Page 176 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                         firm Helios Investment Partners. Sources speaking to   by an investor that did not align with the government’s
                         Business Daily, said the equity firm has lost interest due   plans  going  forward  for  Telkom Kenya.  Telkom
                         to the  failure  to merge Telkom  with  Airtel,  a  move  to   Kenya is rooted in third place with around 5.2 million
                         create a more competitive entity against market leader   connections, up from 3.3 million in 2016. The merger
                         Safaricom.  Sources  also  said  the  government  had   between Telkom and Airtel collapsed in 2020 with both
                         priority to acquire the shares after the investment firm   parties pointing the finger at regulatory delays.
                         revealed its plans to quit the operator. The government   (October 4, 2022) Ecofin Agency
                         wanted to keep the majority stake from being bought

                         The   telecoms  watchdog  the  Communications  required  to pay the  initial  part  of the  fee  to the  state
                         Regulatory Authority (Rysiu  Reguliavimo  Tarnyba,   budget within one month, following which the RRT will
                         RRT)  has  confirmed  the  results  of  its  auction  of  5G   officially issue the permits to use the radio frequencies.
                         mobile  spectrum  in  the  700MHz  band  that  started   Spectrum licenses are valid for an initial period of 20
        Lithuania        in  May  and  concluded  last  month.  The  tender   years. Winning bidders are subject to certain rollout and
                         comprised the  sale  of one  2×10MHz  block (713MHz-
                                                                        service provision obligations, including a requirement to
                         723MHz/768MHz-778MHz)  and  two lots  of 2×5MHz   launch commercial 5G services in at least one of the
                         (723MHz-728MHz/778MHz-783MHz  and  728MHz-     country’s five largest cities (Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda,
                         733MHz/783MHz-788MHz),  with  initial  prices set  at   Siauliai and Panevezys) within six months of receiving
                         EUR5 million (USD4.9 million) and EUR3 million per lot,   their  licenses,  and  in  all  five  cities  by  31  December
                         respectively. Telia Lietuva was the highest bidder, paying   2023.  An  additional  5G  spectrum auction  comprising
                         EUR23 million for the 2×10MHz block, while Tele2 bid   frequencies  in  the  3.5GHz  band also concluded  last
                         EUR3.9  million  and  Bite  Lithuania  paid  EUR3 million   month.
                         for the  2×5MHz allocations.  Each winner  will  now be   (September 9, 2022)

                         The  Malawi  Communications Regulatory Authority   which  will  level  the  playing  field  and  yield  effective
                         (MACRA)  has  officially  awarded  a  mobile  operating   communication  services  for the  ICT  consumer,’  said
                         license  to Malcel, as  the  new company  seeks  to   Minister  of Information Gospel  Kazako,  adding:  ‘I
                         compete with  established  mobile  network operators   urge Malcel to roll out their  services with  speed  as
        Malawi           Airtel  and  Telekom  Networks  Malawi  (TNM).  Capital   consumers are  anxious  to see new services … My
                                                                        plea to Malcel is that you must not get into the trap of
                         Radio Malawi reports that the award of three licences
                         to Malcel will enable it to install mobile phone towers,   concentrating your operations in urban areas because
                         and  provide  mobile, ICT  and  broadband  services.   rural people also need ICT services.’ The development
                         Malcel’s founder and CEO Bonface Ndawala said that   follows a report in May that another company – Nyasa
                         the company plans to begin the rollout of its network   Mobile – had announced its intention to roll out services
                         this year ahead of a scheduled launch of operations by   by the end of this year. The firm, which is a subsidiary
                         October 2023. Malcel will invest around USD280 million   of Nyasa Manufacturing Company, has allegedly been
                         in its operations and aims to roll out 1,350 mobile sites   in  discussions  with  UK-based  Vodafone Group about
                         over  five  years. The  operator  is  60%  owned  by  Eferio   a potential  strategic  partnership. Numerous attempts
                         Communications, with  30%  held  by local  company   by the government over the last 20 years to introduce
                         Bedrock Holdings and the remaining 10% by local and   much-needed competition to the mobile sector have so
                         international shareholders. ‘Let me take this opportunity   far failed. The market is characterized by high tariffs and
                         to congratulate  Malcel  for  successfully acquiring the   poor service quality, with mobile penetration standing at
                         mobile  network  license,  it  is  my  hope  that  this  will   just 59% of the population at the end of March 2022.
                         induce competition in the telecommunications industry   (October 26, 2022)

                         Víctor Manuel  Perez  Diaz,  the  President  of  the   cannot  continue,  especially  when  the  3.5GHz  band
                         Communications and  Transportation  Commission of   is about to be tendered … it should not be considered
                         the Chamber of Deputies, has informed Milenio that his   a privilege, but a tool for knowledge, business and all
                         department will push to reduce the price of spectrum   kinds of transactions.’ The article also quotes Alejandro
        Mexico           rights in Mexico, which he believes continue to hamper   Navarrete Torres, the Head of the Radio Spectrum Unit
                         the deployment of 5G in the country. He commented: ‘In   at the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Instituto
                         terms of competition, we are far behind, and this situation   Federal  de Telecomunicaciones, IFT),  who noted:  ‘We

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