Page 153 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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the likes of the Wi-Fi Alliance, Wireless Broadband The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Alliance, Microsoft and Broadcom; it sparked ire among Chairman Ajit Pai defended the regulator’s 2017
operator groups including CTIA, which hoped to secure order repealing net neutrality protections, arguing no
part of the band for licensed use. changes to its policy are needed to address concerns
(October 24, 2020) raised by a court last year. A US appeals court upheld
the majority of the FCC’s order in an October 2019
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling, but instructed it to tackle issues related to the
has confirmed that it has received a total of 74 short- move’s impact on public safety communications, utility
form applications ahead of its planned auction of pole access and funding for the Lifeline broadband
spectrum in the 3.7GHz-3.98GHz band. The spectrum subsidy program, finding it failed to do so previously.
sale, Auction 107, is scheduled to commence on 8 Accordingly, the FCC opened a public consultation on
December 2020. Of the applications, 38 are said to the matter in February. Pai said in a blog after reviewing
be complete, while the remaining 36 are incomplete. “the input received, the law and the facts”, he is
Companies that have filed incomplete paperwork have “confident” the regulator’s existing framework already
until 2 November to rectify any issues and make the “appropriately and adequately addresses each issue”.
required upfront payment. Notable would-be bidders He added the commission will vote later this month on
in the ‘complete’ category include AT&T Spectrum a proposal reaffirming its 2017 order and explaining
Frontiers, Cellco Partnership (Verizon Wireless), Cox how it applies to each of the points raised by the court.
Communications and US Cellular, while ‘incomplete’ Commission Jessica Rosenworcel in a statement
applicants include Cellular South (C Spire) and T-Mobile slammed Pai’s proposal as “crazy”, arguing “instead
US. Both lists are dominated by smaller, regional of taking this opportunity to right what this agency got
providers. In total, 5,684 licenses will be auctioned, wrong, we are going to double down on our mistake”.
divided into 14 sub-blocks in each of the 406 Partial The measure is likely to pass despite Rosenworcel’s
Economic Areas (PEAs). The A-block will incorporate objection: Pai’s political party holds a 3-2 majority on
five 20MHz blocks in the 3.7GHz–3.8GHz range; the five-member commission.
the B-block will include five 20MHz blocks between (October 6, 2020)
3.8GHz-3.9GHz; and the C-block will comprise four
20MHz sub-blocks between 3900MHz-3980MHz; The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
spectrum in the 3980MHz-4000MHz range will be has extended a number of wireless licenses held by DISH
maintained as a guard band and is not available for Network, also modifying certain 5G rollout obligations
auction. (October 21, 2020) attached to the concessions. The watchdog’s decision
relates to licenses held by a number of DISH holding
The FCC said that almost 400 applicants have qualified companies, namely: American H Block Wireless, DBSD
to bid in the upcoming Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Corporation, Gamma Acquisition, Manifest Wireless and
(RDOF) Phase 1 auction, which is scheduled to launch Wireless. For each of DISH’s AWS-4, Lower
Oct. 29. The FCC also said that the 386 applicants are 700 E Block, and AWS H Block licenses, the license term
a 75% increase over the number of bidders in the 2018 has been modified to 14 June 2023; DISH is obligated
Connect America Fund Phase II auction, which was to provide 5G access to at least 70% of the population
the forerunner of RDOF. In the reverse auction, up to in each Economic Area (EA) by this date. Meanwhile,
$16 billion is available in subsidies for rural broadband for each of DISH’s 600MHz licenses, the license term is
buildouts over 10 years. The money will go to census unchanged (i.e. 14 June 2029), but the interim build out
tracks lacking the FCC's definition of minimum high- deadline (14 June 2023) has been removed. Instead,
speed broadband service. The FCC has said those the final build out deadline has been accelerated to
eligible areas have about 5.3 million unserved homes, 14 June 2025; DISH must offer 5G access to at least
or perhaps upwards of 10 million people, as well as 75% of the population in each Partial Economic Area
businesses. While anything over the FCC's 25 mbps (PEA) by this date. As per FCC documentation, DISH is
upstream/3 mbps downstream high speed definition is currently in possession of the following concessions:
eligible for the money, the FCC will prioritize bids for American H Block Wireless (176 AWS H block licenses
higher speeds and lower latency. “The unprecedented in the 1915MHz-1920MHz/1995MHz-2000MHz
interest in this auction is due in large part to key band); DBSD Corporation (176 AWS-4 licenses in
decisions by the FCC, including providing substantial the 2010MHz-2020MHz/2190MHz-2200MHz band);
funding and promoting technological neutrality toward Gamma Acquisition (176 AWS-4 licenses in the
potential bidding participants, as well as our staff’s 2000MHz-2010MHz/2180MHz-2190MHz band);
extensive work to spread awareness of the program Manifest Wireless (168 licenses in the Lower 700MHz
and ensure the broadest participation in a competitive E block band); and Wireless (486 licenses
auction that will deliver real benefits to rural Americans in the 600MHz band).
across the country," said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. (September 17, 2020)
(October 13, 2020)
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