Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 82


        Bangladesh Launches Digital One-Stop Services

        Prime Minister’s ICT Affairs Adviser Sajeeb   Sajeeb Wazed Joy said: “Our goal is that, by   Digital Bangladesh. With the launching of
        Wazed  Joy has inaugurated  here three   the year 2021, majority of citizen services   digital municipality services system in nine
        digital  one-stop  services  -  “Eksheba”,   will be provided either on their fingertips of   municipalities and one city corporation as
        “Ekpay”  and  “Ekshop”  -  to  enable  the   mobile phones or through our union digital   a pilot project, the government has a target
        people  to  get  different  government   centers  at  the  doorsteps  of  people.”  He   to reach the services to 300 municipalities
        services,  utility  bills  and  fees  payment   termed the launching of the digital services   by 2021, he added.
        facilities  and  e-commerce.  According   as  “buildings  blocks”  to  implement  the
        to  a  report  of  the  nation  news  agency
        -- BSS, citizens will be able to pay water
        bills  and  holding  taxes,  get  municipality
        or city corporation certificates, automated
        property management and e-trade license
        facilities  under  the  pilot  program.  The
        newly  launched  “Eksheba”  is  a  single
        platform  where  the  citizens  will  get  162
        government  services.  All  government
        services  (3,000)  will  be  connected  to  the
        digital platform in phases. The “Ekpay” is
        a  one-stop  payment  platform  where  the
        people will get facilities to pay utility bills,
        education related fees and other payments.
        The  “Ekshop”  is  the  country’s  first  “rural
        assisted” e-commerce platform which will
        enable  people  to  get  necessary  products
        in an easier and faster way. Through this
        platform,  people  will  be  able  to  buy  rural
        products.  Speaking  on  the  occasion,

        Pakistan’s Mobile Ecosystem Contributes US$16.7 Billion to GDP

        The  mobile  ecosystem  in  Pakistan  is   between the government of Pakistan and   Pacific on several key human development
        playing an  increasingly important  role,   mobile industry leaders. GSMA recognized   indicators  including  education,  health,
        which  is  evident  from  its  contribution  to   Pakistan’s  efforts  to  incorporate  mobile   and  gender  equality.  GSMA  suggested
        economic  growth.  The  telecom  system   technology  in driving  social development   enhancing  digital  and  financial  inclusion
        contributes  around  $16.7  billion,  5.4%   and  economic  growth.  It  stated  that  the   and  stated  that  Pakistan’s  population
        of  gross  domestic  product  (GDP),  to  the   mobile  broadband  network  now  covered   was  still  in  transition  and  timely  actions
        economy, according to a research report.   80% of the population and 97% of internet   were  needed  for  harnessing  the  benefits
        The  report,  titled  “The  power  of  mobile   connections  were  mobile.  “Pakistan   of  digitalization.  “Mobile  offers  the  most
        to  accelerate  digital  transformation  in   has  nearly  700,000  cellular  Internet  of   extensive and inclusive platform to access
        Pakistan”,  stated  that  the  country  was   Things  (IoT) connections  across areas   the internet  and digital  technologies,
        deriving  socioeconomic  benefits  from   including  agriculture, clean energy,  and   which are vital for the Pakistani economy
        digital   transformation,   however,   its   safe  water  solutions.”  Mobile  operators   and  its  growth  in  an  increasingly
        rapid  population  growth  could  increase   and the ecosystem also provided  direct   connected  world,”  said  GSMA  Head  of
        pressure  on  the  existing  infrastructure.   employment to around 320,000 people in   Asia-Pacific  Julian  Gorman.  Also  present
        This may, in turn, hinder efforts to increase   Pakistan in 2018, said the report. Despite   on  the  occasion,  Minister  of  Information
        social  development.  GSMA  suggested   this, Pakistan still has much to do to realize   Technology  and  Telecommunication
        the  use  of  mobile  platforms  for  national   its development  aspirations as outlined   Khalid   Maqbool   Siddiqui   said   the
        development plans to incorporate devices   in  the  country’s  digital  transformation   government, private sector, and the wider
        for  improving  gender  equality,  health,   initiative,  the  report  added.  The  youth   ecosystem must work together to deliver
        education  and  reducing  poverty.  The   bulge  in  the  country  is  the  catalyzing   the  promise  of  digital  Pakistan.  “The
        report, which examined the transformative   factor in the early realization of the digital   mobile  industry  is  an  important  partner
        opportunities  presented  by  the  mobile-  ecosystem,  which  is  helping  Pakistan   to  deliver  transformational  change  in  the
        enabled  digital  services  in  Pakistan,   in  swiftly  catching  up  with  its  neighbors   digital era and ensure that we bridge the
        was  launched  at  a  roundtable  meeting   in South  Asia  and countries  in the Asia-  digital divide,” he said.
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