Page 152 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         The Guyanese government’s E-Access and ICT Services   174 ICT hubs. The minister was quoted as saying of
                         for Hinterland, Poor and Remote Communities Project   the project’s progress: ‘There are no longer gaps that
                         is  due to  connect  parts  of the Pomeroon-Supenaam   say because  you  are located  in a certain part of our
                         region  (Region  2) by  the end of September, Minister   geographical  landscape  that  you will  be locked out…
        Guyana           of Public Telecommunications  Catherine  Hughes   That traditionally is what we referred to as the digital
                         confirmed  in  an  interview.  According  to  the  Minister,   divide; where the people  on the coast have  access
                         the program  has  already rolled out connectivity  to   to  the internet among other opportunities while the
                         more than a dozen communities, and the government   hinterland does not’.
                         has also provided internet access to 170 schools and   (September 13, 2019)

                         The  Office  of  the  Communications  Authority  (OFCA)   The regulator intends to auction a total of 380MHz of
                         has  released  the names of companies  lining up to   spectrum  across  the three bands, including  100MHz
                         bid  in its forthcoming  auctions of 3.3GHz,  3.5GHz   at 3.3GHz, 200MHz at 3.5GHz and 80MHz at 4.9GHz.
                         and 4.9GHz  5G-capable spectrum. Unsurprisingly,   The first auction – for the 3.5GHz frequencies – will be
        Hong Kong        the roster consists  of the territory’s four incumbent   held on 14 October, and this will then be followed by the
                         mobile network  operators  (MNOs),  HKT,  Hutchison
                                                                        4.9GHz and 3.3GHz sales.
                         3,  China  Mobile  Hong Kong (CMHK)  and SmarTone.   (September 16, 2019)

                         Hungarian telecoms regulator the NMHH has published   the eligibility criteria’.  DIGI  is  expected  to appeal the
                         the list of participants in the country’s upcoming 5G   decision. The multi-band license auction will take place
                         frequency  auction, including  three of  the incumbent   on four separate days, starting with bidding for blocks
                         mobile network operators (MNOs) – Magyar Telekom,   in the 2600MHz band, followed by 3600MHz, 700MHz
        Hungary          Telenor Hungary and Vodafone Hungary – but omitting   and finally 2100MHz bands. The NMHH will disclose all
                                                                        bidding results at the end of the procedure, scheduled
                         the fourth  MNO,  DIGI  Hungary.  Following its  formal
                         examination  of the  four  applicants  which  began  8   to take place in late October/early November. Licenses
                         August,  the NMHH  says that it did not register  the   are valid for 15 years, renewable for five years.
                         fourth would-be 5G bidder  because  it ‘did not meet   (September 16, 2019)

                         Sector  watchdog the Telecom  Regulatory  Authority   imposed  by the DoT  had ‘resulted  in uncalled-
                         of India (TRAI) has published a consultation paper on   for delays  in  mergers being  taken on record.’  The
                         potential reforms to merger and acquisition rules, with   document  also includes  input from Virtual  Network
                         the goal of simplifying and speeding up the process.   Operators Association  of India  (VNOAI) requesting
        India            The paper outlines the current guidelines  for the   that access to networks for virtual network operators
                                                                        (VNOs) be  made mandatory a part of conditions  for
                         transfer or merger of licenses and requests suggestions
                         from stakeholders on how the existing rules could be   mergers, to maintain competition. Under the industry
                         changed India’s mobile market has recently undergone   group’s proposals, the merged entity would be obliged
                         a second wave of consolidation but numerous takeover   to ‘set aside 20% of wholesale capacity for MVNOs on
                         or merger attempts ran into regulatory delays and   Mobile Bitstream Access (MBA) bases. Elsewhere, the
                         barriers, ultimately leading  to the collapse  of several   TRAI’s highlights potential ambiguity in the text for a
                         operators. In  most  of the cases, the Department of   Unified License (UL), and has sought suggestions on
                         Telecommunications (DoT) had required as a condition   rephrasing  certain  clauses to  make  the terms  of the
                         of its approval that the  providers submit guarantees   concession unambiguous. (September 20, 2019)
                         for one-time spectrum charges (OTSC) – the validity of
                         which remains subjudice – leading to a series of legal   Indian sector  watchdog  the Telecom  Regulatory
                         challenges that drastically extended the time period for   Authority of India (TRAI) has issued a public consultation
                         the mergers. The TRAI’s paper highlights a submission   paper reviewing its plans to eliminate interconnection
                         from the Department  of Telecommunications  (DoT),   usage charges (IUC) for voice calls from January 2020,
                         seemingly blaming the providers and the Telecom   replacing  the  system  with  a  so-called  Bill  And  Keep
                         Disputes  Settlement  and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT)   (BAK) model. In its paper, the TRAI notes that the 2017
                         for the delays, stating that the operator’s petitions to   decision to reduce termination rates to zero from the
                         the  arbitration court to set aside certain conditions   start  of 2020  was  based in part  on the expectation

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