Page 169 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         The  Agency for  Regulation  and  Control  of  Telecoms   and in an interview with media outlet Iwacu, Jean-Marie
                         (Agence  de   Regulation  et  de  Controle  des  Lacroix, commercial director of Smart, argued that the
                         Telecommunications, ARCT) in Burundi has reportedly   decision  to close  the  cellco was  politically  motivated
                         shut  down mobile  network operator (MNO)  Smart   as it benefits one of its competitors, Lumitel – which
        Burundi          Burundi over its failure to settle its tax arrears and the   is  owned  by Vietnamese  Army-backed  Viettel  and
                         expiration of its operating license on 27 July. The ARCT   which is ‘suspected  of harboring some members of
                         requested Smart to cease all operations on 18 August   the  regime  within  its  shareholding’.  Nevertheless,  the
                         at which point it reputedly owed around USD3.2 million   ARCT upholds that the measures are appropriate, with
                         in arrears. Further, the regulator noted that whilst Smart   Director General Samuel Muhizi also adding that even if
                         had filed to have its license renewed in March this year,   it resolves its financial situation, Smart Burundi may not
                         its failure ‘to provide the certificate of non-accountability   be able to continue to operate. ‘Renewing your operating
                         requested by the Burundian Revenue Office which must   license after the network has closed is a real obstacle
                         confirm that the telecom company owes nothing to the   course. The presidency gets involved since this requires
                         tax authorities’ meant that its concession subsequently   a presidential decree, among other things,’ he is quoted
                         lapsed. The beleaguered company has hit back, however,   as saying. (September 6, 2022)

                         The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications   sessions of MVNO subscribers do not drop when they
                         Commission (CRTC) has issued decisions on the terms   move between coverage zones and that MVNO access
                         and  conditions  for  MVNO  access to the  networks of   is  offered  on  current  and  future  wireless  networks,
        Canada           national infrastructure-based mobile operators Rogers,   including  5G.  The  CRTC says it  is  denying  several
                                                                        provisions that would make the MVNO access service
                         Bell and Telus, and Saskatchewan provincial operator
                         SaskTel,  who must  now begin  accepting  requests  for   more restrictive and is preventing any provisions that
                         access to their  networks and  enter  negotiations  with   would  restrict  regional  providers from  reselling  their
                         regional mobile providers to agree on wholesale MVNO   wholesale  access  to  other  MVNOs.  Bell  Mobility,
                         rates. The CRTC says its latest initiatives will:  Rogers, Telus and SaskTel must now begin accepting
                         •  open the  door  for more  companies,  in  particular   requests from regional wireless carriers for access to
                           smaller  regional  providers in  rural areas, to provide   their  networks  and  enter  negotiations  with  regional
                           greater competition and choice to more Canadians  wireless providers to agree on wholesale MVNO rates.
                         •  ensure that MVNO access is offered on current and   The CRTC established a policy last year to help MVNOs
                           future mobile networks, including 5G, ‘denying several   to be launched in the Canadian market.
                           provisions that would make the MVNO access service   (October 20, 2022)
                           more restrictive or difficult to use’
                         •  prevent  any  provisions  that  would  restrict  regional   Innovation, Science & Economic Development Canada
                           providers from  reselling  their  wholesale  access to   (ISED) has stopped major national operator Telus from
                           other MVNOs. (October 24, 2022)  acquiring mobile  broadband  spectrum in  Manitoba
                                                                        from the  defunct  Xplore  Mobile,  which  shut  down at
                         The  federal telecommunications regulator  says it   the end of last month. Explaining its decision to block
                         has made decisions that it hopes will provide greater   the frequency transaction application, ISED stated: ‘The
                         competition in the mobile wireless market. The CRTC   proposed transfer raised substantial concerns that the
                         says  it  is  giving  mobile  virtual  network  operators   resulting concentration of spectrum would impede the
                         which  resell  wireless  communications  service  in   ability of future mobile competitors to provide wireless
                         more rural  areas  access to the wireless  networks of   services and effectively compete in Manitoba.’
                         Canada’s largest telecom providers. The regulator says   (September 21, 2022)
                         the  changes  will  help  ensure  that  the  calls  and  data

                         President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of   utilized. Tshisekedi argues that this inaction has made
                         Congo has ordered the implementation of the country’s   “effective  management”  of the  funds  impossible,  and
                         universal  service fund (USF)  within  “a  reasonable   has  now  ordered  that  the  money  be  used  to  finance
                         timeframe”. The fund was created in October 2002 via   infrastructure initiatives  to enable  widespread and
        Congo            framework law No. 013/2002 with the goal of delivering   affordable  access  to  ICT  that  reflects  the  “current
                         mobile  connectivity  to  the  majority  of  the  country’s   configuration of the digital ecosystem.”
                         population. It accrues funds via a 3% levy on operator   (September 22, 2022)
                         revenue  –  and  these  funds  have  thus  far  not  been

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