Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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Thaicom and Russian Satellite Communications Company Enter Into
Partnership Agreement
Thaicom Public Company Limited (THCOM), Thailand’s first broadband connectivity. According to the framework of the
satellite operator, today announced the signature of an Agreement agreement, Thaicom and RSCC will initially study roaming
of Intention with Russian Satellite Communications Company options on their proprietary maritime VSAT networks. Roaming on
(RSCC), a Russian leading satellite operator, to collaborate on Thaicom’s network will be provided by Nava Roaming Solutions.
the joint development of a service offering for maritime satellite Nava is Thaicom’s new maritime broadband service platform,
addressing the need of ship and offshore operators for fast,
reliable, and secure satellite-enabled broadband connectivity and
managed services. RSCC maritime VSAT network is the largest
satellite broadband network in Russia connecting more than 300
maritime vessels operating in the waters surrounding Russia and
Europe. Patompob Suwansiri, Chief Commercial Officer Thaicom,
commented: “We intend the agreement to mark the beginning of
a successful, long-term partnership between Thaicom and RSCC
and the development of joint communication solutions connecting
Russia with Asia-Pacific. This collaboration will leverage the
capabilities of Thai and Russian marine VSAT networks. The Nava
roaming solutions enabled satellite network will provide seamless
switching of onboard equipment from one satellite network to the
other without degradation of service level agreements provided.
Customers will benefit from full high speed broadband coverage
of maritime vessel routes between Europe and Asia-Pacific.”
Northrop Grumman Park Air Selected to Upgrade Airspace Communications
for Chile
Northrop Grumman Corporation’s U.K.-based air traffic
communications subsidiary, Park Air Systems Limited, has again
been selected to upgrade Chile’s airspace communications
equipment. This is the third consecutive time that Park Air has
been selected by Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC)
to upgrade their equipment to the latest VHF and UHF radios.
Building on the existing use of the Park Air T6 Sapphire portfolio
within 23 sites across Chilean aerospace, Park Air will upgrade
10 additional sites with the latest voice over internet protocol
(VoIP) technology. Park Air will work closely with Aerotech, a
leading Chilean company in airport systems as its partner for
the contract. Working with local experts better enables Park
Air to improve customer response times and give support and
assistance in the local language. “Both Park Air and Aerotech
teams have worked well on this project together, providing the
customer with a solution they can trust and support that they Aerotech, who will be providing in-territory support as well as
can rely on,” said Anais Venet, international sales manager for installation and decommissioning expertise. Northrop Grumman
Americas at Park Air. The T6 is at the heart of the Park Air Sapphire Park Air Systems supplies communication systems for airspace
portfolio, products which are designed to work hand in hand, operations worldwide. Sapphire ATM communications systems
and flexible enough to suit single radio installations and remote are installed in more than 50 countries, helping air navigation
locations, as well as country-wide operations. It gives customers service providers transitioning into the digital future. In its more
the integration, flexibility and security that they can depend on than 50 year history, Park Air has sold 60,000 radios in 180
in today’s air traffic management environment. Delivery of this countries around the world.
solution is possible through the combined efforts of Park Air and
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