Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 98


        Universal Satcom  Successfully Launches Broadband  Internet  Services in

        Yemen on Badr 7 HTS Satellite

        On  the 1st  of September  2019,  Universal   by  the  Badr  7  satellite  footprint.  The  Ka   through European Teleports.
        Satcom  DMCC out of Dubai,  launched   band payload on Badr 7 High Throughput   About ARABSAT Badr 7 HTS
        the latest high-speed satellite broadband   Satellite (HTS) along with the terrestrial   Badr  7  Satellite  is  a  High  Throughput
        internet service under the brand “Universal   infrastructure allow for the delivery of high-  Satellite (HTS), with  24  Ka  band spot
        Satnet”. The service is currently operational   speed Internet access with speeds as high   beams over the Middle East, South
        as  a  VNO  solution  using  ARABSAT’s   as  100Mbps on download  and 20Mbps   Asia,  and  Africa.  Badr  7  Satellite  was
        Broadband  &  Managed  Services  on  the   on upload using very small size Customer   manufactured by Airbus Defense & Space
        Yemen ka-band spot beam and associated   Premises Equipment (CPE). The service is   with Thales Alenia Space and launched by
        terrestrial infrastructure. Universal Satcom   powered by  cutting edge  Newtec Dialog   Ariane  Space  from French  Guiana using
        has  future  plans  to  rollout  Broadband  &   platform and associated technologies and   the Ariane 5 rocket and finally placed in the
        Managed services in other markets covered   providing  Internet backbone  connectivity   orbital hotspot of 26° East.

        Relativity Space to Launch Satellites for Momentus

        Relativity Space signed a Launch Services   scheduled  for  2021,  with  options  for  five   we look  forward to working together  to
        Agreement  (LSA) to launch  Momentus’   additional launches with  Relativity.  The   expand  Terran  1’s flexibility and offering
        small and medium satellite customers on   agreement opens access to a more diverse   beyond LEO,  offering small  and  medium
        Relativity’s  Terran  1  rocket.  Momentus   range  of orbits for Terran 1 including   satellite  launch  opportunities  with
        will  then  deliver  their  customers’  Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO), Lunar   industry-defining lead time, flexibility, and
        small and  medium sized  satellites to   and deep space orbits, lower inclinations,   cost,” said  Tim  Ellis,  CEO  and Cofounder
        Geosynchronous  Orbit  (GEO)  using the   and phasing of multiple spacecraft in Low-  of Relativity. “This partnership will enable
        Momentus Vigoride Extended  in-space   Earth Orbit (LEO) and Medium-Earth Orbit   us  to  build the  space economy  faster,
        shuttle  service. The  agreement includes   (MEO).  “With  Momentus’  innovations in   and accelerate the future  of  humanity  in
        Momentus’  purchase  of  a  first  launch,   sustainable in-space ‘last mile’ solutions,   space.”

        Satellite for the Russian Ministry of Defense Successfully Launched

        The Russian Air and Space Forces successfully launched a Soyuz-  to be launched by 2020. However, it should be noted that Russia
        2.1b launcher from launch pad No. 4 of the launch complex No.   does not depend on the space tier of its early-warning system
        43 at the Plesetsk site. Official statements indicate the launcher   to the extent the United States does, so the lack of coverage by
        carried “a new-generation satellite for the ministry of defense.”   satellite does not necessarily increase the risk of miscalculation.
        The satellite is being delivered to the orbit by a Fregat-M booster.
        The satellite is the second “Tundra” spacecraft of the new early-
        warning system, known as  EKS.  The system is  expected  to
        include  satellites in Molniya-type, highly-elliptical  orbit,  as  well
        as geostationary satellites. It was designated Cosmos-2518. The
        first satellite of the system, Cosmos-2510, was launched into an
        HEO orbit in November of 2015. Cosmos-2518 appears to be an
        HEO satellite as well — it was reported that the industry delivered
        the first two HEO satellites in October of 2015 and that there was
        a delay with the first GEO spacecraft. Satellites of the EKS system
        are the only early-warning satellites that are currently in service.
        The old  US-KS/US-KMO  system ended  operations  in 2014.  A
        working early-warning constellation would probably include about
        ten satellites on HEO as well as several GEO satellites. The new
        Russian armament program appears to call for ten new satellite

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