Page 70 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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ADH CEO Eyad Abu Khorma emphasized workshops. Additionally, partnerships with as a global hub and distribution point for
the center’s collaboration with prominent governmental and educational bodies submarine cables linking Europe and India,
international companies, providing aim to empower the Aqaba community. attributed to the adaptable regulations
expertise through specialized training and The CEO highlighted Jordan’s pivotal role governing the communications sector.
KT, Hyundai E&C, and stc Group Jointly Cooperate to Take the Lead in
Building Digital Infrastructure for Saudi Arabia’s Next 50 Years
KT, in collaboration with Hyundai Engineer- stc group's excellent network infrastruc- IDCs and the realization of smart cities.
ing & Construction (Hyundai E&C) and stc ture. Together, they will undertake the am- Prior to this event, KT Group held a meet-
group, an engine of digital transformation, bitious endeavor of constructing internet ing with the Governor H.E. Communica-
is poised to spearhead the establishment data centers (IDC), smart cities, charting a tions and Space Technology Committee
of a leading digital infrastructure in Saudi comprehensive path towards augmenting (CST) and high-ranking officials from the
Arabia, a venture set to span for the next 50 Saudi Arabia's digital infrastructure. This Ministry of Information and Communica-
years. KT, under the leadership of CEO Kim MOU can be traced back to November of tion Technology (MCIT) at its headquarters
Young Shub, participated in the 'Korea-Sau- the preceding year, when the 'Saudi One and discussed the future cooperation in
di 50th Anniversary Construction Cooper- Team Korea' was formed under the leader- the DX domain, spanning IDC, autonomous
ation Event' held on October 23 in Riyadh, ship of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure driving, and R&D. Consequently, there is an
Saudi Arabia. This event, hosted by the Min- and Transport. Comprising approximately optimistic outlook for close collaboration
istry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 120 governmental bodies and private en- and synergy with the Saudi government,
(MOLIT) of Korea, marked the stage for terprises, One Team Korea, which encom- which exhibited a keen interest in Korea's
KT's announcement on the 24th of October, passes the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure digital transformation experience and cut-
disclosing the signing of a Memorandum and Transport (MOLIT), Korea Infrastruc- ting-edge technology. KT CEO Kim Young
of Understanding (MOU) with Hyundai E&C ture and Urban Development Corporation Shub remarked, “It is an immense honor
and stc group to catalyze the digital trans- (KIND), Korea Construction Association, for us to represent the Korean ICT compa-
formation of Saudi Arabia. In a prestigious KT, and Hyundai E&C, lays the groundwork nies in the realm of economic cooperation
ceremony where President Yoon Suk Yeol for this meaningful collaboration between between Korea and Saudi Arabia.” He fur-
and Minister Won Hee-ryong were in atten- KT, Hyundai E&C, and stc group. In April ther added, “Leveraging the wealth of busi-
dance, the MOU was formally inked by KT 2016, Saudi Arabia unveiled an ambitious ness experience and ICT solutions acumen
CEO Kim Young Shub, Hyundai Engineering reform plan christened 'Saudi Vision 2030' we have cultivated both domestically and
& Construction CEO Yoon Young Joon, and aimed at diversifying its oil-centric indus- overseas, we are eager to play a vital role
Olayan Alwetaid, stc group CEO. This mo- trial framework. Central to this vision is as Saudi Arabia's digital innovation partner.
mentous MOU signifies a commitment to the significant expansion of smart infra- Furthermore, as a member of One Team
combining KT's digital transformation (DX) structure and digital transformation (DX) Korea, we are poised to collaborate closely
capabilities and expertise with Hyundai across all the industries, fostering a rapid with the government and corporate entities
E&C's acumen in smart construction and advancement in the nation's digital land- to realize tangible outcomes that are mutu-
construction capabilities, synergized with scape, encompassing the expansion of ally beneficial for Korea and Saudi Arabia.”