Page 150 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         The Superintendency of Telecommunications  (Sutel)   derived  from the acquisition  of 100% of the capital
                         has announced that it has approved the EUR503 million   stock of Telefonica CR by Millicom.’ When concluded,
                         (USD552 million) takeover of Telefonica de Costa Rica   the  deal  will  represent  the  final  piece  of  Millicom’s
                         (Movistar) by Millicom International Cellular (MIC). As   Central American jigsaw, after the recent takeovers of
        Costa Rica       per Sutel documentation, the acquisition will be carried   Telefonica  assets in Nicaragua and Panama. A triple
                         out via Millicom’s local ISP unit, Millicom Cable Costa
                                                                        takeover deal was  inked in  February  this  year,  with
                         Rica (which trades as Tigo). The regulator’s Resolution   Millicom agreeing to pay a combined enterprise value
                         RCS-221-2019 assessed:  ‘There is  no evidence  of   of USD1.65  billion for the three cellular businesses.
                         the existence  of potential  anti-competitive effects   (September 3, 2019)

                         El  Salvador’s  Superintendence  of Competition   and USD315  million, respectively.  The closing  of the
                         (Superintendencia de Competencia, SC) has announced   Telefonica  Moviles Guatemala sale took place that
                         that it has rejected the proposed takeover of Telefonica   same  month, but the Salvadoran deal was  rejected
                         Moviles El Salvador (Movistar) by America Movil (AM)   as inadmissible in May. In light of the latest setback,
        El Salvador      for a second time. The SC says that the ‘resolution of   it  remains  to  be  seen whether AM  –  which controls
                                                                        mobile market leader Claro El Salvador – will continue
                         inadmissibility’ was agreed on 26 August and relayed to
                         the two parties on 28 August; the competition watchdog   to pursue the merger. This is not the first time that a
                         notes that  AM  had failed to supply it  with  certain   deal tabled by  AM  has  fallen foul of the authorities;
                         background information relating to the transaction. On   back in September 2012  the regulators  blocked the
                         2 September AM and Telefonica both waived their right   group’s attempt to merge  Claro with smaller rival
                         to file an appeal against the decision, but the SC notes   Digicel after Claro refused to divest surplus spectrum.
                         that this does not prevent AM from submitting a new   Claro led the mobile market as of 30 June with a 32.9%
                         application, once the necessary information has been   market share, ahead of Tigo (26.0%), Movistar (22.5%),
                         satisfactorily  completed. In  January  2019  Spanish   Digicel (18.2%) and Intelfon (0.4%).
                         telecoms giant Telefonica agreed to sell its businesses   (September 12, 2019)
                         in Guatemala and El Salvador to AM for USD333 million

                         Orange  France  has  filed  a  priority  question  of   Arcep  executive board are now assigned  different
                         constitutionality  (QPC) with the Council  of State   tasks in order to ensure that the principle of separating
                         (Conseil d’Etat) challenging the power of sanction of   investigative  and sanctioning  powers is  met.  A
                         the telecoms regulator Arcep, the company confirmed   body comprising  four board  members (including  the
        France           to AFP. The incumbent operator has been put on notice   chairman  of Arcep)  – Reglement des  Differends  de
                                                                        Poursuite et d’Instruction (RDPI) – adopts decisions on
                         several  times  by  Arcep between  October 2018  and
                         January 2019 for failing to meet its universal service   formal notices, investigations, dispute settlements and
                         obligation  (USO)  for  fixed  telephony  services,  quality   inquiries,  while the remaining  three board members
                         of service (QoS) shortcomings  and its  commitments   make decisions on sanctions. (September 10, 2019) Le Monde
                         in  relation  to  the  deployment  of  fibre.  Orange  has
                         claimed  that the principles  of separation  of powers   The French  Competition  Authority (Autorite de la
                         and  impartiality  guaranteed  by  the Constitution  are   Concurrence)  has  approved the sale  of Iliad  Group’s
                         not respected within Arcep. The operator added that,   telecom  towers in France to Spanish infrastructure
                         altough the regulatory,  investigative and sanctioning   group Cellnex. Under the deal, Cellnex will acquire Iliad
                         powers of the regulator are divided into three groups,   7, the subsidiary that manages Iliad’s 5,700 domestic
                         this  division  is  not  sufficient  under  the  Constitution.   towers.  The deal is  valued at  EUR2  billion (USD2.2
                         The  Council  of State must now examine  the  request   billion). Thomas Reynaud, Iliad’s  CEO,  previously
                         before deciding whether to send it to the Constitutional   said: ‘This transaction is part of a long term industrial
                         Council, which would then have to rule on the matter   strategy allowing us to accelerate [the] rollout of our
                         and, if  necessary, repeal the legislative provision.  If   4G and 5G networks and to increase Iliad’s investment
                         Orange wins, Arcep  could  lose its  power  to sanction   leeway  …  It  enables  more  efficient  infrastructure
                         operators.  In July 2013 the Constitutional  Council   rollouts in the future, while meeting the challenges of
                         revoked the legal provisions governing Arcep’s powers,   further increasing territory coverage.’ Cellnex already
                         thus stripping the watchdog of its authority to enforce   operates 2,000  mobile towers  in  France, which it
                         sanctions. Arcep’s authority was  subsequently   purchased  for EUR700  million back in 2016/17  from
                         restored with Decree No. 2014-867 of 1 August 2014;   Bouygues Telecom. Elsewhere, Iliad Group has entered
                         under  the new provisions, different members  of the   into  exclusive  talks  with  French  private  equity  firm

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