Page 170 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 170
The President Rodrigo Chaves Robles has confirmed all of the state-owned company’s 5G-suitable spectrum
that he has signed an agreement which will see holdings to the Ministry of Science, Technology and
state-backed utility firm/telco Grupo ICE return its Telecommunications (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia
unused 5G-suitable spectrum. The agreement covers y Telecomunicaciones, MICITT) within six months.
Costa Rican frequencies in the 3400MHz-3500MHz and 3600MHz- Back on 25 June 2021 the MICITT notified Grupo ICE
3625MHz bands. President Chaves commented: of its intention to retrieve the operator’s 5G-suitable
‘Costa Rica must take full advantage of the benefits frequencies, as it sought to further the country’s
of technological progress and convergence, for this wider 5G ambitions. Subsequently, in November
reason, the Government of the Republic committed 2021 the Superintendency of Telecommunications
itself to the Costa Ricans to materialize the deployment (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, Sutel)
of 5G in Costa Rica – to resume the path of development informed the MICITT that it was unwilling to reimburse
and economic growth without leaving anyone behind.’ ICE for its unused frequencies, prompting the state-
In May 2022, in one of his first acts after assuming backed company to dig in its heels.
power, the new president ordered Grupo ICE to return (September 9, 2022)
Telecoms operators have met with representatives to discuss QoS improvements, while the ARTCI will
of the government and the Regulatory Authority for be given additional powers to take steps to enhance
Telecommunications in Cote d’Ivoire (Autorite de service levels. Discussions will also center on how
Regulation des Telecommunications de Cote d’Ivoire, to deal with disruption from outside factors such
Cote d’Ivoire ARTCI) to discuss quality of service (QoS) issues. A as extreme weather, climactic changes, road works,
report from Ecofin says the meeting was organized by
building projects and energy outages. Cote d’Ivoire is
the country’s Minister of Digital Economy and Telecoms, served by three main telcos, Orange, MTN and Moov,
Amadou Coulibaly, amid concerns that poor QoS levels plus several smaller operators which are active in the
are hindering efforts towards digital transformation. fixed broadband sector.
The parties have decided to reactivate a working group (September 26, 2022)
The Regulatory Agency for Network Operations Licenses will be valid for 15 years, with an optional five-
(Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrezne djelatnosti, year extension, and can be used for 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G
HAKOM) has invited applications for its multi-band networks. Applications will be accepted between 17
spectrum auction which is scheduled to begin on 16 October and 4 November. There will also be up to 80MHz
Croatia January. The sale includes 60MHz in the 800MHz band, available in the 3.5GHz band for regional (county level)
70MHz at 900MHz, 150MHz at 1800MHz, 120MHz in operations, though this will be allocated via a separate
the 2100MHz range and 140MHz in the 2.6GHz band. auction process. (October 13, 2022)
A company named TeraMobil has been granted a to Cooper, a proposed national decree could lead to
concession to provide telecommunications services the introduction of mobile number portability (MNP),
including mobile telephony and internet access in allowing customers of existing cellcos Digicel and
Curacao, the country’s Minister of Traffic, Transport UTS (Chippie) to switch networks while retaining their
Curacao and Urban Planning, Charles Cooper, confirmed to telephone numbers, while the government hopes that
local media. The licensing permits TeraMobil to set up licensing new entrants will lead to improved competition
its own transmission towers, enter into agreements to and lower consumer prices.
use existing towers, and sign up customers. According (September 22, 2022) Curacao Chronicle
Turkcell has announced that it has been notified by award 16 blocks of spectrum to the two existing mobile
the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s (TRNC’s) operators in the TRNC, KKTC Telsim and KKTCell. The
Information Technologies and Communication Authority 4G authorizations will have an 18-year validity and will
(Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Haberlesme Kurumu, BTHK) that require successful bidders to deploy 4G technology
Cyprus the 4G/5G frequency auction (scheduled to be held on 6 with minimum downlink of 30Mbps ten months after
October) has been suspended due to an objection made license award. Regarding 5G, the authorizations in the
to the Competition Board. The BTHK was planning to 700MHz and 3.6GHz bands will be valid for 15 years;