Page 121 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 121


                         The Federal Telecommunications  Institute (IFT)  has   been set aside for trunking services, while the 824MHz-
                         included spectrum in the 400MHz and 800MHz bands   849MHz/869MHz-894MHz  band is  designated  for
                         in its Annual Program for the Use and Exploitation of   use by mobile communication services (‘social use’).
                         Frequency  Bands  2024  (Programa Anual de Uso  y   The inclusion of the aforementioned spectrum bands
        Mexico           Aprovechamiento  de Bandas  de Frecuencias  2024,   in PABF 2024 reflects  requests that the  IFT  received
                         PABF 2024). The 415MHz-420MHz/425MHz-430MHz
                                                                        between 1 November 2022 and 30 June 2023.
                         and 806MHz-814MHz/851MHz-859MHz  bands have    (November 20, 2023)

                         The National Institute of Communications (INCM) has   connect around 300 educational establishments across
                         launched its ‘Internet in Schools’ project as part of a   the country. Starlink was launched for private customers
                         public-private  partnership with  the SpaceX  satellite   in Mozambique in June this year.
                         broadband  service Starlink.  The scheme  aims  to   (October 31, 2023)

                         The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia   use the assigned frequencies to provide 4G and 5G mo-
                         (CRAN) has  awarded  5G licenses  to mobile network   bile services with a downlink data speed of no less than
                         operators  Telecom  Namibia  (TN) and Mobile Tele-  20Mbps and in compliance with quality of service (QoS)
                         communications Company (MTC), and local ISP Loc8   regulations. The rollout obligations also require them to
        Namibia          Mobile following the regulator’s  auction of 700MHz   improve 4G population coverage to 80% or higher in six
                         and 800MHz spectrum last week, which generated ap-
                                                                        regions, namely Kunene and Zambezi (Lot A), Otjozond-
                         proximately NAD28.6  million (USD1.47 million). Loc8   jupa and Omaheke (Lot B), Hardap and Kavango West
                         Mobile paid NAD5.1 million to secure Lot A (2×20MHz,   (Lot  C). Emilia  Nghikembua,  CEO of CRAN,  explained
                         703MHz-723MHz/758MHz-778MHz,  reserve price    in a statement that the award of the 4G/5G spectrum
                         NAD4.4 million), TN won Lot B with a bid of NAD15.4 mil-  licenses is intended to enable the rollout of emerging
                         lion (two blocks of 2×10MHz, 723MHz-733MHz/778M-  mobile technologies while supporting both universal ac-
                         Hz-788MHz and 791MHz-801MHz/832MHz-842MHz,     cess in rural areas and digital inclusion. She further stat-
                         NAD5.1  million), while TN paid NAD15.4  million for   ed that the regulator has approved the testing/trial of
                         Lot C (2×20MHz, 801MHz-821MHz/842MHz-862MHz,   5G services/networks for a period of three months until
                         NAD6.5 million). The permits are valid for ten years and   31 December. MTC has already expressed its readiness
                         can be renewed for a similar period. The licensees must   to deploy 5G services. (October 3, 2023)

                         The National Inspectorate  for Digital  Infrastructure   take into account the obligation of mutual cooperation.’
                         (RDI) under  the Ministry of Economic  Affairs &   Two 50MHz  blocks of 3500MHz band spectrum  are
                         Climate Policy (MEACP) has announced  that  3.5GHz   available for local wireless applications of companies
                         spectrum  licenses  will  be available for local, private   and organizations, separate from the 300MHz tranche
        The              5G networks from 1  December 2023, aimed at    of 3.5GHz  airwaves earmarked for the Netherlands’
                                                                        5G nationwide  mobile  spectrum  auction,  which  the
                         enterprise  users  such as  industrial sites and other
        Netherlands      businesses  with their own private communications   government hopes to launch in Q1 2024 having recently
                         network. Localized  5G networks  – unconnected  to   reached an in-principle agreement to relocate satellite
                         public mobile infrastructure – will be utilized for secure   services occupying the band, while court hearings on
                         communications and business processes and a variety   appeals against the 5G licensing policy began  last
                         of on-premises applications  via  the private owners’   month. In April 2023 Schiphol Airport and the Port of
                         licensed frequencies, with examples given by RDI such   Rotterdam filed lawsuits against the MEACP’s 3.5GHz
                         as controlling smart, complex devices including factory   policy, arguing that the first-come, first-served method
                         robots and autonomous vehicles or virtual reality-based   of distributing local/private 5G spectrum could prevent
                         facilities. Licenses will be valid until 31 December 2040.   them from securing their required bandwidth, while the
                         RDI’s announcement notes that under the government’s   Port also claimed the frequencies reserved for parties
                         licensing strategy: ‘Companies are assisted with their   other  than mobile operators  were of lower quality,
                         license applications on a first-come, first-served basis,   potentially disrupting its development of 5G applications
                         but new applicants have the same rights to frequency   e.g. autonomous shipping and data processing via IoT
                         use as their neighbors, who may already have a license.’   sensors in the port.
                         RDI adds that this means ‘companies with a permit must   (November 10, 2023)
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