Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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                         an  application  from  mobile  operator  Bite  seeking   as  a  border  country,  due  to  its  special  geographical
                         approval for the acquisition of MEZON. The RRT also   position,  faces  the  biggest  additional  challenges  in
                         noted  that  in  the  meantime  it  has  allocated  3.5GHz   preparing for the arrival of 5G – we must coordinate our
                         band  5G  spectrum  on  a  temporary,  non-commercial   spectrum  resources  with  neighboring  countries,  pay
                         basis to cellco Telia Lietuva for testing (see separate   great attention to the protection of our state’s interests.
                         CommsUpdate article today, 11 November 2020), whilst   To our knowledge, all operators are actively preparing
                         stressing that spectrum allocated via the eventual 5G   for the smoothest and fastest possible emergence of
                         license auction(s) will be technology-neutral, allowing   new technology in Lithuania. Tests of 5G technology,
                         joint  4G/5G  development  as  appropriate.  Regarding   measurements of radio signals from base stations will
                         26GHz  mmWave  5G  spectrum,  the  RRT  said  that  an   provide additional arguments in negotiations with the
                         auction for this band will be announced ‘when it is clear   administrations of neighboring countries.’
                         whether there is market demand.’ RRT Deputy Director   (November 11, 2020)
                         Mindaugas  Zilinskas  noted  additionally:  ‘Lithuania,

                         The  government  of  Madagascar  has  reduced  the   conducted by the ministry which showed that a decline
                         excise  duty  levied  on  telecommunications  from  10%   in the excise duty will benefit consumers at all levels.
                         to 8% in the 2021 Finance Law. According to Ranesa   The government will closely monitor telcos to ensure
                         Firiana Rakotonjanahary, the Secretary General of the   the  measure,  which  reverses  the  rate  hike  to  10%
                         Ministry  of  Posts,  Telecommunications  and  Digital   introduced  in  the  2020  Finance  Law,  results  in  lower
        Madagascar Development (MPTDN), the decision followed a study   prices for customers. (November 20, 2020) Agence Ecofin

                         The National Communications Institute of Mozambique   that  the  operator  or  provider  of  telecommunications
                         (INCM Communications Regulatory Authority, ARECOM)   services  interrupts  or  blocks  the  service  provided
                         issued  a  statement urging  users of unregistered or   to  certain  subscribers,  when  it  finds  that  there  are
                         ‘irregularly  registered’  mobile  SIM  cards  to  correctly   subscribers  on  the  system  not  registered  under  the
        Mozambique       register their SIMs by 6 November 2020 ‘under penalty   terms of this regulation.’ In relation to the links between
                                                                        unregistered  SIM  usage  and  illegal  activity  such  as
                         of blocking the number and interruption of access to
                         all  services.’  SIM  registration  has  been  compulsory   SIM  box  fraud  (where  international  calls  are  routed
                         in  Mozambique  since  2015,  but  authorities  have   via a VoIP gateway to disguise them as local traffic),
                         repeatedly voiced concerns that mobile operators have   the INCM’s latest statement added that it ‘is currently
                         not  adhered  to  the  regulations.  The  INCM  highlights   developing  platforms  for  receiving,  processing  and
                         Article  17  (Service  Interruption)  of  the  Regulation   forwarding reports of fraud, defamation, among other
                         for  the  Registration  and  Activation  of  the  Mobile   crimes  perpetrated  via  mobile  phone.  These  have
                         Telephone  Service  Subscriber  Identification  Modules   caused  enormous  financial  and  moral  damage  to
                         (approved by Decree No. 18 of 28 August 2015) which   citizens, institutions and other entities.’
                         stipulates:  ‘The  Regulatory  Authority  shall  determine   (November 3, 2020)

                         The  Nigerian  Communications  Commission  (NCC)   would  follow  in  early  2022.  On  spectrum,  the  NCC
                         has  published  a  consultation  document  on  plans  for   identified the following ranges for the first phase of 5G
                         the deployment of 5G technology in the West African   deployment,  alongside  details  of  their  current  usage
        Nigeria          country  and  has  invited  feedback  from  industry   and  plans  for  their  release,  recovery,  refarming  and/
                                                                        or  replanning:  2100MHz  band;  2300MHz-2400MHz;
                         stakeholders. The paper sets out the watchdog’s views
                         regarding potential changes to the nation’s regulatory   2600MHz-2690MHz;  3300MHz-3400MHz;  3500MHz-
                         framework  to  address  the  unique  challenges  of  5G   3600MHz;  3600MHz-3700MHz;  4800MHz-4900MHz;
                         technology, the spectrum that will be made available   24.25GHz-27.5GHz;  and  37.0GHz-43.5GHz.  For  the
                         for 5G, and a schedule for the rollout of the platform.   second phase of the rollout, meanwhile, the NCC noted
                         Under  the  current  plan,  5G  spectrum  auctions  would   that it would consider the release of some or all of the
                         take place in Q2 2021 and Q4 2021, with the airwaves   following bands, based on New Radio support, maturity
                         assigned  in  Q1  2022  and  commercialized  by  Q4   and device availability: 1427MHz-1518MHz; 45.5GHz-
                         2022.  The  document  suggests  that  the  deployment   47GHz; 47.2GHz-48.2GHz; and 66GHz-71GHz.
                         of  Standalone  (SA)  5G  should  begin  in  late  2021,   (November 12, 2020)
                         whilst the rollout of the Non-Standalone (NSA) variant

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