Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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introduction of 5G “until further information has been “We want to support work that will bust health myths
obtained on the health effects on residents” in June. over 5G and provide evidence-based reassurance
A month later, nearby Frome’s council refused to to the public. The benefits of 5G are huge – both to
support the roll-out of 5G for similar reasons, followed people’s everyday lives and to the economy.” The
by Totnes, and Brighton & Hove Council in response to government has also launched a consultation on
campaigns by the Brighton and Hove Radiation Free proposals to simplify planning rules to improve rural
group. A spokesperson from the Department for Culture, mobile coverage. The proposals include:
Media and Sport (DCMS) told SmartCitiesWorld that • Changing the permitted height of new masts with
having already written to Newry, Mourne and Down in the aim of promoting mast-sharing and minimising
Northern Ireland, the Minister will write to all planning the need to build more infrastructure;
authorities “setting out the government’s commitment • Allowing existing ground-based masts to be
to gigabit-capable networks such as 5G, the economic strengthened without prior approval to enable sites
benefits of roll-out, the stringent safety guidelines, to be upgraded for 5G and mast-sharing;
and also to make the key point that only objections • Deploying radio equipment cabinets on protected
with legitimate grounds and evidence should prevent and unprotected land without prior approval,
planning permission from being granted.” “There is no excluding sites of special scientific interest; and
compelling evidence for any increased concern about • Allowing building-based masts nearer to roads to
5G roll-out compared to Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G and there support 5G and increase mobile coverage.
are well-established limits for radio equipment within 5G health scares have taken hold elsewhere too. In
which any new kit must operate. These limits are April, plans to pilot 5G in Brussels were blocked due
acknowledged by Public Health England in the UK and to concerns over radiation levels. Geneva followed in
the World Health Organization,” they added. Warman May. Some towns and cities in the US have banned
will also hold a cross-government meeting, including 5G antennas from residential areas under the weight
the Chief Scientific Adviser, Public Health England and of calls from citizens. There have also been successful
regulator Ofcom, to make sure government messaging campaigns in some parts of Switzerland, which is
is clear, grounded in evidence and addresses people’s the most advanced 5G market in Europe. Sunrise
concerns people. Warman commented: “Safety is Communications’ CTO, Elmar Grasser, talks about the
always going to be paramount when we roll out new effects of the protests in this exclusive interview.
technologies and innovations, but there is currently no (October 15, 2019)
compelling evidence to back up concerns about 5G.
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have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
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143 OCTOBER 2019