Page 151 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         InfraVia to set up a partnership aimed at accelerating   The infrastructure company will then enter into a ‘very
                         fibre-to-the-home  (FTTH)  rollouts  outside  very-  long  term service  agreement’  with Iliad, under  which
                         densely  populated  areas of France  (representing   it will provide all access and information services for
                         around  26 million lines). Under the agreement,  Iliad   the co-financed sockets to Iliad and other third-party
                         will establish a new infrastructure company to manage   operators. The deal is subject to customary regulatory
                         its fiber lines, and will transfer 51% of the new entity   approvals and is expected to close in the fourth quarter
                         to InfraVia for an enterprise value of EUR600 million.   of 2019. (September 3, 2019)

                         Germany’s  Federal  Ministry  of Transport  and Digital   underserved regions is being driven forward with full
                         Infrastructure  (BMVI)  has  presented  a  strategy  for   force.”  In return  for making the commitments,  the
                         nationwide mobile communications  coverage to   operators have been  given improved payment terms
                         accelerate  the planning,  approval  and development   for 5G spectrum, with fees now able to be made over
        Germany          of  4G  and  5G  networks.  The  five-point  plan  focuses   annual instalments until 2030. In a statement, Telekom
                                                                        Germany CEO Dirk Wossner hailed the concession for
                         on: measures to close gaps in 4G network coverage;
                         the acceleration of Germany as a 5G ‘market leader’;   delivering “planning security” to the operator, enabling
                         the strengthening of transparency  in infrastructure   it to “get started with 5G”. “We want to expand 5G not
                         development  and the use of existing resources such   only fast, but especially in related areas. To close white
                         as state-owned  properties and infrastructures;  the   spots is especially important. Because with that, the
                         simplification  of  approval  procedures;  and  providing   basis is laid, that in the future also 5G will be expanded
                         information via an electronic portal. The presentation   there.” Across the new agreement and terms signed
                         of  the strategy  follows  the recent  conclusion  of   as part of the 5G auction, Germany’s operators have
                         the Federal Network Agency’s  (FNA’s) wireless   vowed  to provide LTE  in 99 per cent  of households
                         spectrum auction, which included extensive coverage   nationwide by  the end of 2020  and meet the same
                         obligations for license winners, and a recently agreed   target in each state by the end of 2021; build at least
                         expansion  program between  mobile  operators  and   1,400 masts accessible to any operator; meet minimum
                         the government. ‘In our country, uninterrupted surfing   data speed targets across major transport routes; and
                         and telephoning must come naturally – and not in the   install base stations in specific areas to close coverage
                         distant future, but as quickly as possible,’ commented   gaps. (September 9, 2019)
                         Federal  Minister  Andreas  Scheuer,  adding:  ‘By
                         closing the gaps in the 4G network, we are laying the   The Federal Network  Agency  (FNA, known locally as
                         foundation for nationwide 5G expansion and thus for   the  Bundesnetzagentur  or  BNetzA)  has  revealed  it
                         the digital transformation of the economy and society.   has assigned  3.6GHz  spectrum  acquired  at auction
                         One thing must be clear: where there is no mast, there   earlier this  year, in response  to an  application  by
                         is no reception. That is why we need more acceptance   Telekom Deutschland (TD).  Following the conclusion
                         in infrastructure development. Our strategy creates the   of the auction in June, the four license winners – TD,
                         basis for both.’ (September 10, 2019)  Vodafone, Telefonica and Drillisch Netz – were given the
                                                                        opportunity to come to an agreement on the position of
                         German authorities and the country’s mobile operators   the abstract frequency blocks they had acquired in the
                         agreed  to legally  binding  coverage targets in return   bands. As they did not reach complete agreement, the
                         for extended  payment terms for the acquisition  of   FNA decided on the allocation on 2 August. The FNA
                         5G  spectrum  licenses. The pact  follows  months of   says that applications for assignment have also been
                         arguments  and scathing  criticism of the conditions   received from  Drillisch Netz  and Vodafone,  and are
                         imposed  by  authorities  alongside  its  auction to   to be decided on shortly. ‘Once it has been assigned,
                         allocate 5G suitable spectrum,  which  raised €6.6   the acquired spectrum can be used for 5G across the
                         billion. Representatives from Deutsche  Telekom,   country. It is then up to the companies to provide fast
                         newcomer  1&1  Drillisch,  Vodafone  Germany  and   broadband  coverage.  Network  operators  can  finalize
                         Telefonica  Deutschland  signed the agreement  with   their network plans and roll out their networks rapidly,’
                         the  Bundesministerium  fur  Verkehr  und  digitale   explained  the FNA’s President  Jochen  Homann.
                         Infrastruktur, the government  agency  responsible  for   License  obligations  include  coverage  of at  least
                         telecoms  infrastructure. Andreas Scheuer, minister   100Mbps for 98% of households in each federal state
                         for transport and digital infrastructure, said under the   and for all motorways as well as the most important
                         deal, 99 per cent of the country’s households will have   federal roads and rail routes by the end of 2022. By the
                         reliable voice and data services by the end of 2020. “We   end of 2024, all other federal roads must have coverage
                         now have the legally binding commitment of the mobile   of at least 100Mbps, while state roads, seaports and
                         network operators,” he said.  “More  than  1,400  new   major waterways, and all other railway lines must have
                         mobile masts will be built. This is a clear signal that   coverage of at least 50Mbps.
                         the expansion of mobile communications in previously   (September 6, 2019)
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