Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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                          interference, and on its initial views on the measures it   terrestrial  networks’ by  the end of this  decade.  With
                          could take to mitigate the interference risk. Additionally,   an  eye  to  the future, the watchdog  has  published  a
                          it is also seeking stakeholders’ views on the format of   discussion paper putting forwards its case for making
                          a potential auction, as well as the most appropriate lot   changes at each stage of the spectrum management
                          sizes. With a deadline of 12 January 2024 set for input   pipeline, including the allocations and technical studies
                          on the matter, Ofcom says the responses received will   agreed at the ITU level. In this area, Ofcom has notably
                          help inform the development of any future proposals for   said that, given the potential diversity of next-generation
                          how the 1492MHz-1517MHz spectrum should be made   networks, uncertainty  in how and where they  will  be
                          available. In a separate development, Ofcom has said   used,  and the need  to continue to support existing
                          that it expects to see the introduction of 6G technology,   uses, it  considers  that  future spectrum  management
                          a new version of Wi-Fi, and ‘increased connectivity from   must place greater emphasis on spectrum sharing and
                          the sky  and space through  the  deployment of non-  flexible access. (October 19, 2023)

                          The  Federal Communications  Commission  (FCC)   has  previously faced setbacks in introducing  smart
                          authorized the use of the 6GHz band for low power   wearables, with Google abandoning plans to launch its
                          devices such as wearables, a move designed to spur   smart  glasses  for example. In  an  emailed statement
                          development  of  new augmented  and virtual  reality   seen by Bloomberg, VP of North America policy at Meta
        United            applications. In  a  statement, the agency  expects  the   Platforms Kevin Martin said FCC’s decision will “allow
                          ruling will bring forward a more flexible ecosystem of
                                                                        companies like ours to use new wireless technologies
        States            “cutting-edge applications” and allow wearables such   to build  the next wave of computing”.   The  6GHz
                          as AR/VR glasses to operate alongside Wi-Fi-enabled   band will offer a total of 850-megahertz of spectrum,
                          devices.    US  technology  companies  including  Meta   providing “very high connection speeds, which are ideal
                          Platforms, Google, Apple  and Microsoft have lobbied   for the types of high data rate cutting-edge applications
                          the FCC to expand the use of 6GHz band to ease the   that will both enrich consumer experiences and bolster
                          development  of metaverse-related gadgets,  claiming   the nation’s economy”, the FCC said.  The authority also
                          access will  support  faster  connectivity  via  tethering   pointed to the potential in wearable sensors and IoT
                          and in turn  enhance  performance.   Notably, big  tech   devices. (October 20, 2023)

                          The Ministry of Digital Technologies (MDT) announced   is advertising free  porting  to its MVNO network,
                          on 27 October 2023 the commercial launch of mobile   apparently subsidizing the service.  Same-day  MNP
                          number portability (MNP), confirming that five operators   processing is promised, with cellcos currently claiming
                          – Beeline, Ucell, Uzbektelecom, Mobiuz and the country’s   on their websites waiting  times  of  ‘a  few  minutes’
        Uzbekistan        sole MVNO, Humans – now provide number  porting.   or  ‘up to  ten minutes’. A  number  cannot be ported
                                                                        again until 30 days have elapsed. The MDT (formerly
                          CDMA-based network  operator  Perfectum does not
                          offer the service. Initially, Uzbek mobile users must visit   named the Ministry  of  Information Technologies  &
                          a sales office of the destination network to port their   Communications)  drafted  regulations on MNP  nearly
                          number, with online-based MNP services expected to be   five years ago in December 2018 before overseeing the
                          launched at a later date. MNP requires an identification   implementation of the service in collaboration with the
                          document  which has  already been  registered with   ministry’s subordinate agency, the Republican Centre
                          the user’s number, and carries a standard user fee of   for Management  of Telecommunication  Networks.
                          UZS60,000 (USD4.90), although one operator, Humans,   (October 30, 2023)

                          The  Vietnamese  government  has issued  Resolution   By May 2023 the  number  of mobile  money service
                          192/NQ-CP  approving an extension  of the country’s   users reached more than 3.9 million. The State Bank of
                          mobile money pilot scheme until the end of 2024. The   Vietnam, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information
                          trial,  which permits the use of  telecoms  payments   and Communications (MIC) and the Ministry of Public
        Vietnam           accounts for various transactions (including paying for   Security, will now conduct a review and propose issuing
                          small value goods and services, as well as for money
                                                                        regulations governing mobile money services by May
                          transfers, cash top-ups and money remittances), was   2024.
                          initially approved for a two-year period in March 2021.   (November 22, 2023)

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