Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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        ratings  reflect  PTCL’s  leading  market   with  the  people  of  Pakistan  through  our   and  re-landscaping  of  3  main  places
        position, extensive network infrastructure,   Independence Day campaign TVC that was   in  the  capital  city.  PTCL  participated
        strong financial risk profile and adequate   viewed more than 7 million times on social   to  support  the  startups  incubated  at
        business  risk  profile.  Ratings  also   media  platforms.  The  main  theme  of  the   National  Incubation  Center  (NIC)  Karachi
        incorporate  strong  sponsor  profile  with   TVC was along the lines that PTCL is the   at a special graduation ceremony, at NED
        majority shareholding of 62% vested with   backbone of connectivity in Pakistan and   University  Karachi,  for  the  first  cohort  of
        the Government of Pakistan and 26% stake   a company trusted by customers for their   startups.  PTCL  held  a  special  ceremony
        along  with  management  control  being   daily connectivity needs in turn trusts PTCL   to  commemorate  Defense  Day,  observe
        held  by  Etisalat  International  Pakistan,  a   to  enable  provision  of  these  services.  As   solidarity with the people of Kashmir and
        90%  owned  subsidiary  of  Etisalat  Group.   part of ‘Clean & Green Pakistan Movement’,   pay tribute to the families of martyrs who
        This  year,  PTCL  portrayed  its  connection   PTCL undertook beautification, renovation   lost their lives protecting the motherland.

        Bahrain’s National Broadband Network Officially Launched

        The   Kingdom’s   National   Broadband   all customers will be able to benefit from   per cent of all businesses and 95pc of all
        Network (BNET) was officially launched at   high-speed  Internet  services  from  all   households  across  the  Kingdom.  “The
        a  high  level  press  conference  held  at  the   telecom  providers.”  During  the  event,   restructure  of  Batelco  is  now  complete
        Capital  Club.  The  launch  was  announced   Mr.  Mohamed  Bubashait,  CEO  of  BNET   with independent management teams and
        by  Batelco  Chairman,  Shaikh  Abdulla   gave  a  detailed  presentation  about  the   human resources in place. BNET’s teams
        bin  Khalifa  Al  Khalifa,  in  the  presence   company’s  vision  and  functions  as  well   are  now  working  on  the  implementation
        of  the  Minister  of  Transportation  and   as its strategy for managing the national   of  its  strategic  plans  which  focus  on  the
        Telecommunications,   Kamal   Ahmed,   network’s infrastructure. The presentation   development  of  the  fiber  optic  network
        BNET  CEO  Mohamed  Bubashait,  CEO’s   also included a detailed explanation of the   across Bahrain and the provision of high-
        of  OLO’s  (Other  Licensed  Operators)  and   operational  model  and  work  mechanism   speed  Internet  services  for  OLO’s  on  a
        members  of  Bahrain’s  media.  During  the   that  the  company  will  follow  to  achieve   fair and competitive basis. “The company
        event,  the  BNET  logo,  which  will  soon  be   its  objectives.  Also  revealed  was  BNET’s   will  continue  to  complete  the  separation
        rolled  out to all customer  touch  points,   new  logo,  designed  to  symbolize  both   process  as  required  in  line  with  the
        was revealed. The launch event follows on   the  national  network  and  the  Kingdom   Government’s  strategy  and  future  vision
        from the announcement of Batelco’s legal   while being distinguishable from Batelco.   for the telecommunications sector.” “This
        separation  into  two  independent  entities,   Shaikh  Abdulla  stated  that  he  was  very   step is part of a series of initiatives aimed to
        which was announced at an earlier press   pleased to announce the launch of BNET   enhance Bahrain’s position as a strategic
        conference  held  in  May.  As  part  of  the   which is a key part of the Fourth National   investment destination, a regional ICT hub
        legal separation, a new executive structure   Telecommunication Plan (NTP4) to develop   and a major contributor to upgrading the
        was  implemented  and  new  CEOs  were   the growth and economic diversification of   Kingdom’s telecommunications services,”
        appointed  for  both  Batelco  and  BNET.   the  telecommunication  sector, including   he concluded.
        Independent  buildings  and  departments   rolling  out  a  fiber  optic  network  to  100
        were  also  allocated  for  each  entity,  in
        line  with  the  nature  of  the  companies’
        work. In line with the requirements of the
        4th  National  Telecommunications  Plan
        approved  by  the  Council  of  Ministers  in
        May  2016,  BNET  will  provide  broadband
        network services to all licensed operators
        including   Batelco,   whereas,   Batelco
        will  focus  solely  on  retail  and  corporate
        operations.  Mr.  Ahmed  expressed  his
        pleasure at the launch event by saying, “I
        would like to thank the team involved in the
        implementation of this successful project,
        which  contributed  towards  turning  the
        vision of the National Telecommunications
        plan into a reality, and is being witnessed
        today  during  this  event.  This  project  is  a
        major  leap  for  the  services  provided  by
        telecommunications  companies,  where

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