Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 116


        FCC Launches 5G Testbeds in Two Cities

        The   US    Federal  Communications  However, those approved to test in the   to  40GHz.  In  Utah,  operators will  have
        Commission  (FCC) sought  to make    Innovation Zones will  be allowed to   access  to a total of four  square miles of
        it  easier for companies  to  test  next-  conduct multiple, unrelated pilots under a   test space, comprised of three connected
        generation  technologies,  creating  two   single authorization. In  a  statement FCC   areas  including  a  college  campus,
        new urban innovation zones in New York   Chairman Ajit  Pai  said  the areas  would   downtown  area and corridor  connecting
        City  and Salt  Lake  City,  Utah.  Its  move   provide innovators with broader access to   the  two. Fixed  and mobile  testing there
        is designed  to cut regulatory red tape   resources while  also  protecting  licensed   will be permitted across low and mid-band
        and make it easier for companies to test   users in those areas.  The New York  City   spectrum ranging from 700MHz to 7.1GHz
        new technologies outside  of a traditional   zone  encompasses  just  under  a  tenth of   Both  zones  will  be  active  for  a  period  of
        campus  or laboratory setting.  Trialing   a  square  mile  in  Manhattan  and allows   five  years,  though  the  FCC  could  extend
        new technologies  like  5G  would  usually   fixed and mobile testing across a variety of   the terms.
        require companies to seek individual   bands including 2.5GHz, 3.7GHz to 4.2GHz
        licenses from the FCC for each experiment.   (C-Band),  5.9GHz,  28GHz,  and  38.6GHz

        5G Network Now Available at Beirut Airport

                                                                     Lebanon launched its mobile 5G network service at the Beirut
                                                                     Rafik  Hariri  International  Airport.  “Beirut’s  airport  is  the
                                                                     first in the region to provide 5G service for its passengers,”
                                                                     said Telecommunications  Minister Mohammed  Choucair
                                                                     from the airport where he announced the news. Choucair
                                                                     thanked all  parties  collaborating  to  take  this  move, he
                                                                     said: “We thank the General Manager of OGERO and the
                                                                     Middle East Airlines. We hope to see an improvement not
                                                                     only at the airport but throughout Lebanon.” For his part,
                                                                     Transport Minister Youssef Fenianos said: “Everything is
                                                                     on the application that we launched in collaboration with
                                                                     Ogero to facilitate the travel of passengers.” “The service
                                                                     will be available for all passengers,” he noted.

        Ucell, Uzmobile Testing 5G in Uzbekistan

        State-backed Uzbek mobile operator Ucell   September.  The  operator  adds that  later   non-hierarchical  (disproportionate)
        announced on its website that it has begun   this year it will switch on a live 5G network   access and Massive MIMO’, with internet
        testing 5G mobile network technology  in   section  at  Tashkent’s  International  access speeds of around 1Gbps. Based on
        response to recent calls from the country’s   Business  Centre,  before  gradually  adding   test results, it will draw up a  program of
        President and the Ministry of Information   further 5G coverage in other  locations.   commercial 5G equipment procurement and
        Technologies  &  Communications  (MITC)   Another  state-owned  Uzbek  cellco,  rollout which it expects to take ‘more than
        inviting  operators  and tech  providers  to   Uzmobile (part  of Uzbektelecom), also   one and a half years’. On Uzbektelecom’s
        submit 5G deployment proposals.  Ucell   disclosed  on  its website  details of 5G   Facebook  page, a  company  engineer
        gained  permission  to test a 5G network   tests, similarly in partnership with Huawei.   posted  a  5G testing device screenshot
        earlier this month, and is  now using   Uzmobile said that it installed its first set   showing a  data  connection  speed  of
        equipment provided by Huawei to conduct   of 5G base stations on its network on 14   1.455Gbps (downlink)/114Mbps (uplink)
        tests at the company  headquarters in   September which were ‘put into operation   on the Uzmobile network in Tashkent. The
        Tashkent. So far, peak data speed  has   for pre-trial  testing’ using ‘frequencies   engineer  added  that ‘in the near future’
        reached  1.376Gbps (downlink).  Ucell is   up to 6GHz’ and non-standalone network   more details would be published ‘about the
        currently preparing ‘a  demonstration of   architecture, supported by its existing 4G   zones where it will be possible to test 5G’.
        5G  in  test  mode’  at  ICT  Expo 2019  (part   infrastructure. Uzmobile  added  it will  be
        of Uzbekistan’s ICT Week)  on 25-27   testing technologies  including ‘multiple

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