Page 151 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         National Telecom  Operator (NTO) category, which   Airtel has benefitted from reduced license fees for its
                         applies to operators  with more than 65% nationwide   PSP  and PIP  permits,  when it  should  be paying the
                         network  coverage.  Rival  firms  have  complained  that   much higher NTO fee. (September 14, 2020)

                         The Cabinet of  Ministers  has  approved an  action   Communications & Informatization (NCCIR) has issued
                         plan  for  2020-2022  to  improve  the quality  of  mobile   a notice for local fixed telephony operators regarding
                         communications, including preparations for the launch   the possibility of continuing  services for subscribers
                         of 5G technology, reports citing Prime Minister   of CST-Invest (NewTone), a subsidiary of Telesystems
                         Denis  Shmyhal’s  announcement  via  his  Telegram   (PEOPLEnet), in Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Melitopol, as
        Ukraine          channel.  The  PM  wrote:  ‘We  are  talking  about  the   the provider is ceasing its operations in those cities.
                         implementation of European approaches to the quality   CST-Invest  holds  allocations  of  4,200  fixed  numbers
                         of communication and electronic  communication   in Zaporizhia, 1,300 numbers  in Melitopol  and 1,000
                         services. Part of this plan will include provisions that   numbers  in  Kharkiv.  PEOPLEnet  has  been  steadily
                         will make it possible to further introduce 5G technology   reducing its coverage zones, most recently disclosing
                         in Ukraine.’ The plan stipulates the adoption of national   that it will stop providing fixed-wireless telephony and
                         standards meeting European  ETSI  standards for the   mobile  CDMA services in the Kharkiv  region  (oblast)
                         implementation  of  5G  technologies.  Before  the  end   on 1 December 2020. The mobile shutdown in Kharkiv
                         of this year, the government intends to approve legal   means that the company  will  serve mobile  users in
                         amendments  supporting 5G via  allocation  of radio   just  one  oblast,  Dnipropetrovsk.  TeleGeography’s
                         frequency resources including the technology-neutral   GlobalComms Database shows that PEOPLEnet offered
                         usage of existing mobile spectrum bands.       CDMA  mobile services in  all  25  Ukrainian  oblasts
                         (October 2, 2020)              before  beginning  a  phased shutdown in  September
                                                                        2015, reducing its footprint to two oblasts in May 2017.
                         The National Commission for  State Regulation  of   (September 21, 2020)

                         British  telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  published  a   a 30 November deadline. Following this, it has said it
                         statement and consultation  related to  a  proposed   expects to publish a decision statement and the final
                         package of measures designed to implement the new   set of revised regulatory rules before 21 December
                         customer  protections  provided for in the European   2020. (October 28, 2020)
        United           Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Although the   British  telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  launched  a
                         UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, there is a transition
        Kingdom          period  until 31 December  2020  and under  the terms   supplementary consultation  to its Wholesale  Fixed
                         of  its  Withdrawal  Agreement  the country  remains   Telecoms  Market Review  (WFTMR), putting  forward
                         under  obligation to implement  EU  directives into   plans to revise  previous proposals which would
                         domestic law. As such, the EECC – an EU directive that   allow for the  withdrawal of remaining  regulations  on
                         updates  the  regulations for communications  – must   copper services where fiber services are available, and
                         be implemented  by  21  December 2020  and in  July   where certain conditions are met in exchanges where
                         this  year,  the  UK  government  confirmed  that  OFCOM   ultrafast  coverage  is  complete.  BT’s  network  arm
                         should proceed to implement the customer protections   Openreach is understood to be planning to upgrade its
                         in  the  EECC  in  full,  as  planned.  As  part  of  OFCOM’s   copper network to fiber on an exchange-by-exchange
                         latest publication regarding the matter, it highlighted a   basis, and as each exchange is upgraded the company
                         number of key elements of its plans including: a ban on   plans to migrate customers  to the new network and
                         mobile providers from selling locked devices, which will   then withdraw copper services altogether. OFCOM set
                         come into force in December 2021; measures designed   out a proposed policy on copper retirement as part of
                         to  making broadband switching easier and more   the WFTMR consultation it published in January this
                         reliable (December 2022); better contract information   year; in this it  said  the aim  of  its  copper  retirement
                         and stronger rights to exit (June 2022); and measures   proposals was to promote fiber investment by shifting
                         to  ensure that  disabled customers have equivalent   the focus of regulation from copper to fiber, to support
                         access to information  about their communications   the  migration  to  fiber  services.  As  per  these  initial
                         services (December 2021). OFCOM is now consulting   proposals, OFCOM did not propose to allow Openreach
                         on  aligning  the  definitions  and  terminology  used   to withdraw existing copper services during the market
                         across  its  regulatory  rules, to  make  sure  they  are   review  period (2021-2026).  However,  the regulator
                         clear and consistent, and it has invited responses by   now notes that since  the January  2020 consultation

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