Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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                         The  Ministry of Economic  Affairs and Digital   Spain. The aid programmes that cover the deployment
                         Transformation  (Ministerio de Asuntos  Economicos   of infrastructure (UNICO 5G Backhaul and UNICO 5G
                         y  Transformacion  Digital)  has  announced  the  official   ACTIVAS), the development of pilot projects – through
                         launch of an EUR544 million (USD577 million) funding – and use cases, the integration of technology in
        Spain            call  for its  UNICO-5G  Redes  Activas  program, which   industrial value chains (UNICO 5G Sectorial) and basic
                         seeks to boost 5G coverage in rural areas across the
                                                                        research and innovation in the following technological
                         country. The Official State Gazette published the call   generations (UNICO R&D 5G advanced and 6G) … Spain
                         for aid  on 10  October 2023  to  deploy  the necessary   has  been  one  of  the  first  countries  in  the  European
                         equipment  for 5G Standalone  (SA) services  in   Union to have completed the allocation of the entire 5G
                         municipalities  with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.   spectrum, in addition to having dedicated 450MHz for
                         The  funding  for  the  program  is  financed  with  Next   self-provision and industrial use. Caps have also been
                         Generation  EU  European funds within  the framework   increased to allow operators to better manage increases
                         of the Recovery  Plan  and the Digital  Spain 2026   in traffic.’ According to a report in each province, the
                         agenda, as the Spanish government works to reduce   successful  company  will be  eligible  for  100% of the
                         the digital divide between urban and rural areas. The   funding if they are the sole bidder and up to 75% if not.
                         press release  noted  that the  government’s intention   It is understood that the government targets minimum
                         ‘is for the country to have this disruptive technology   data speeds  of 100Mbps/5Mbps (down/uplink)  and
                         in order to develop the capabilities that 5G will allow   that the networks must come online by February 2026.
                         as an economic and social transformative element’. It   The maximum cap on operators has also been set at 30
                         went on to note: ‘With this objective, programmes have   provinces, with the call remaining open for bids until 31
                         been  launched  that cover all phases  of development   October 2023.
                         of these  new mobile  communication  technologies  in   (October 12, 2023) Daily El Pais

                         The Swedish  Post and Telecom  Agency  (Post &   is for a further 1.9% of households to have access to
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS) says  two  out of three of the   100Mbps services, meaning 99.9% of premises would
                         government’s  2025  targets for  broadband  coverage   be covered by 100Mbps or higher, but PTS predicts that
                         could  be  met, but the country  will  struggle  to meet   the figure will be between 98.1% and 98.6%. The third
        Sweden           the third without further government  intervention.   target of full 30Mbps coverage looks more likely to be
                         Authorities are  looking to  have  1Gbps connectivity   achieved, with PTS forecasting a figure of 99.5%-100%.
                         available to 98% of all  households and businesses   The coverage goals can be met via any combination of
                         by end-2025 and PTS says this is within reach as it is   fixed and/or mobile technology.
                         forecasting a figure of 97.8%-98.3%. The second target   (October 11, 2023)

                         Switzerland’s Federal Council has decided to postpone   Federal Council has initiated a consultation on a draft
                         the assignment of  mmWave  spectrum  for mobile   amendment to the Ordinance on Telecommunications
                         communications  until there is demand  from the   Services (OST) to make mobile networks more resilient
                         economy  and the necessary  environmental  legal   to power supply disruptions. The government aims to
        Switzerland      framework has been established. The latter condition   ensure that mobile networks remain accessible during
                         refers to the rules regulating  the emission of non-  power outages to  enable emergency calls,  public
                         ionizing radiation, which has hindered the full utilization   telephone services and internet access. To that end, the
                         of 5G technology by Swiss cellcos. Current legislation   council  has  proposed  that  mobile network operators
                         sets  strict  limits  on radiation emissions, preventing   install emergency power supplies in central locations
                         operators from installing dense groups of mobile sites.   and  at  base  stations,  sufficient  to  maintain  service
                         The government  has been  reluctant  to amend these   during outages of up to 72 hours or rolling blackouts
                         rules due to public concern over the alleged impacts of   over 14 consecutive days.  The  proposals would  also
                         radio signals on health and the environment. To address   require that each  operator  ensure that 99% of their
                         these  concerns,  in  2019  the  Federal  Office  for  the   customers  in each  commune  have access  to mobile
                         Environment (FOEN, or Bundesamt fur Umwelt, BAFU)   services during power grid shutdowns. Operators would
                         began work on a long-term study to monitor exposure   be given five years to ensure that emergency calls can
                         to electromagnetic radiation and its impact on health.   be made during  power outages,  and a  further three
                         (November 22, 2023)        years to ensure that public calls and internet access are
                                                                        available; the proposals note that the rules should not

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