Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 145



        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  (TRA) has   infrastructure the design of the in-building telecom infrastructure
        directed  telecommunications  companies  in the  Sultanate  to   will have to be incorporated in the actual master plan, making it
        activate  emergency  plans  and  facilitate  the activation  of  local   a prerequisite before the municipality issues a building permit.
        roaming  in case of need  as a result of the tropical  situation   According to TRA, this is to ensure that a subscriber gets access
        Hikaa.  In  a  statement TRA said, “The TRA has directed  the   to quality telecom services  at the  best  available prices  in the
        telecommunications  companies  in the Sultanate to activate   market and ‘such a  right to seek out should  not be denied’.
        emergency  plans and facilitate the  activation of local roaming   ‘Current contractual  arrangements  between  operators  and
        whenever needed  to face the effects that may  result from the   building owners/developers constrain the fundamental user right
        tropical situation  (Hikaa),  which is  likely  to  be exposed  to  the   of free choice of their telecommunications supplier,’ TRA stated
        provinces of South Al Sharqiyah and Al Wusta. “ “The emergency   in  its  ‘public  consultation  on  the  Framework  for  In-Building
        plan is a regulatory obligation for telecommunications companies   Telecommunications Infrastructure’, for which it is calling all the
        to check  the readiness  of telecommunication  networks and be   stakeholders to submit their comments to it by October 17, 2019.
        activated in case of exceptional cases and updated periodically,”   ‘The  new  in-building  infrastructure framework is expected  to
        TRA added. (September 25, 2019)        reduce the cost of the telecommunications system and thereby
                                                               incentivize further and faster investment in fiber network. Thus, it
        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is working   will become a major policy measure to achieve the objectives of
        on a new regulation under which the developer/building  owner   the national broadband strategy.
        will have to deploy and bear the cost of the in-building telecom   (September 2, 2019)


        The Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority (PTA) has sought   of their license fee. Back in August, Telenor and Jazz agreed to
        two-month  time for submitting  a complete  plan for launching   make payments towards renewal of their licenses, to avoid the
        the  5G telecom  technology  in the  country.  The  Pakistan   disruption of their mobile services. Jazz agreed to pay around USD
        Telecommunication Authority (PTA) had requested applications   291 million, and Telenor Pakistan announced it would voluntarily
        for a license issuance. In May, Minister for Science and Technology   pay USD 224.6 million. The operators were expected to make the
        had announced that the work on 5G technology in Pakistan was   payments by 21 August or face the withdrawal of their licenses.
        underway and it would be available soon in the country.  However, they  contested  the amounts set by the Pakistan
        (September 18, 2019)                 Telecommunications Authority, saying these were unreasonably
                                                               high. In July, the PTA set the price of mobile license renewal at
        Pakistani  mobile operators  Telenor  Pakistan  and PMCL  (Jazz)   USD 39.5 million per MHz for the 900 MHz spectrum and USD
        have made a partial payment of USD 224.6 million and PKR 35.39   29.5 million per MHz for 1800 MHz spectrum. The payment terms
        billion (approximately  USD 224.6  mln),  respectively, for their   for the renewal fee is 100 percent upfront or 50 percent upfront
        license renewal fee. According to Pakistan Telecommunications   with the remaining 50 percent in five equal annual installments on
        Authority (PTA), this partial payment is equivalent to 50 percent   LIBOR plus 3 percent. (September 10, 2019)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated in the World Telecom   he  thanked  the Government  of Hungary for hosting  the event,
        Exhibition  2019  in  Budapest,  Hungary,  as  the  exhibition  brings   highlighting its good reception and organization. He emphasized
        together governments, institutions and small and medium-sized   the  Kingdom’s determination  to continue  to provide  the  best
        companies  in  the  field  of  technology  to  showcase  innovative   digital services to its population, having established regulatory
        solutions,  communicate,  share knowledge  and debate  with   governance  in  order to  achieve  more qualitative  leaps towards
        experts.  Dr.  Abdulaziz bin Salem  Al-Ruwais, Governor  of   the digital  economy and contribute  to the growth of the
        Communications  and Information  Technology  Commission   telecommunications  and information technology  sector.  He
        (CITC) of Saudi Arabia, delivered a speech at the event in which   added that the Kingdom recently celebrated the launch of more
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