Page 64 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        space  and ground assets – seamlessly   services to customers operating in nearly   developing satellite resource management
        integrating  satellite  with  terrestrial  50  countries today.  The O3b  system is   and optimization software to co-develop
        networks.  As  the newest technology   the only  technically-,  operationally-  and   the industry’s  most advanced  software
        partner in the O3b mPOWER  ecosystem,   commercially-proven  non-geostationary   solution  for SES’s  O3b mPOWER  and
        Kythera, a  leading provider of  dynamic   system for delivering  low-latency data   SES-17  satellites.”  “For satellites to play
        management systems for next generation   communications today. In addition to O3b   a key role in the cloud-scale connectivity
        satellite payloads and networks, is working   mPOWER,  SES also will implement  ARC   ecosystem,  we have to make sure our
        with SES to develop ARC as an entirely new   on  its SES-17 high-throughput satellite.   satellite network  offers maximum agility
        paradigm for  communications  services   The  geostationary satellite, which  will be   and adaptivity to real-time changes. This
        delivered via  high-throughput  satellites.   launched in 2021, is dedicated to providing   is the heart of our network modernization
        ARC’s  ability to  capture and utilize real-  services for the aeronautical, maritime   strategy and the reason  why we are co-
        time data from Customer Edge Terminals   and fixed and mobile broadband markets   developing  and implementing  ARC,”  said
        means that end-user requirements can be   across the Americas with  its  200  spot   Stewart  Sanders, SES’s Executive Vice
        instantly aligned with space- and ground-  beams.  “Next-generation  satellites  such   President of Technology and O3b mPOWER
        based network resources. Together  with   as SES’s O3b mPOWER and SES-17 have   program manager. “In choosing Kythera as
        O3b mPOWER’s dynamic network and     sophisticated  on-board processors that   the latest  technology partner in the O3b
        user terminals, it  will  further boost the   offer tremendous new value in the form of   mPOWER ecosystem, SES is laying down
        next-generation  system’s  flexibility  and   flexible service and superior performance.   a key building  block  in the realization of
        network  efficiency  when  it  launches  in   The solution we are working on with SES is   that strategy – the ability to fully integrate
        2021.  SES’s  current O3b  constellation   about unlocking that value,” said Dr. Jeffrey   the power of our space resources with the
        has  been  operational  since 2013  and is   Freedman, CEO of Kythera. “We are proud to   latest network software innovation.”
        delivering  fiber-equivalent  connectivity   be able to leverage our 10-year heritage of

        SES Networks Tunes Up Private Cloud Connections with Azure ExpressRoute

        SES  Networks  is  the  first  satellite  provider  in  Micrsoft’s  Azure
        ExpressRoute ecosystem. SES has ratcheted up its relationship
        and connectivity  options with  Microsoft Azure  by  becoming  an
        Azure ExpressRoute services partner.  The partnership  allows
        SES Networks to provide dedicated, private network connectivity
        across land, sea and air, and other hard to reach places by using
        its satellite systems. SES Networks CEO JP Hemingway said that
        becoming an Azure ExpressRoute partner was a milestone for his
        company as it seeks to offer connectivity solutions to enterprises,
        energy companies and government sites in places that are beyond
        the reach of fiber. Hemingway said SES has been working with
        Microsoft Azure for a little more than a year. The fruits of those
        efforts included last month’s announcement that SES was using
        the open networking automation platform (ONAP) in partnership
        with Microsoft Azure and Amdocs. ONAP is providing  the   global gateway  network and terrestrial network infrastructure,
        orchestration  capabilities for the ExpressRoute  services.  Azure   all of which can be used facilitate edge compute services. Azure
        ExpressRoute announcement was a big step toward SES’s goal   customers also will be able to tap into SES’s next-generation MEO
        of providing a cloud-enabled, satellite connected suite of satellite   communications system, O3b mPOWER. Launching in 2021, O3b
        services to  both  its  customers  and Microsoft’s  customers,   mPOWER will deliver 10 times the throughput of the existing O3b
        according to Hemingway. “There are many ExpressRoute Azure   constellation. “We are collaborating with SES across a range of
        connectivity partners out there,” Hemingway said. “But, obviously,   initiatives to build upon their expertise in satellite communications
        they’ve been  predominantly  around terrestrial  connectivity  with   and increase connectivity to critical services and applications for
        the large telcos, which  have now enabled  great access  to the   customers in remote and underserved areas,” said Ross Ortega,
        cloud applications, cloud solutions, to those that are terrestrially   partner,  product  manager of Azure Networking, in  a  statement.
        connected. “What we bring into the mix now is that we’re enabling   “This  new collaboration  between SES  and Microsoft Azure
        the breadth and the scale that satellite can enable so that we can   Express Route further enables us to bring Azure to any business
        bring cloud connectivity out to all of those users that we can reach   or government  site.” Hemingway  said  that  SES has  a  similar
        that other options can’t reach.” SES is able to provide connectivity   cloud agreement with IBM Cloud Direct Link, and that he expects
        services  across its fleet  of 50 Geostationary Earth Orbit (GE0)   additional cloud partners going forward. SES also announced an
        satellites  and its  20  Medium Earth  Orbit  (MEO)  satellites.  The   expanded collaboration with Microsoft to use Azure’s cloud and
        20  O3b  MEO  satellites  in  particular  can  deliver  MEF-certified   AI capabilities to deliver one of the first broadcast-grade cloud
        data  connectivity  services with  low  latency across  Azure’s   services for media delivery.

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