Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 49


        Cyber  Security Council  Issues Directives to  Strengthen  Cyber  Incident


        The UAE Government’s  Cyber  Security   try's  leading position in  global compet-  mad Al Kuwaiti, Head of Cyber Security for
        Council  has issued  directives to all  gov-  itiveness indicators. The Cyber Security   the UAE Government, said that all sectors
        ernmental and semi-governmental entities   Council  is  the  official  agency  overseeing   – government and private – around  the
        in the country to adopt advanced solutions   UAE’s  national  cybersecurity  framework,   world  are facing  an unprecedented  level
        in the field of cybersecurity to raise nation-  policies and implementation of best prac-  of digital  attacks  which are increasing in
        al operational efficiency, ensure business   tices. The council has evaluated several   size and complexity. Responding to these
        continuity, and protect against any cyber-  security offerings provided by Etisalat and   security threats requires close cooperation
        security attacks  that  would pose  a  po-  Help AG  and approved Distributed  Denial   between various sectors in order to ensure
        tential risk. In this regard, the council has   of Service (DDoS) mitigation solutions as   the maximum degree of cybersecurity for
        entered into a strategic collaboration with   one  of the national standards to protect   the various vital  sectors. His  Excellency
        Etisalat, one of the world's leading telecom   government and semi-government entities   added  that the  partnership  between  the
        groups in emerging markets, and Help AG,   in the UAE against malicious cyberattacks.   public  and private sectors represented  in
        the cybersecurity arm of Etisalat Digital, as   All entities shortlisted by the  council  will   cooperation  between  the Cyber Security
        part of its continuous efforts to strengthen   receive subsidized subscription  rates  for   Council  and the  most  important service
        the UAE’s  critical infrastructure, improve   the service. Commenting  on the partner-  providers in the country, such as Etisalat,
        its security posture and enhance the coun-  ship,  His Excellency  Dr.  Mohammed  Ha-  is an essential pillar to achieve the nation-
                                                                                 al security agenda of the UAE and enhance
                                                                                 protection  from potential  cyber-attacks.
                                                                                 Hatem Dowidar, Chief Executive Officer of
                                                                                 Etisalat  Group said the partnership with
                                                                                 Cyber Security Council  aims  to  protect
                                                                                 government  entities from malicious cy-
                                                                                 ber-attacks  and  support  the UAE  leader-
                                                                                 ship’s vision of bringing the country at the
                                                                                 forefront in terms of digital transformation.
                                                                                 He added: “Our DDoS mitigation solutions
                                                                                 aim to support the national cybersecurity
                                                                                 strategy and ensure the highest standards
                                                                                 of protection for UAE’s critical infrastruc-
                                                                                 ture. This service provides a multi-layered
                                                                                 protection around the clock by specialised
                                                                                 teams  so  customers  benefit  from  threat
                                                                                 detection  and mitigation on a real-time
                                                                                 basis, keeping  businesses  running  unin-

        Jordan Ranks 96th in the World in Digital Quality of Life Index 2021

        The third  annual  edition of  the Digital   (98th).  Jordan ranks  last  (12th) among   digital wellbeing areas, as  its  DQL  index
        Quality  of Life Index (DQL)  ranks  Jordan   all  indexed Western Asia  countries,   is 30% worse than the global average.
        96th among 110 countries. Covering 90%   surpassed by Oman, Qatar, and Azerbaijan.   The internet could be more affordable, as
        of the global population, the DQL study is   The country shows a competitive rank in   it ranks only 94th worldwide. People  in
        conducted by the cybersecurity company   e-infrastructure, claiming 50th  position   Jordan have  to  work  almost  10  hours to
        Surfshark and evaluates countries  based   in the world. The study shows that 85%   afford the cheapest  broadband  internet
        on  a  set  of  five  fundamental  digital   of individuals use the internet  in Jordan,   package,  4  hours more than the global
        wellbeing pillars. Joining the study for the   which  is the 40th best result  globally.   average. E-security  could  also  be better
        first time, Jordan shows its highest score   Additionally,  the  country  ranks  38th  in   since Jordan ranks  100th  in  this  pillar.
        in  e-infrastructure  (50th)  but displays   broadband speed  growth.  Since  the   The  score is 50% worse than the global
        comparatively lower results in internet   COVID-19  pandemic,  it  has  improved by   average. “Digital opportunities have proved
        affordability (94th), internet quality (90th),   52% and  now is  23.49  Mbps.  However,   to be more important than ever during the
        e-security (100th), and e-government   Jordan has  room  for improvement in  all   COVID-19 crisis, stressing the importance

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