Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        than 2000 sites supporting 5G technologies, as well as equipping   and cutting-edge digital architecture so that digital transformation
        NEOM Airport as the first airport in the Middle East and Africa to   accelerates and thus supports the orientations of the Vision 2030,
        support 5G technologies. (September 10, 2019)  which aims to promote the ICT sector’s role in order to build a
                                                               digital society, a digital government, a thriving digital economy,
        The Ministry  of Communications and Information  Technology   and  an  innovative  future  for the Kingdom. The memorandum
        (MCIT) of Saudi Arabia has signed a memorandum of understanding   will  contribute  to the development of local technology  content
        with  Nokia,  a  leading global provider of  telecommunications,   through training and qualification of young Saudis, development
        digital infrastructure and networking solutions. The memorandum   of digital skills, localization  of the  software industry and
        is aimed at launching a global center for software development   supporting research and innovation efforts, by establishing two
        and support in the Kingdom. With the attendance of Minister of   software R&D units, supporting high-quality products endorsing
        Communications  and Information Technology  Eng. Abdullah   quality products that are made in the Kingdom  by Nokia, in
        Al’Swaha and Nokia President and CEO Rajeev Suri in addition to   addition to creating a  smart  technology  industry  environment
        a number of MCIT’s senior officials, the memorandum has been   that is attractive to local and international investments, in order
        signed  by Vice Minister of Communications  and Information   to enhance the localization and empowerment of the technology
        Technology  Eng.  Haitham  Al’Ohali and Head of Nokia MEA   industry and transfer of knowledge. It will also contribute to job
        Business  Development  Omar  Al’Laithi  The  memorandum   creation  within the  orientation toward diversifying  sources  of
        provides  for  establishing  a  development  unit,  a  Nokia  Bell  labs   national income, in line with the Vision 2030. In recent years, the
        research unit, and a Nokia repair center for Nokia base station HW   Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)
        modules; the center is to service KSA initially and potentially the   has entered into many partnerships to promote  integration,
        GCC at a later stage. It also includes development of programs   cooperation and consolidate efforts to achieve the goals of the
        (independent or in cooperation with SDA or other authorities and   Vision 2030. (September 4, 2019)
        customers)  in order  to provide  opportunities  for  pre-graduates,
        fresh graduates  in COOPT  trainings and internships. According   The royal decree to establish an artificial intelligence (AI) center
        to the memorandum, NOKIA shall cooperate with MCIT and CITC   will enhance the drive toward innovation and digital transformation
        (Communications  and Information Technology)  on initiatives   in Saudi  Arabia, according to Minister of Communications  and
        around 5G and IoT and their use cases as per Nokia standards,   Information Technology Abdullah Al-Sawaha. King Salman issued
        with a view to support the  Kingdom  to be  a leader  in 5G and   the decree, to establish the National Center for Artificial Intelligence
        IoT technology  in the MENA region. Moreover, Nokia’s  experts   and an organization called the National Data Management Office,
        shall  furnish  advice and engage  with relevant MCIT and CITC   which will be linked to the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence
        stakeholders on current and future technology trends and their   Authority. The establishment of the center came in line with the
        economic impact, including but not limited to spectrum allocation,   objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 program, and will help
        technology  updates,  business case, monetization studies and   develop performance efficiency through the applications of AI and
        workshops. One  of the memorandum’s  key  programs is  WIELD   big data, Al-Sawaha said. He added that the establishment of the
        (Women in Energy and Leadership Development), geared toward   center was a clear indication of the Kingdom’s determination to
        investment  in future woman leaders  for the Energy sector  and   develop its digital capabilities and build a future based on AI and
        focused around digitalization and ICT developments, with the aim   innovation. Al-Sawaha said that AI would enhance productivity,
        of driving the Energy industry segments, including a 10+ Weeks   boost decision-making  processes  across  all  sectors, render
        Program at 4 locations, KSA, USA, UK and Finland. The intended   services provided  to  Saudi citizens more  innovative, and open
        collaboration is in line with the ICT Strategy 2023, emanating from   new horizons to stimulate entrepreneurship and support young
        Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and which aims to establish a robust   people. (September 1, 2019)


        A group of Turkish banks have hired Morgan Stanley as financial   via special purpose vehicle (SPV) Levent Yapilandirma Yonetimi
        adviser  to  sell  a  55%  stake  in  fixed  and  mobile  operator  Turk   (Levent Configuration Management). Akbank, Garanti Bank and
        Telekom (TT). Aa consortium of 29 banks led by Akbank, Turkiye   Isbank own 35.6%, 22.1% and 11.6% of the SPV respectively, with
        Garanti Bankasi (Garanti Bank) and Turkiye Is Bankasi (Isbank)   the other 30.7% split between  26 other  banks.  In statements
        acquired the TT stake from Ojer Telekomunikasyon AS (OTAS),   to  the  BIST,  the  leading  banks  stated  the  intention  to  sell  the
        the local holding  company  of Dubai-based  consortium Oger   entirety of the SPV or the shares that it holds. Turkish brokerages
        Telecom, in exchange for cancelling debts in December 2018, with   Ak  Investment,  Garanti Securities  and Is  Investment are acting
        the Turkish Treasury retaining a 25% TT stake plus special veto   as  local advisers. Having borrowed  USD4.75 billion  in 2013,
        power via one ‘golden share’. 5% of the company is held by the   TT’s  previous majority  owner OTAS – handicapped  by  Turkish
        Turkish Wealth Fund and the remaining 15% is in free float on the   currency depreciation – defaulted on payments from September
        Borsa Istanbul (BIST). The creditor banks own the 55% TT share   2016 onwards. Upon completing the takeover deal in December

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