Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        Telenor Launches 5G Pilot in Norway

        Telenor  has launched  what  it  claims   connected  to  the 5G  network to  test  5G   strengthened our commitment to 5G. The
        is  Scandinavia’s  largest 5G pilot in the   on mobile handsets, broadband  and TV,   residents  of Elverum have exciting times
        Norwegian municipality of Elverum. Telenor   as  well as smart home  solutions. Petter   ahead  of  them,  reaping  the  benefits  of
        is Norway’s first operator to integrate 5G   Furberg, CEO, Telenor Norway, said, “This is   what  next-generation mobile  technology
        into its mobile network. Through the project,   an important day both for the residents of   has to offer.” Over the next year, Telenor
        delivered in partnership with Ericsson, 50   Elverum and us at Telenor. With the launch   also plans to launch 5G in the Norwegian
        pilot customers in the municipality will be   of Scandinavia’s largest 5G pilot, we have   cities  of  Fornebu,  Trondheim,  Bodø,  Oslo,
                                                                                 Askvoll, Svalbard, Kvitfjell and Frøya. Jenny
                                                                                 Lindqvist,  Head  of  Northern  &  Central
                                                                                 Europe at Ericsson, said, “The success of
                                                                                 this 5G pilot signals great things in store
                                                                                 not  just for Elverum but  for Norway as a
                                                                                 whole.  The  benefits  of  5G’s  high  speeds,
                                                                                 low latency, and superior  reliability will
                                                                                 make a  real  difference.”  Earlier  this  year,
                                                                                 Telenor Denmark announced 5G trials with
                                                                                 Nokia, while in Asia this month, Telenor’s
                                                                                 Malaysian  operation, Digi, partnered with
                                                                                 Cyberview to open a 5G lab in the country.
                                                                                 The ‘OpenLab’ will be a collaborative space
                                                                                 for businesses academics and developers
                                                                                 to test new 5G use cases.

        Three to Enhance 4G with 1400MHz Spectrum

        Three  UK  is deploying 1400MHz  or   benefited  from  a  15%  improvement  in   officer  at  Three  UK  said,  “5G  is  a  game-
        ‘L-Band’  spectrum  at  its  busiest  sites  to   performance  thanks  to the deployment   changer  for Three’s current and future
        improve 4G performance  as  data  usage   of carrier aggregation technology.  The   customers.  It  will  bring  faster speeds,  a
        soars. 6,000 sites carrying 80% of Three’s   4G  upgrade,  which  is  part  of  a  £2  billion   better experience and masses of capacity
        traffic will be upgraded with new antennas   infrastructure  investment program, will   which  will  benefit  our  4G  customers  as
        and  1400MHz  L-Band  spectrum.  Three   run until 2023 alongside Three’s 5G rollout,   well. While we are investing heavily in 5G,
        says customers with compatible handsets   which began in Central London in August.   4G is  still  very  important  for our mobile
        will  see speed  improvements of up to   Three claims to be the first UK operator to   and home  broadband  services.  “These
        150%, or 50% for those without.  Further,   break the 10GB monthly data usage barrier   upgrades will ensure that our data-hungry
        at  12,500  sites, Three will  switch some   per customer. In July 2019, average usage   customers are getting the best possible 4G
        of its  3G  spectrum over to  4G, saying   across the Three UK network was 10.4GB   experience as 5G rolls out.”
        this will  deliver improvements of up to   per month,  compared to the UK  average
        40%. Three says 3,960 sites have already   of  2.9GB.  David  Dyson,  chief  executive

        Sunrise Extends 5G to 262 Towns and Cities

        Swiss  telecoms  operator  Sunrise has   cities and states its 5G network is able to   The  network  utilizes spectrum in the
        announced it is providing 5G coverage in   offer speeds of up to 2Gbps. As previously   700MHz  and 2.4GHz-2.5GHz  frequency
        262 towns and cities across the country.   reported by  CommsUpdate,  Sunrise’s  5G   bands.
        The firm says it covers at least 80% of the   service went live on 4  April, with  initial
        population within each of those towns and   coverage of 150 towns, villages and cities.
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