Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 83


        UAE, Bahrain Telcos Launch JV to Simplify Intra-Regional Connectivity

        GCC-based  telecoms  operators  Du  and   their  services  while  having  presence  as   your ecosystem across the region,”  said
        Batelco have launched a joint venture, Arc,   close as possible to users,” said Mahesh   Ananda  Bose,  board  member  of  Arc  and
        with  a  mission  to  simplify  intra-regional   Jaishankar,  CEO  designate  at  Arc.  “So   chief  wholesale  and  corporate  officer  at
        connectivity in the Middle East. Arc aims to   far, it has been costly, complex and time-  EITC,  Du’s  parent  company.  “We’re  proud
        offer interconnected data center solutions   consuming  to roll out applications and   to  be  investing  in  Arc  and  supporting  an
        for carrier, cloud and content providers and   services across markets in the Middle East.   innovative  business  that  will  ultimately
        major  enterprise  companies,  a  statement   Arc directly addresses these  challenges   benefit  the  region  and  the  entire  value
        from the UAE and Bahrain telcos said. They   and  provides  a  seamless  platform  for   chain, from carriers through to end users.”
        added that in its initial phase, Arc will offer   cross border connectivity, similar to what   Adel AlDaylami, board member of Arc and
        connectivity solutions to over 30 points of   we have seen in other regions around the   chief global officer Batelco Global, added:
        presence across the Middle East, Asia and   globe.” Arc aims to create a single platform   “For  digital  transformation  and  cloud
        Europe, integrated with data centers in the   for developing agile network ecosystems,   adoption  to  grow  in  the  Middle  East,  it
        UAE  and  Bahrain,  in  addition  to  bridging   offering  prompt  access  to  data  networks   needs to be simpler to connect and host
        cross  connectivity  with  major  regional   and  data  center  infrastructures  across   solutions at the edge of the network.”Arc
        cable  hubs.  “The  challenge  for  network-  the  region.  “Today’s  ICT  market  is  all   is a powerful yet a simple solution that has
        centric  businesses  in  the  Middle  East  is   about  agility  and  experience.  It’s  about   been long overdue in the Middle East.”
        to rapidly connect,  optimize and control   seamlessly connecting hubs and growing

        Up to 60 Million 5G Subscriptions in MEA by 2024: Ericsson

        Initial  5G  technology  subscription  in  the   East. With 5G technology eventually going   of traffic through monitored cameras and
        Middle  East  and  Africa  (MEA)  during  the   mainstream, industries  such as  oil and   sensors. On the consumer side, Bajda said
        next  five  years  –  or  by  2024  –  would  be   gas  –  such  as  the  use  of  drones  with   that 5G technology for individuals is about
        almost double compared with the LTE/4G   high-resolution 5G cameras connected to   experiencing better network speed. “Today,
        technology  take-up  for  a  similar  period,   them – could harmonize their operations   especially in the GCC, video consumption
        Ahmed Ijaz, Ericsson’s principal consultant   towards  efficiency,  Wojciech  Bajda,  the   is  huge;  people  have  better  phones  and
        in Middle East and Africa, told Arab News.   head of Ericsson GCC, told Arab News. “In   higher  resolution  screens  that  will  help
        The 5G subscription in MEA will reach 60   Saudi Arabia, we find that the value of 5G   provide  better  quality  of  service,”  he
        million  users  from  2019  to  2024,  while   will  come  from  a  select  set  of  industries   said.  Mathias  Johansson,  Saudi  Telecom
        4G subscriptions topped 35 million users   and these include the oil and gas sector,”   Company’s  (STC)  head  of  customer  for
        from  2011  to  2015  when  the  region  saw   Ijaz said. The network will help the industry   Saudi  Arabia  and  Egypt,  agreed,  noting
        initial LTE/4G deployments. The 60 million   in  terms  of  controlling  the  pipelines  and   that one of the driving factors behind the
        number would be primarily dominated by   making sure there is monitoring of remote   large number of eventual 5G subscribers in
        countries  in  the  Gulf,  particularly  Saudi   areas,  Bajda  meanwhile  said.  Smart   the region would be the availability of 5G
        Arabia  and  the  UAE,  Ijaz  added.  5G,  or   transportation, Ijaz added, is another sector   enabled  smartphones.  STC  and  Ericsson
        fifth generation technology, is a beefed-up   in Saudi Arabia that will implement the 5G   signed  in  February  a  deal  to  deploy  5G
        version  of  the  LTE/4G  in  terms  of  speed,   network to help make road infrastructure   technology  in  Saudi  Arabia  during  the
        capacity  and  responsiveness  of  wireless   safer  in  the  Kingdom.  Smart  traffic   Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
        networks. Saudi Arabia was the earliest to   systems,  for  example  –  operating  over
        deploy 5G infrastructure across the Middle   a 5G network – could help ease the flow

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