Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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                         (backed  by  Alexei  Mordashov)  holds  22.0%  and  ABR   VTB and Vnesheconombank (current owner of a 3.95%
                         Investments (part of Rossiya Bank) 5.5%. As previously   Rostelecom  stake)  must  retain  control  of  more  than
                         reported, Rostelecom’s Tele2 equity increase will involve   50% of Rostelecom’s ordinary shares. Furthermore, VTB
                         issuing  Rostelecom  shares  to  existing  Tele2  owners,   will be banned from selling Rostelecom shares for four
                         although only VTB has been mentioned in this context   years, while the government may still veto transactions
                         so far, with the bank expecting to claim a Rostelecom   on such shares after four years. Rostelecom will also
                         stake of up to 17%. The presidential decree confirms   be given pre-emptive rights to repurchase securities.
                         that VTB will redeem an additional issue of Rostelecom   The decree says that Rostelecom’s Tele2 buyout and
                         ordinary shares, although the total volume of additional   the issue of additional Rostelecom shares should be
                         shares  to  be  issued  is  not  yet  specified.  The  decree   completed within six months. (October 8, 2019) TDaily
                         also ensures that the Russian Federation together with

                         The telecoms regulator, Infocomm Media Development   covered by a standalone network by 2022 to ‘maintain
                         Authority (IMDA) has revised its plans for the allocation   competitiveness  in  developing  technology’.  As  such,
                         of 5G-suitable spectrum, saying it now intends all four   it now aims to select two network operators to deploy
                         mobile  network  operators  (MNOs)  to  roll  out  fifth-  5G using the 3.5GHz band, while the other two MNOs
        Singapore        generation networks starting from next year, up from its   will be assigned additional bandwidth to upgrade their
                                                                        existing 4G LTE infrastructure to 5G. The plans suggest
                         original plan to have just two. In May 2019 IMDA called
                         on  interested  telcos  to  submit  detailed  proposals  on   a  reserve  of  SGD55  million  (USD40  million)  for  each
                         their 5G deployment plans, suggesting that by 2020 at   bandwidth allocation (for a standalone network), with
                         least two networks would be rolled out in the city-state.   a view to awarding the spectrum by the middle of 2020.
                         At  the  time  the regulator said  it  intended  to  assign   The  operators  will  also  be  given  the  millimeter  wave
                         5G-suitable  spectrum  to  ‘two  winning  submissions’   (mmWave) spectrum in the 26GHz and 28GHz bands
                         through a Call For Proposal (CFP) regulatory instrument,   (free of any license fees), although an annual utilization
                         rather  than  conducting  an  auction  of  spectrum,  with   fee  of  SGD1.232  million  will  apply  for  each  operator.
                         telcos’  proposals  assessed  instead  on  the  quality  of   Meanwhile, operators of the two smaller 5G networks
                         their deployment schedules. Its CFP included a number   will only be given the mmWave spectrum (but will be
                         of stipulations, including: 50% 5G network coverage by   subject  to  the  same  utilization  fees).  The  spectrum
                         end-2022;  wholesale  MVNO  5G  access;  and  specific   licenses  will  have  a  minimum  duration  of  16  years,
                         financial capability requirements to support the rollout.   according to the regulator’s presentation. Commenting,
                         IMDA also revealed its plans to allocate spectrum in   IMDA communications manager Mr. S Iswaran said the
                         the  3.5GHz,  26GHz  and  28GHz  bands  for  5G  in  the   decision to opt for all four MNOs having 5G capability
                         initial tranche of spectrum allocation to telcos, saying   is driven by a need to ‘secure Singapore’s competitive
                         it  would  be  sufficient  for  at  least  two  nationwide  5G   edge’, adding that he believes the pricing strategy is in
                         networks. However, the regulator now wants all four of   the ‘mid-range’ of those in other countries.
                         its carriers – Singtel, StarHub, M1 and TPG (Singapore)   (October 17, 2019)
                         –  to  introduce  5G  services,  with  half  the  city-state

                         The  National Communications  Authority  (NCA) has   as the lack of a formal licensing system has created
                         launched a consultation process for the country’s first   disorder in the telecoms market and hindered further
                         licensing regime for the ICT and telecoms sector. The   investment. Three types of permits exist under the new
                         draft Unified Licensing Framework (ULF) would allow the   ULF,  namely  Communications  Infrastructure  Provider
        Somalia          provision of multiple services through the introduction   License  (CIP),  Application  and  Services  Provider
                         of service and technology-neutral licenses that would   License (ASP), and Communications Infrastructure and
                         promote  innovation  and  competition.  The  move  is   Services  Provider  License  (CISP).  Stakeholders  have
                         aimed  at  bringing  an  end  to  uncertainties  in  one  of   been given until 5 December to submit comments on
                         the most developed sectors of the Somalian economy,   the ULF. (October 22, 2019)

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