restrict  sales  on  rival   Group cited changes in fintech regulations as among
                         platforms,  the  newspaper  wrote.  Along  with  internet   several factors which may have caused it to not meet
                         regulators and the State Taxation Administration, the   listing requirements.
                         watchdog recently held meetings with tech companies   (November 11, 2020)

                         The 5G auction is expected to take place next month,   exceed  the  2×10MHz/700MHz  and  100MHz/3.6GHz
                         with a view to the granting of licenses in January 2021.   spectrum caps. Winning bidders will have an obligation
                         The sale process, which is being overseen by the Deputy   to cover 70% of the population, as well as all highways
                         Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy, will   by 31 December 2025, delivering download speeds of
        Cyprus           involve six 2×5MHz lots in the 700MHz band and eight   up to 100Mbps.
                         50MHz  lots  in  the  3.6GHz  band.  Operators  must  not   (November 20, 2020)

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