Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 139


                         Romania’s  Minister  of  Communications,  Transport   the Connect Europe and Competitiveness Operational
                         and  Infrastructure,  Lucian  Bode,  has  informed  a   Programs. (October 24, 2019)
                         parliamentary  committee  that  the  country’s  5G
                         spectrum  auction  will  not  proceed  as  planned  in   The Ministry of Communications & Information Society
        Romania          2019.  Romania’s  National  Authority  for  Management   (MCSI) has announced the completion of Lot 5 of the
                                                                        ‘Ro-Net’  project  to  extend  broadband  infrastructure
                         and Regulation in Communications  (ANCOM) had
                         previously indicated that it expected 5G licenses in the   in disadvantaged areas. Lot 5 is the second of seven
                         700MHz, 800MHz, 1500MHz, 2600MHz and 3400MHz-  sections  to  be  completed  following  Lot  1  in  May
                         3800MHz frequency bands to be awarded by the end   this  year  and  includes  a  total  of  96  locations  in  the
                         of  2019.  However,  the  body’s  vice  president,  Eduard   counties of Dolj (30), Valcea (38), Mehedinti (26) and
                         Lovin, recently warned that legislation to set frequency   Gorj  (2),  consisting  of  20,747  households  and  about
                         prices at an appropriate level was still required before   55,457 potential customers for internet, television and
                         the auction, which is expected to raise EUR500 million   landline services. Once completed, the infrastructure is
                         (USD560 million), could proceed. (October 31, 2019) Economica  opened up to any operator wishing to provide services.
                                                                        Construction  of  the  RON377.83  million  (USD87.63
                         The National Authority for Management and Regulation   million)  national  ‘Ro-Net’  broadband  network,  which
                         in  Communications  (ANCOM)  has  launched  a  new   is co-financed by the European Regional Development
                         online map showing 2G, 3G and 4G coverage and signal   Fund, began in August 2014 and was originally expected
                         strength across the country. The application, which can   to be finished by the end of 2015. However, following a
                         be viewed at, has been compiled using   series of disputes and delays, work is now expected to
                         field  measurements  collected  during  the  regulator’s   be completed in late 2019. (October 14, 2019)
                         own monitoring campaign and enables users to view
                         the network footprint of the four mobile operators in   The  Senate  and a  government  commission  have
                         the  Romanian  market,  namely  Vodafone  Romania,   removed provisions from a draft government emergency
                         Orange  Romania,  Telekom  Romania  and  RCS&DCS   ordinance issued in August that would have required
                         (Digi  Mobil).  Local  news  site  cites  Communications   customers buying a pre-paid SIM card to present their
                         Minister Alexandru Petrescu as noting that there is a   ID  card  from  1  January  2020,  reports  The
                         digital divide in rural areas, as 4G networks currently   decision follows a warning from the ombudsman that
                         cover only 77% of the country, well below the European   there was no justification for rushing through such a
                         average  of  92%.  He  expects  the  new  digital  platform   requirement, which it believes would ‘drastically limit’
                         will  help  attract  EU  infrastructure  funding  through   the right to privacy. (October 3, 2019)

                         Russia’s  Federal  Antimonopoly  Service  (FAS)  has   Russian  Ministry  of  Communications  has  begun
                         opposed  the  planned  allocation  of  2.3GHz-2.4GHz   lowering  its  prices  for  5G  spectrum.  A  new  draft
                         frequencies  in  83  regions  to  Rostelecom  under  the   methodology  for  5G  pricing  has  been  introduced.  It
                         ‘Digital  Economy’  national  program,  arguing  that  the   is expected that the starting price for one a lot of 200
        Russia           spectrum  should  instead  be  put  up  for  auction  to   MHz in the 25.25-27.5 GHz band will be reduced from
                                                                        RUB 2.3 billion to RUB 670 million. The draft document
                         raise  ‘billions  of  rubles’.  Rostelecom  intends  to  use
                         the wireless broadband spectrum to connect schools,   has been drawn up in preparation for an auction of the
                         state bodies, territorial election commissions, medical   25.25-27.5 GHz bands, which state radio frequencies
                         facilities,  fire  and  police  stations,  facilities  of  the   commission  SRFC is expected  to announce  in
                         Russian Guard and other locations, under a program   December. (October 11, 2019)
                         to  connect  around  100,000  ‘socially  significant’
                         entities by the end of 2020. The State Commission for   The  state-backed  national  telco  Rostelecom’s  plan
                         Radio Frequencies (SCRF) plans to issue the 2.3GHz-  to up its stake in mobile operator Tele2 Russia from
                         2.4GHz  LTE  spectrum  for  ten  years  to  Rostelecom   45%  to  100%  has  been  approved  by  a  decree  signed
                         in  83  regions,  while  in  Russian-occupied  Crimea,  a   by President  Vladimir Putin. The  decree accepts  ‘the
                         similar ten-year concession is earmarked for internet   proposal of the Government of the Russian Federation
                         provider Miranda-Media. The FAS argues that the ten-  to increase the participation share of Rostelecom and
                         year concession period is excessive as the government   its subsidiary Mobitel in the authorized capital of T2
                         contract to connect socially significant facilities only   RTK Holding [Tele2] to 100%.’ The government approved
                         runs to end-2020. The antitrust authority also deems   a plan to raise Rostelecom’s Tele2 stake in June this
                         the  bandwidth  allocation  excessively  wide.  (October  18,   year. Russia’s VTB bank is currently the second largest
                         2019) ComNews                                  shareholder in Tele2 Russia with 27.5%, while Invintel

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