Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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               SAMENA                    Contributing Editors   Knowledge Contributions     Subscriptions
                                         Izhar Ahmad
                                                                                            [email protected]
               TRENDS                    Javaid Akhtar Malik    Huawei                      Advertising
                                                                inMobiles S.A.L
                                                                Mobily                      [email protected]
                Editor-in-Chief                                 World Childhood Foundation USA  SAMENA TRENDS
                Bocar A. BA                                                                 [email protected]
                                                                Publisher                   Tel: +971.4.364.2700
                                                                SAMENA Telecommunications

                                               CONTENTS                                 FEATURED

                                                 04  EDITORIAL

                                                 19  REGIONAL & MEMBERS UPDATES
                                                         Members News

                                                         Regional News

                                                 92  SATELLITE UPDATES
                                                         Satellite News

                                                106  WHOLESALE UPDATES                   06  Bob De Haven
                                                         Wholesale News                     General Manager of
                                                                                            Microsoft’s Worldwide Media
                                                115  TECHNOLOGY UPDATES                     & Communications Industry
                                                         Technology News
       owned and operated  by The SAMENA                                                VISIONS BY BUILDING TRUST
       Telecommunications  Council  (SAMENA             Regulatory News                 IN THE INTERNET AND

       Council). Information in the newsletter is not   A Snapshot of Regulatory            PROTECTING THE CONNECTED
       intended as professional services advice, and
       SAMENA Council disclaims  any  liability for     Activities in the SAMENA Region

       use of specific information or results thereof.   Regulatory Activities
       Articles and information contained in this
       publication are  the copyright  of SAMENA        Beyond the SAMENA Region
       Telecommunications  Council,  (unless
       otherwise noted,  described or stated) and   ARTICLES
       cannot  be reproduced,  copied or printed
       in any form without  the express written   72  Regulatory Frameworks for IoT:
       permission of the publisher.                  Opportunities and Challenges

       The SAMENA Council does not  necessarily   89  Regulatory Frameworks for IoT:
       endorse,  support,  sanction, encourage,      Opportunities and Challenges
       verify or agree with the content, comments,
       opinions or statements made in The SAMENA                                         10 For the Sake of Children
                                                104  Huawei Proposes 5G Deterministic
       TRENDS  by any entity or entities. Information,                                      and Business
       products and services offered, sold or placed   Networking to Enable Differentiated
       in the newsletter by other than The SAMENA    and Deterministic Services...
       Council belong  to the  respective  entity  or
       entities and  are  not  representative  of  The
                                                110  Digital CSP Roadmap for the Middle
       SAMENA  Council.  The  SAMENA Council         East
       hereby  expressly disclaims  any and all
       warranties, expressed and implied, including
                                                123  What is the Going Digital Toolkit?
       but not limited to any warranties of accuracy,
       reliability,  merchantability  or  fitness  for  a
       particular  purpose by any entity or entities   SAMENA COUNCIL ACTIVITY
       offering  information,  products  and  services
       in this newsletter. The  user  agrees  that  The   18  Microsoft Joins SAMENA Council
       SAMENA Council is not responsible, and shall   to Advance Digital Transformation   17 The UAE Chairs the Annual
       have no liability to such user, with respect to   Efforts in the Region in Collaboration   Meeting of the ITU Council
       any information, product or service offered by                                       Working Group on Child
       any entity or entities in this newsletter.  The   with Industry Stakeholders
       SAMENA Council’s  only liability in the event                                        Online Protection
       of errors shall be the correction or removal of
       the  erroneous  information  after  verification.
                                                © 2019 - All rights reserved. SAMENA TRENDS is a trademark of SAMENA Telecommunications Council.
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