Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 126


                         apply to internet video services (with the exception of   within six months of the OTS amendment coming into
                         videos in the public interest), which could overload the   force, and operators would be required to submit annual
                         networks. An implementation plan should be submitted   progress reports. (November 2, 2023)

                         Seychelles  Office  of  the  President  announced  the   by the Department of Information  Communications
                         appointment of the board of the country’s new telecoms   Technology  (DICT) in the telecommunications  and
                         regulator, the Seychelles Communications Regulatory   broadcasting sectors, whilst the DICT retains the ‘policy
                         Authority  (SCRA).  A press release states that the   portfolio responsibility’  for these sectors. The seven
        Seychelles       SCRA takes responsibility for the implementation and   SCRA board members have been appointed for a three-
                         enforcement  of the Communications  Act 2023 and
                                                                        year period.
                         assumes the regulatory functions carried out thus far   (November 9, 2023)

                         The National Communications  Commission (NCC)   offer ‘reasonable’ prices for their services and whether
                         has revealed plans to set up a special task force which   there are any disruptions  to service  stemming  from
                         will monitor the market in the wake of two high profile   customers  needing to change  SIM  cards.  NCC Vice
                         planned  mergers. With  the authorities having given   Chairman Wong Po-tsung was  cited as  saying: ‘The
        Taiwan           the necessary approvals  for the proposed  tie-up of   synergy produced through telecom mergers should help
                         Taiwan Mobile Company and Taiwan Star, the merger
                                                                        enhance  the quality  of telecom services available to
                         is  now expected  to  complete  next week, while Asia   customers … We hope that subscribers of the two new
                         Pacific Telecom (APT) and Far EasTone are expected   telecom companies would notice significant differences
                         to conclude their amalgamation on 15 December. It is   in terms of internet speed and telecom service coverage
                         understood that in the wake of these deals completing   before the end of January, otherwise [the operators] will
                         the task  force will  monitor whether the surviving   be at the receiving end of subscribers’ fury.’
                         companies  – Taiwan  Mobile and FET  – continue  to   (November 23, 2023) The Taipei Times

                         The National  Broadcasting and Telecommunications   considered a core asset for 5G. More than 60 countries
                         Commission (NBTC) would include  3.5GHz  spectrum   have assigned parts of the 3.5GHz range for their 5G
                         in a  long-term  management  strategy, with  access   network deployments. NBTC auctioned  5G spectrum
                         expected in 2026. The newspaper stated the band is   in the 700MHz, 2.6GHz and 26GHz bands in 2020. In
        Thailand         likely to form part of an NBTC roadmap also covering   September, Ericsson head of Thailand Igor Maurell
                                                                        urged the government to allocate C-Band spectrum and
                         the 850MHz,  2.1GHz  and 2.5GHz  bands, which is
                         expected to be finalized in early 2024. It stated Thailand   hold an auction by 2025.
                         has 400MHz of unallocated 3.5GHz spectrum, which is   (November 8, 2023)

                         Uganda has signed  an agreement  with China  to use   Uganda secured a UGX1.8 trillion (USD474 million) loan
                         Chinese tech firms to improve connectivity in the African   from the World Bank to support its digital transformation
                         country. A report from Ecofin says ICT Minister Chris   program. According to the latest government statistics,
                         Baryomunsi signed  the deal at  a  China-Africa  digital   41% of Uganda’s population still has no access to the
        Uganda           cooperation forum earlier this month. In March this year   internet. (October 31, 2023)

                          British telecoms regulator Ofcom has begun consulting   operate emergency communication satellite terminals
                          on  plans to release more spectrum  in the  1.4GHz   on ships at and near ports, and aircraft at and above
                          band. According to the watchdog, with the 1492MHz-  airports. As such, use of the 1492MHz-1517MHz block
                          1517MHz  frequency  block  having  been  identified   for mobile services is  likely to  cause interference  to
        United            for mobile use, it  is  now considering  how to make   the receivers in these satellite terminals. As a result,
                                                                        Ofcom is  seeking views  on a  technical  analysis  it
                          it  available.  Ofcom notes that  the adjacent block of
        Kingdom           spectrum  in  the 1.5GHz  band is  currently used to   has conducted  to estimate the likely extent  of such

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