Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 102


        Iridium Certus™ Debut by Lars Thrane with a New Maritime SATCOM System

        Iridium  Communications   Inc.  has  Tracking (LRIT)  and Ship Security  Alert   industry,  but that  niche  includes  a  large
        announced  that Lars  Thrane A/S is   System (SSAS). The system  has  a  range   number  of vessels, such  as  commercial
        the newest Iridium Certus terminal   of  interfaces making  integration simple   fishing boats, workboats, coastal shipping
        manufacturer — the companies have now   and offers  a  simple upgrade  path from   and leisure  craft.  The new LT-4200  from
        unveiled  the  LT-4200  maritime SATCOM   legacy  solutions  as  well  as  greenfield   Lars Thrane is a smaller, lighter, faster and
        system. The  new terminal will be  one  of   opportunities  for Iridium Certus partners.   cost-competitive  option when compared
        the first to support the Iridium Certus 200   Made possible by  the recently  upgraded   to the closest alternative in the market. As
        service  class, that features upload  and   Iridium® satellite constellation, the Iridium   a result, Iridium and the firm’s partners are
        download speeds of up to 176 Kbps over   Certus service goes beyond serving solely   once  again bringing  a  new and superior
        Iridium’s  L-band network.   It  is designed   as  a  connectivity  solution. It  provides a   option to  the maritime  industry.  Peter
        for demanding  maritime environments,   platform for the company’s  partners to   Thrane, CEO of Lars Thrane, added that the
        such  as  those  experienced  by  fishing   develop specialized broadband, midband   LT-4200  maritime  SATCOM  product is  an
        vessels and other workboats that  desire   and  narrowband  applications  only  important product for Lars Thrane, which
        faster  speeds  but want  to  avoid the   possible  through Iridium’s  crosslinked   allows the company to offer customers a
        coverage limitations, terminal sizes  and   L-band  network.  The service offers  the   compact and competitive L-band product
        costs associated with existing competitive   flexibility to  scale device speeds,  sizes   with faster bandwidth and maritime
        options.  The  terminal  has also been   and power  requirements  both up  and   performance  specifications,  which  will
        designed to support Iridium’s future Global   down based on the needs of the end-user.   satisfy most requirements for a maritime
        Maritime  Distress and Safety System   Wouter Deknopper,  VP  and GM,  maritime   product  in this class.  More details  about
        (GMDSS)  services,  in addition to other   line of business at Iridium, said the Iridium   this product will be forthcoming in the near
        regulatory  safety  and security  services   Certus 200 service class addresses a   future.
        including  Long  Range  Identification  and   very specific market niche in the maritime

        China’s Long March-2D Rocket Sends Yunhai-1 02 Satellite into Orbit

        China launched  a  new satellite On
        September  25 into planned  orbit  from
        the Jiuquan  Satellite Launch Center
        in northwest  China’s  Gobi Desert.  The
        Yunhai-1 02 satellite, launched on a Long
        March-2D carrier rocket at  8:54 a.m.
        (Beijing  Time),  will  be  used  mainly  for
        detecting  the atmospheric  and marine
        environment  and  space  environment,
        as  well as  disaster control and other
        scientific  experiments.  Both  the  satellite
        and the carrier  rocket were developed  by
        the Shanghai Academy  of Spaceflight
        Technology  of  the China Aerospace
        Science and Technology Corporation. The
        launch was the 313th mission of the Long
        March carrier rocket series.

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