Page 149 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
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                         Telecommunications  regulator  the  Independent  back in July was  delayed. ICASA said the delay  was
                         Communications  Authority of SA (ICASA) said  it  is   due,  in part, to the emergency  spectrum  allocation
                         inviting applications from mobile operators to bid for   given  by the government  to allow network operators
                         high-speed broadband spectrum from October 2 and   to cope with increased communications demand due
        South Africa     announced prices for 5G spectrum. "The authority will   to Covid-19 and lockdowns. Additionally, the authority
                                                                        had been finalizing terms around how the WOAN would
                         make available 406 MHz of spectrum for the provision
                         of mobile broadband  services in South  Africa,"   work, and the government  had still  been  appointing
                         Independent  Communications  Authority  of South   new  councilors  —  a  process  recently  concluded.  “In
                         Africa (ICASA) chairperson  Keabetswe Modimoeng   light of the time lost  as  a  result  of the delay  in the
                         told journalists. (September 30, 2020)  issuing of the ITAs, the auction  of the high-demand
                                                                        spectrum, which was originally contemplated to take
                         Telecommunications  regulator  the  Independent  place during December 2020, will be completed by no
                         Communications Authority of SA (ICASA) says it has   later  than  March  31  2021,”  said  the  authority.  ICASA
                         had to delay the issuing of new spectrum  to March   says  it  will  issue an invitation to network operators
                         2021.  ICASA said  the invitation to apply (ITA) for   to  take part  in the long awaited auction by  the end
                         both  the  wireless  open  access  network  (WOAN)  and   of September.  A  glimmer of hope for new spectrum
                         the international  mobile  telecommunications  (IMT)   came about earlier in 2020 as the government issued
                         spectrum,  also known as high-demand  spectrum,   additional temporary allocation to operators  such  as
                         would be published “no later than 30 September 2020.”   MTN,  Telkom,  Vodacom,  Rain  and  Liquid  Telecom  in
                         Spectrum  refers to the radio frequencies  on which   the hopes  of coping  with increased communications
                         data  and information are carried. Mobile operators   demand because of Covid-19. Vodacom and MTN have
                         have long  argued  that access  to spectrum  will help   already used  this to launch  commercial 5G services.
                         reduce  the cost  of mobile  data  in SA because  it  will   The ITA is also important because it would give industry
                         allow the companies to cover a wider geographic area   players guidance on prices for the auction, which still
                         with existing towers while carrying more data traffic.   remain unclear. A previous ITA was scrapped in 2018
                         SA’s  last  big  set  of  spectrum  was  allocated  in  2004   after squabbles between the regulator and Minister of
                         and 2005, enabling Vodacom and MTN to roll out their   Telecommunications  and Postal Services Siyabonga
                         3G networks. Cell C followed in 2011. New spectrum   Cwele. That ITA did indicate that a minimum bidding
                         had been slated to be allocated in December 2020, but   price at auction would be about R3bn.
                         the ITA for the auction, expected to have been issued   (September 6, 2020)

                         South Korea's telecommunications regulator said that it   disease.
                         will inspect the country's three major telecom operators   (September 6, 2020)
                         on their handling of user location data over concerns
                         of  mismanagement. The Korea  Communications   A new taskforce has been launched by South Korea’s
        South Korea      Commission (KCC) said the planned inspections of SK   Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) and the country’s
                                                                        three mobile network operators (MNOs) – SK Telecom,
                         Telecom Co., KT Corp. and LG Uplus Corp. are meant to
                         check whether they properly manage location data to   KT Corp and LG Uplus – with a view to helping expand
                         ensure user rights. Under local laws, telecom operators   5G coverage  into rural areas.  The initiative aims  to
                         can collect and manage user location data for a certain   enable  network  sharing between  the three cellcos
                         period  of time, only after receiving  user  consent,   in  areas  of  low  population  density.  Each  MNO  will
                         according to the KCC. The move comes amid growing   reportedly roll out infrastructure in a designated area,
                         privacy concerns after the telecom operators handed   with access to this then being opened up to the other
                         over location data  of individuals  who participated in   two  operators,  once  a  final  agreement  regarding  the
                         a mass demonstration in central Seoul last month to   terms of network sharing has been reached (expected
                         health authorities  as  part  of anti-infection  measures   within the  next six months).  Notably, the  MSIT has
                         against the pandemic. Under the country's infectious   claimed the development represents the first time that
                         disease control and prevention law, health authorities   the three MNOs will work together on a national level to
                         can request  information on potentially infected   share network infrastructure.
                         individuals to  track  them and prevent the spread of   (September 2, 2020) Yonhap News Agency

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