Page 142 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        users in the country while the rest of the connections are through   Axiata warning  the  duo  that their  2G and 3G concessions
        WiMAX.  The  country’s  cellphone  companies  in  the  first  eight   could  be cancelled  in lieu of their unwillingness  to  pay  dues
        months of this year saw  nearly  5.59  million new users to take   totaling BDT125.80 billion (USD1.46 billion) and BDT8.67 billion,
        the total subscribers base to 162.583 million at the end of last   respectively, which were detected  in audits and are currently
        month.  Bangladesh  has  currently  four  mobile  companies,  three   disputed by the two operators. GP and Robi have been given 30
        of which are foreign-backed cellphone operators. The number of   days to respond to the notices, with GP saying in a statement: ‘This
        subscribers of the mobile operators, Grameenphone, Robi Axiata,   notice is unjustified and yet another step by the regulator to refuse
        Banglalink  and  Teletalk  stood  at  75.619  million,  47.760  million,   our invitation to seek an amicable solution related to a disputed
        34.817 million and 4.387 million respectively at the end of August,   audit claim  …  We will  take necessary  measures to  protect the
        BTRC data showed. (September 23, 2019)   rights of the company, our shareholders and customers against
                                                               unwarranted actions by the regulator.’ Due to the impasse with
        The Finance Minister Mustafa Kamal has stepped in as a mediator   the  BTRC,  the  two  operators  are  currently  banned  from  getting
        in the  drawn-out  conflict  between  telecoms  regulator  the   approvals  for new  services and  packages and  cannot import
        Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)   equipment  to  maintain  their  networks.  In  July  2019  the  BTRC
        and mobile operators GrameenPhone  (GP) and Robi. Following   slashed GP’s bandwidth by 30% and Robi’s by 15% for the non-
        meetings with representatives from GP, Robi, the National Board   payment of dues, but the block was lifted by mid-July as it was
        of  Revenue  and  the  BTRC,  Mustafa  Kamal  told  reporters:  ‘We   causing issues to subscribers. (September 10, 2019)
        will resolve this [issue] within the next two-three weeks … If we
        continue with our claims, a resolution will take a long time and   The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission
        that will hamper the mobile operators’ business and restrict our   (BTRC)  has  published  its  draft  guidelines  on  the  licensing  of
        revenue growth too.’ Earlier this year the regulator requested that   cellular services, which aim to unify the mobile concessions of
        the  duo  pay  dues  totaling  BDT125.80  billion  (USD1.46  billion,   operators in order to reduce ‘operational complexities’. A senior
        GP)  and  BDT8.67  billion  (Robi),  which  were  detected  in  audits   BTRC  official  was  quoted  as  saying:  ‘The  purpose  of  the  draft
        and are currently disputed  by the  two operators.  The  cellcos   guideline is to reduce the complexity for both the operators and the
        had demanded an arbitration, but the BTRC denied the request,   regulator … There is no point having separate licenses now for 2G,
        claiming that legislation did not allow it. Due to the impasse with   3G or 4G. It requires additional manpower and man hour causing
        the  BTRC,  the  two  operators  are  currently  banned  from  getting   extra financial involvement.’ Currently, each mobile operator has
        approvals  for new  services and  packages and  cannot import   to maintain one generic license for operating a mobile service, in
        equipment  to  maintain  their  networks.  In  July  2019  the  BTRC   addition to two licenses for 2G services (expiring in 2026), two
        slashed GP’s bandwidth by 30% and Robi’s by 15% for the non-  for 3G services (2028)  and two for 4G services (2033).  Under
        payment of the dues, but the block was lifted by mid-July as it   the proposed guidelines,  mobile operators would be allowed to
        was causing issues to subscribers. Further, the BTRC threatened   provide nine types of services including 2G, 3G, and 4G, under one
        GP and Robi with cancellations of their 2G/3G concessions if the   concession; the unified license will come into effect from the date
        requested  sums  are  not  settled,  prompting  GP  and  Robi  to  file   of license issuance and remain valid till 18 February 2033, subject
        cases with a Dhaka court, seeking permanent injunctions against   to the renewal of spectrum. An annual license fee for the single
        the telecom regulator’s audit claims. (September 19, 2019) The Daily Star   license has been proposed at BDT100 million (USD1.16 million),
                                                               along with a 5.5% share of annual revenues and 1% contribution to
        The  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory  Commission   the social obligation fund. (September 2, 2019) The Dhaka Tribune
        (BTRC)  has  sent  out  notices  to  GrameenPhone  (GP)  and  Robi


        Egypt’s National Telecom  Regulatory Authority  (NTRA)  has   with a view to reaching a resolution to the ongoing disputes that
        announced  the signing  of settlement  agreements  with three  of   would satisfy all parties. Meanwhile, the NTRA’s Acting Executive
        the nation’s  mobile network operators (MNOs),  which it  said:   President,  Mustafa  Abdel-Wahed,  stated that the agreements
        ‘aims is to resolve the disputes that lasted for ten years as a result   have been  made within the framework of implementing  NTRA
        of the appeal of some mobile operators before the judiciary’. In   functions  that  are  provided for  within  the Telecom  Act (Law
        a  press release outlining  the development,  the NTRA said that   10/2003). He added that rules have also now been established
        the agreements would draw a line under the legal battles related   for future work regarding  interconnection  rates, including  an
        to interconnection rates. The regulator noted that the individual   agreement between MNOs to present interconnection rates that
        agreements had come about after Associate Minister for Networks   they have agreed upon to the NTRA, which would then be subject
        and ICT  infrastructure, Hossam  El-Gamal,  conducted  ‘intense’   to the regulator’s approval.
        meetings with Orange Egypt, Vodafone Egypt and Etisalar Misr,   (September 11, 2019)

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