Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 87


                         The government has proposed that financial aid for the   matter  will  be  discussed  in  a  plenary  session  again.
                         construction of high-speed broadband will ‘begin anew’   With  the  plan  being  for  the  legislation  underpinning
                         in 2021. In a press release, the Ministry of Transport   the state aid scheme to enter into force on 1 January
                         and  Communications  (Liikenne-ja  viestintaministerio,   2021,  the  ministry  has  said  it  expects  the  Finnish
        Finland          MoTC)  said  that  EUR5  million  (USD5.9  million)  has   Transport  and  Communications  Agency  (Liikenne-
                         been  allocated  for  the  construction  of  broadband
                                                                        ja  viestintavirasto,  Traficom)  to  begin  accepting
                         networks next year. Under a proposed aid scheme, the   applications for aid from the start of 2021. Meanwhile,
                         ministry expects around 10,000 new households could   in related news, the MoTC has revealed that, working
                         gain  access  to  high  speed  broadband  by  targeting   in  conjunction  with  the  Finnish  Confederation  of
                         areas where no commercial infrastructure is expected   Telecommunications  and  Information  Technology
                         to be deployed before 2025. According to the MoTC, a   (FiCom)  and  local  communications  providers  DNA,
                         minimum connection speed to qualify for aid is to be   Elisa  and  Telia  Finland,  a  joint  commitment  has
                         set out in a government decree, while it is understood   been  struck  to  improve  broadband  connectivity  in
                         that  both  fixed  and  fixed-wireless  broadband   the country. According to the ministry, the aim of the
                         technologies will be permitted under the scheme. Aid   commitment  is  to  guarantee  the  availability  of  high
                         for network construction will reportedly be granted for   quality broadband to all, and to that end the operators
                         up to 66% of the eligible costs, with both the central   involved  have  undertaken  to  develop  infrastructure
                         government  and  local  municipalities  contributing   so as to ensure that all households in Finland’s cities
                         towards the funding. In terms of next steps, the MoTC   and sparsely populated areas have access to downlink
                         noted that a referral debate on the proposals has been   speeds of 100Mbps by 2025. The MoTC has said that
                         submitted to parliament and will be conducted in an   all parties involved will conduct annual reviews to see
                         upcoming plenary session. Subsequently, the proposal   whether the commitment goals are being met.
                         will then be sent to the Transport and Communications   (November 13, 2020)
                         Committee, and once that body’s report is ready, the

                         French  telecoms  watchdog  ARCEP  has  revealed  the   block  (at  a  price  of  EUR350  million  payable  in  equal
                         results of its positioning auction held on 20 October,   instalments  over  15  years)  in  exchange  for  optional
                         which aimed to determine the position of the secured   commitments, which include the deployment of 3,000
                         blocks in the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band. In the 5G auction   5G sites by the end of 2022, 8,000 (2024) and 10,500
        France           held at the beginning of October, Orange secured 90MHz   (2025).  ARCEP  also  provides  for  a  mechanism  to
                                                                        ensure  that  non-urban  areas  will  also  benefit  from
                         in  the  band  for  EUR854  million  (USD998.7  million),
                         followed by Altice (80MHz, EUR728 million), Bouygues   these deployments. Thus, 25% of the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz
                         Telecom  (70MHz,  EUR602  million)  and  Free  Mobile   band sites in 2024 and 2025 will have to be deployed
                         (70MHz,  EUR602  million).  Following  the  positioning   in areas outside the main agglomerations. By 2022, at
                         auction, the allocated spectrum is as follows:  least 75% of the sites must have a bit rate of at least
                           • Altice France (SFR): 3490MHz-3570MHz       240Mbps, which will be gradually extended to all sites
                           • Bouygues: 3570MHz-3640MHz                  by  2030.  Operators  will  also  be  required  to  activate
                           • Free Mobile: 3640MHz-3710MHz (EUR3.096 million)  network slicing by 2023 at the latest.
                           • Orange: 3710MHz-3800MHz                    (November 5, 2020)
                         All  four  operators  have  been  awarded  one  50MHz

                         The  Ministry  of  Communications  (MoC)  through  the   traditional  cell  sites.  Speaking  at  the  event,  Ghana’s
                         Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications   Minister  of  Communications,  Ursula  Owusu-Ekuful,
                         (GIFEC),  in  partnership  with  the  Export-Import  Bank   said: ‘No one, irrespective of their financial, economic,
                         of  China  and  Huawei  Technologies  Ghana  officially   social status or location should be deprived of access
        Ghana            launched the Rural Telephony Project at Atwereboana   to quality telephony services hence the government’s
                                                                        keen interest in making sure that the project is delivered
                         in  the  Ashanti  Region  on  4  November.  The  initiative
                         aims  to  provide  voice  and  data  services  to  more   successfully and they intend to roll out 1,000 sites by
                         than 3.4 million people in underserved and unserved   December.  I  must  congratulate  GIFEC,  Huawei  and
                         communities by commissioning 2,016 Rural Star sites   the mobile network operators for working together to
                         developed by Huawei, thereby extending national mobile   deliver this project. As policymakers, we will continue
                         coverage  from  83%  to  95%  and  greatly  accelerating   to  provide  leadership  in  implementing  solutions  and
                         local economic development. The solution is expected   programmes to facilitate rural connectivity.’
                         to  save  the  government  up  to  70%  of  the  cost  of   (November 16, 2020)

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