Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 111
Traditional telecom
services, such as voice
and messaging, are being
disrupted by faster and
more nimble competitors
resulting in revenue losses
for the operator.
If telecom companies are unable to halt
the trend towards commoditization of
data, they risk becoming data pipes to their
faster and more nimble competitors.
Disruptive Competition
Traditional telecom services, such as
voice and messaging, are being disrupted Leap from traditional CSP to digital CSP We envisage that more and more partners
by faster and more nimble competitors In view of these challenges, it is time will come on board with multitude of
resulting in revenue losses for the operator. for Middle- East telecom companies to services, which would require creation
reimage their business lines along digital of different products to be offered to the
Rise of the new digital customers lines and pivot for the digital future. As customers, thereby a robust and flexible
Today’s digitally savvy customers are used the battle of customer attention as well “Product Catalogue System” becomes
to the customization and personalization as their wallet gets underway, telecom absolute must.
provided by digital leaders like Google, companies will have to take the leap of
Facebook, Amazon, & Netflix and so on. In faith and transition quickly to digital CSPs. More service combinations would require
this new battleground for the customer’s Digitalization impacts practically every Telcos to have robust systems in place
wallet and mindshare, the telecom aspect of the business, be it payment for making consumers aware of these
companies will be measured against digital instruments, digital services partner eco- by innovative Campaign Management
leaders like Google, Amazon or Netflix. system, sales and distribution channels Systems and service discovery systems,
and most importantly subscribers or with more and more personalization
Lack of agility should we say consumers of telco and happening using AI/ML.
Although telecom companies enjoy non-telco services. All of these necessitate
ubiquity in reach and deeper customer the need for enabling and on boarding the New age digital interfaces in social media
understanding through customer data digital services partners, who may or may will be used for customer acquisition
they have not been able to match up with not be tech savvy, thereby requiring easy also in addition to promotions today, this
the pace with which OTT players cater to to integrate “Partner Management System would need Subscriptions Management
latest digital trends. APIs”. and Billing/Charging systems to support
111 SEPTEMBER 2019