Page 172 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                          temporary  period  following  the  spectrum auction  in   outlines  initial  assessments  of the  further  allocation
                          2019. The company has now been set deadlines to give   procedure: due to the scarcity of frequencies, the FNA
                          up this dual role.’ (October 24, 2022)  prefers an award process, specifically an auction, but
                                                                        for the 800MHz band, it proposes a ‘frequency swap’,
                          The  Federal  Network Agency (FNA) has  published   whereby the existing usage rights would expire at the
                          for public consultation a position paper on the future   end of 2033, rather than 2025, while the usage rights
                          allocation  of certain  mobile radio frequencies, with   for the 900MHz band would expire at the end of 2025
                          the  aim  of  balancing  the  interests  of established   rather  than  2033  and  would then  be  assigned  at  the
                          mobile operators  with  those  of potential  new market   earlier date. The regulator states that this move would
                          entrants.  At  the end  of 2025  the  allocations  for the   secure  the  existing  LTE  coverage  based  on  800MHz
                          usage rights  for spectrum  in  800MHz,  1800MHz  and   frequencies in the longer term, but would also enable
                          2600MHz bands will expire, and the regulator is aiming   newcomers to obtain  spectrum in  the  range  below
                          to give all market participants investment and planning   1GHz. Interested parties have until 21 November 2021
                          security at  an  early stage  as  to how the  frequencies   to submit comments on the position paper.
                          will be made available again. The FNA’s position paper   (September 26, 2022)

                          The  Minister  of Communications  and  Digitalization,   encourage  mobile subscribers  to complete the  SIM
                          Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, announced that all unregistered   registration  campaign  that  began  last  November.
                          SIM cards will be blocked progressively from the end   Since  5  September,  all  four  MNOs  –  AirtelTigo,  Glo
                          of October. According to the Ministry, the decision to   Mobile,  MTN  and  Vodafone  –  are  required  to  block
        Ghana             delay  account deactivations  following  the  conclusion   outgoing calls and data services for a sequential batch
                          of the re-registration exercise on 30 September is not
                                                                        of unregistered and partially  registered numbers for
                          an  extension  to the  deadline,  but  rather  a  ‘temporary   48  hours every week on rotational  basis.  In  addition,
                          moratorium’  to encourage  customers to complete   subscribers who have not begun their registration will
                          the  process.  In  a  statement,  Mrs.  Owusu-Ekuful said   hear  an  automated  campaign awareness  message
                          it  was ‘disconcerting’  that  almost  ten  million  people   before their outgoing calls are connected. According to
                          had linked a SIM to their Ghana Card (stage one of the   the directive, all mobile and data-only SIM cards which
                          registration) but not completed the process by verifying   remain  unregistered  or partially  registered  after  30
                          their biometric data. ‘There is no excuse for this since   September will be completely blocked and the holders
                          these individuals have their Ghana Cards, have started   will lose all services. However, these customers will then
                          the process, and had ample opportunity to fully register   have another six months to complete the registration
                          their SIM Cards, including through the use of the self-  process, following which the numbers will be churned.
                          registration app which is the first of its kind in the world,’   Meanwhile,  the  telcos  have  been  asked  to  configure
                          the statement added. According to data released by the   their  networks  to  allow  Ghanaians  living  abroad  to
                          Ministry, approximately  28.96  million  SIM cards  had   register their SIM cards using their passports instead
                          been linked to Ghana Cards as of 4 October, equivalent   of the Ghana Card until 31 December 2022, when they
                          to 67.3%  of the  42.75  million  SIMs issued  nationally.   will also be required to regularize their registrations with
                          Only 18.93 million (44.3% of total issued) had been fully   the new ID card or suffer punitive measures. Customers
                          registered by the same date, however.         who have completed  stage  one (linking  their  Ghana
                          (October 18, 2022)        Card  with  their  SIM)  are  encouraged  to  finalize  the
                                                                        process  by providing  the  necessary biometric data
                          The  National  Communications Authority  (NCA)  has   using the NCA’s new self-registration app.
                          announced a set  of punitive measures  designed  to   (September 6, 2022)

                         The National Telecommunications & Post Commission   (October 18, 2022)
                         (Ethniki  Epitropi Tilepikoinonion  kai  Tachydromeion,
                         EETT)  has  launched  the  process  to select  a  new   The National Telecommunications & Post Commission
                         universal  service  provider.  A  consultation  last  month   (Ethniki  Epitropi Tilepikoinonion  kai  Tachydromeion,
        Greece           brought responses from just two firms, Nova and Wind,   EETT) has opened a consultation process on the draft
                                                                        notice for the selection of a universal service provider.
                         both of which are subsidiaries of United Group and are
                         due to be merged to create a fully converged operation.   Admissions  will  be  accepted  until  11  October. In
                         Nova was chosen as universal service provider in 2016   September 2016  Forthnet  (now Nova)  won a tender
                         and uses satellite technology to offer fixed voice and   to provide universal  services from  1  January 2017.
                         broadband services to 100% of the territory of Greece   (September 13, 2022)
                         for an annual payment by the state.
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