Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 51


        Winners of Internet of Things (IoT) The Communications and Information

        Technology Commission (CITC) and Monshaat Challenge Announced.

        The Communications  and Information Technology
        Commission (CITC) announced the winners of the Internet
        of Things (IoT) challenge, organized in partnership with
        the Small  and Medium Enterprises  General  Authority's
        (Monshaat) Thakaa  Center.  The  announcement  was
        made at  a  ceremony  attended  by  His  Excellency  the
        Governor  of CITC, Dr.  Muhammad bin Saud  Al-Tamimi
        and the Governor of Monshaat, Eng. Saleh bin Ibrahim
        Al-Rasheed. Winning first place was Firnas Aero winning
        an SR200,000 prize for presenting an innovative product
        in “Transportation and Logistics” path, In second place
        was  iOcean winning SR150,000  for their innovation in
        “Improve Quality  of Life” path, In  third place, winning
        SR100,000 was Qinwan for their innovation in “Green and
        Smart  Buildings” path. Commenting  on this occasion
        was Deputy  Governor  for Information  Technology  and
        Emerging Technologies at CITC, Raed Al-Fayez. He noted
        that the projects submitted in the challenge, in their various
        tracks, highlight the extent to which our national cadres
        possess ideas and innovations. "With unlimited support
        by  our wise leadership,  innovators  can keep  pace with
        the Kingdom's aspirations in innovation and strengthen
        the technology sector," he added. The challenge is one of
        the authority's initiatives to enable entrepreneurs to put
        forward smart solutions that will equip them to develop
        innovative products based on the IoT in the areas most
        in need, added Al-Fayez. This will further enable them to
        keep pace with the acceleration of innovation in emerging
        technologies in the Kingdom through unique, innovative
        ways to lead Saudi companies, contributing to achieving
        the Kingdom's  Vision 2030  goals.  From his part,  the
        Vice  Governor  of Monashaat for Entrepreneurship,
        Eng.  Abdulmajeed Al-Omrani  said  that  the digital
        transformation has  contributed  to the development  of
        digital infrastructure. It has improved the quality of life,
        facilitated access to services, and raised their efficiency.
        IoT-based technologies  have  provided incredible
        opportunities in  the ongoing  development  phase we're
        experiencing,  giving  tremendous  opportunities  for
        many new innovative solutions. Al-Omrani added  that
        the objectives of the IoT challenge  intersects  with the
        strategic objectives of Monshaat and CITC by spreading
        a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. "Through
        this challenge, we strive to increase the number of IoT
        startup  companies,  find  solutions  to  address  existing
        challenges and create new economic opportunities, while
        encouraging local talents to innovate," said Al-Omrani .
        He added that Monshaat is keen on promoting innovation
        and developing  the Kingdom's  science  and technology   aims to enable entrepreneurs to design smart solutions, provide innovative
        fields and products to support the transformation into a   products based on IoT technologies in the areas most in need of them.
        knowledge society, encouraging innovative and talented   The challenge also encourages national talents to increase the number of
        developers and entrepreneurs in scientific, technical, and   technology companies in IoT, find solutions to address the challenges in
        intellectual areas. It is noteworthy that the IoT challenge   the area, and create new economic opportunities.

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