Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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The United Arab Emirates, as a case in Data says human reference time is 200- FUTURE OF VIDEO ANALYTICS WITH 5G
point, already has a well-developed infra- 300 ms. 4G technology operates ~ 100- 5G's high speed, ultra-low latency, and
structure, and envisions to expanding its 200ms and 5G claims 1ms latency. With secure connectivity will enable the
role as a hub for wholesale and retail trade, a traffic capacity of 10Mbps per square widespread adoption of video analytics
tourism, and as a real estate destination. metre in hotspot area and user experienced solutions – Implementation of an intelligent
This growth in various sectors augments data transfer rates up to 1Gbps, 5G is thus network would help in the modernization
the need for security advancements, there- becoming a game-changer in the world of of legacy video surveillance systems, real-
by providing tremendous opportunities for safety & security surveillance. time data processing, the shift to edge /
the growth of the video analytics solutions. cloud, uninterrupted streaming on devices,
Additionally, the government's efforts With 5G‘s capability of Enhanced Mobile and more.
to promote smart city projects focus on Broadband (eMBB) and Ultra-reliable
transforming services across various sec- Low Latency (uRLLC) services coupled Opportunities are endless. As the world
tors, such as transportation, infrastructure, with Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC), has begun shifting towards the concept
communication, and others. This will also near-elimination of responsiveness of 'smart cities’, ‘intelligent devices’,
offer a fillip to the video analytics market in (aka latency) will be a boost to the video and ‘smart manufacturing’, camera-
the country. As per a report, it is estimated surveillance application. Not to mention based analytical solutions are already
that video surveillance is witnessing fast- the quantum leap of the image quality as experiencing a rise in demand in the
paced growth by outpacing the total com- 5G promises to support 4k /8K HD quality global market. Pandemic has provided
mercial security market in the region. The video streaming. the much-needed boost to the industry
industrial and commercial sectors will hold to deliver touchless innovative solutions.
close to 50% of the share in the total video 5G-enabled CCTV cameras are being used 5G would act as an enabler to the ever-
surveillance market. in face recognition, object recognition, increasing population's requirement of
event recognition, intelligent image safety & security. Additionally, the wireless
5G & VIDEO ANALYTICS processing, remote asset management, network will make CCTV installations
Before getting into the intricate details of behavioural detection, and analytics, quicker and economical. The cameras will
5G’s influence on video analytics, let us thereby offering whole new possibilities move away from the need for traditional
check some interesting facts. 5G down- of video analytics. Going ahead, we will cabling. Drone-mounted and Unmanned
load speeds range from around 50 Mbps witness video surveillance systems being Vehicle-Mounted (UAV) cameras app-
to 1.8 Gbps or more, which varies as per powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence), lications are increasingly being adopted by
the network conditions. To give you an ex- machine learning and deep learning governments and enterprises alike. With
ample, a 3GB movie that took almost half algorithm as these video analytics real-time data processing capability over
an hour to download via 4G would only solutions can detect objects or events of MEC, ultra-low latency 5G services are
take around 30 seconds on 5G networks. interest, by analysing and monitoring live poised to take the world by storm.
Having said that, latency can also disrupt video streams or recorded images from the
streaming content and cause a slight delay surveillance cameras. Shaping the Future Cities
when sensor networks take in data, trans- By 2025, as per estimates, there could be
mit it somewhere else for processing, and VIDEO ANALYTICS: SOME USE-CASES over 75 billion connected devices around
then respond. With IoT applications like There is no doubt that every industry, the world. Security surveillance systems
autonomous vehicles, fast response times private, public, or government will stand ought to ensure the highest level of
with low latency connections are essential. to be benefitted from the rollout of 5G availability, reliability, and speed, which
Current 4G networks generally have laten- intelligent network. The technology will ultimately warrants the deployment of a
cy rates between 50-100 milliseconds, but impact any solutions under the ambit of 5G network for IP camera-based remote
5G could potentially reduce that rate to 1-4 camera-based real-time video analytics. video surveillance systems. Around 56
milliseconds, creating incredibly reliable Tech Mahindra along with one of its cities worldwide have already deployed
and high-performance networks. When partners Deep Sight AI Labs present to the surveillance technologies powered by
such stats are presented before the con- world a plethora of use cases critical for automatic data mining, facial recognition,
sumers, one would really not need any fur- the safety & security of personnel & assets and other forms of artificial intelligence.
ther reason to shift to 5G. Isn’t it! under consideration. A few of them are:
• COVID protocol adherence With the assimilation of 5G, cameras, and
Camera-based solutions require to • Workplace safety adherence analytics all get together, the result can
stream HD quality images/videos to the • Fire hazard alert be anybody’s guess. We would be able to
data centres. With the enhancement in • Visual quality inspection live in a world where walking on the roads
analytical capability, end-users have • Perimeter surveillance and intrusion will be safer and driving will be easier, all
started demanding insights to be derived detection thanks to 5 G-powered video surveillance.
out of these huge data getting generated The integration of IoT devices in video and Needless to say, that the possibilities of
continuously. A 4K HD quality camera data analytics provides us with massive using technology to enhance the quality
guzzle out 25 Mbps. This data needs to be amounts of data that can be leveraged to of life are beyond imagination, and 5G just
analysed in near-real to real-time. draw actionable insights. empowers us to realize the dream of a
74 OCTOBER 2021