Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Q. What are the key areas through which   Q. How does Microsoft help  Telecom   We  are  working  with
        Microsoft  is helping  Telecom  Operators   Operators  deliver better experiences
        to  transform into  the new network   to  customers,  creating  long-lasting  telecom    operators      to
        transformation paradigm?             relationships.?                        create  an  environment
                                                                                    where they can rapidly
        A. Microsoft is focusing  its work in the   A. Microsoft helps telcos create customer
        telco industry  around three key  business   loyalty  by offering data and analytics   support  new  services
        imperatives  that  companies  must  deliver   solutions  that allow them to proactively   while  increasing  network
        on in order to differentiate and succeed.    anticipate needs, drive  a  consistent
        •  Deliver  personalized  experiences.  experience  and deliver the products  and   efficiency,  scalability  and
          We’re  working  with  the industry   services customers want, when and where   reliability on an intelligent,
          to   develop  seamless,  intelligent  they  want  them.  Our  secure, intelligent
          telecommunications  services  and  collaboration  and  productivity  tools  digital platform.
          employee collaboration tools to  help   support this kind of innovation by ensuring
          them earn customers for life.      efficient   communications   between   data centers  in South  Africa to serve
        •  Provide  agile  operations.  We’re  employees, suppliers and partners.   the African continent, and two in UAE to
          empowering  telcos  with technology                                       serve our middle east customers. These
          to  rapidly support  new services while   Q.  What are the dimensions of agile   facilities are providing enterprise-grade
          increasing network efficiency, scalability   operations that you suggest Operators to   reliability, performance, security and the
          and reliability on an intelligent,  digital   immediately pay attention to?   broadest compliance with  access to
          telecom platform.                                                         cloud services.
        •  Accelerate  growth and innovation.   A. We are working with telecom operators   •  We  also  launched  two  Africa
          Finally, we’re supporting the industry   to  create an  environment  where they   Development  Centers (ADCs) In  Kenya
          by  helping them  uncover key  insights   can rapidly support new services while   and Nigeria. This $100 MN investment
          to  better understand  their customers,   increasing  network  efficiency,  scalability   will  enable  the ADCs to become a
          create new and exciting  services and   and reliability  on an intelligent, digital   premier centre  of engineering for
          go to market faster with what their   platform.  Specifically,  we’re  helping  our   Microsoft, where world-class African
          customers really want.             telco customers scale into the cloud   talent can create solutions for local and
                                             to: more quickly replicate  and extend   global impact.
           Microsoft  helps  telcos          products  and services and capitalize on   •  In addition  these  investments, we
                                             emerging opportunities; drive down costs,
                                                                                    have also  recently  partnered with
           create  customer  loyalty         realize  efficiencies  and  predict  and  avoid   Telecom  Egypt to extend  our global
           by  offering  data and            disruptions  in services with advanced   cloud  network. This investment will
                                             analytics; increase productivity while
           analytics  solutions  that        lowering operational costs by empowering   increase capacity and use the latest in
                                                                                    network optimization for the delivery of
           allow them to proactively         field technicians with next-generation field   Microsoft services in Egypt, North Africa
                                                                                    and the region.
           anticipate  needs,  drive         services;  and democratize technologies   •  Moreover, our other  investments in
                                             such as  Network  Edge  Compute (NEC),
           a consistent  experience          Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Internet   the region – such as policy innovation
           and deliver  the  products        of Things (IoT) to deliver new innovation.  centers  in  Africa,  an  Advanced
                                                                                    Technology Lab in Cairo, and Customer
           and services customers            Q. What are Microsoft’s technology  and   Support Centers in Jordan and Nigeria –
           want, when  and  where            ICT development plans for the region?   are all aimed at gearing up the region’s
           they want them.                   A.  The  Middle  East  &  Africa  has  entered   digital  transformation  capabilities
                                                                                    and empowering its public and private
                                             a  period  of  significant  digitization  across   sector organizations to achieve more.
        In addition, we’re working hard to ensure   all  industries.  We see that  governments   •  Our contribution toward job creation is
        that Azure remains the platform cloud for   and organizations are now embracing the   also an effort worth noting. IDC research
        the communications industry. This means   cloud  and tapping into its  rich potential   found  that Microsoft and our cloud
        that our customers’ data is their own, and   to  achieve more.  As  such,  Microsoft’s   ecosystem is expected to generate over
        we’re not aggregating this data for our own   role here is to empower our customers in   520,000 jobs across MEA by 2022.
        benefit.  We’re  differentiated  in  that  we’re   this journey. We’re doing this by focusing   •  We are also working very closely in the
        empowering  – not competing  – with our   on core  areas  such as  making  critical   region  to address the growing skills
        customers.                           infrastructure investments and addressing   gap in  the tech sector.  For example,
                                             the skills gap. Some examples include:  our  Microsoft  Cloud  Society  initiative
                                             •  This  year  Microsoft  has  launched two   has  over 170,000  registrants  from

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