Page 68 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        sustainability efforts among  corporates.   achieve deeper  insights into companies’   while ensuring that  corporate  decisions
        RobecoSAM which specializes in providing   sustainability  practices.  Sandeep  lead to an equitable growth. Our inclusion
        Environmental,  Social, and Governance   Chandna, Chief Sustainability Officer, Tech   in the DJSI World Index ranking for the
        (ESG) data,  is  an investment specialist   Mahindra, said, “We, at Tech Mahindra, take   fifth consecutive year is a validation of our
        focused  exclusively on Sustainability   great pride in driving measures that focus   continued  efforts  to  make  sustainability
        Investing (SI)  and the development  of   on managing social and environmental   not just a business case, but an imperative
        leading  ESG assessment  criteria to   impacts,  improving  operational  efficiency   for long term growth.” Tech  Mahindra
                                                                                 has  taken ambitious emission targets,
                                                                                 which  have  been  approved  by  the  SBTI
                                                                                 (Science  based  Targets Initiative)  and is
                                                                                 actively engaged  in various smart city
                                                                                 projects. Some of the other sustainability
                                                                                 initiatives include reducing  water and
                                                                                 energy  consumption across  buildings,
                                                                                 waste reduction, using renewable sources
                                                                                 of energy for power generation, achieving
                                                                                 carbon  neutrality, making supply  chains
                                                                                 sustainable, and  employee and  customer
                                                                                 engagement.  Tech  Mahindra has also
                                                                                 undertaken a  comprehensive  program to
                                                                                 reduce  its  absolute  scopes  1 and 2  GHG
                                                                                 (Greenhouse Gas) emissions 22% by 2030
                                                                                 and 50% by 2050, from a 2016 base-year.

        Tech Mahindra, University of California Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Extension
        and Intel Capital Collaborate to Drive Artificial Intelligence Led Innovation

        Tech  Mahindra Ltd.,  a  leading  provider   Development  &  Strategy,  Tech  Mahindra,   intelligence,  autonomous  mobility
        of digital  transformation,  consulting and   said,  “The  CIO  Artificial  Intelligence   and a  wide range of other disruptive
        business reengineering  services and   (AI)  roundtable  is  designed  specifically   technologies. Trina Van Pelt, Vice President
        solutions,  announced  a  partnership with   for executives, business  leaders, and   &  Intel  Capital  Senior  Managing  Director,
        the University of California Santa  Cruz   strategists  to  provide concise  executive   said,  “Artificial  Intelligence  is  one  of  the
        Silicon Valley Extension and Intel Capital,   briefings  on  the  most  promising  and   biggest disruptions not only as technology,
        Intel’s strategic investment  organization,   important developments in AI for business.   but also in driving societal benefits. Over
        to  drive  innovation  leveraging  Artificial   Our  collaboration with  the University of   the next few years, we predict enterprises
        Intelligence. As part of the partnership, they   California Santa Cruz and Intel Capital   will  substantially  accelerate  adoption
        will be hosting a ‘CIO Artificial Intelligence   will  offer in-depth  conversations on the   of AI  across a  wide range of use cases
        (AI) roundtable’ every quarter, inviting CIOs   latest AI technologies and use cases that   that  benefit  business  and  society  in  a
        and industry experts to discuss the latest   can  benefit  enterprises  globally.”  Bipin   pragmatic way.  Intel Capital is  pleased
        AI  applications and developments. The   Thomas,  AI Chair at  UCSC Silicon  Valley   to collaborate with Tech  Mahindra and
        first panel is scheduled for September 26th,   Extension,  said, “Advances  in AI and   UCSC to showcase some of the disruptive
        2019, in Los Angeles, California. One of the   Knowledge  discovery  are accelerating   technologies  in our portfolio that can
        key features of the CIO AI roundtable is that   at  a very fast  pace. We are delighted  to   help  CIOs  foster innovation.” As  part  of
        each discussion will center on the groups   collaborate  with Tech  Mahindra on the   the TechMNxt charter, Tech  Mahindra is
        specific  AI  interests,  including  disruption,   CIO AI roundtable to bring workforce skills   focused  on  building  an ecosystem  that
        adoption, and new developments in AI. In   tailored for breakthrough AI  solutions   supports  collaboration  in  the real  sense.
        addition,  Tech  Mahindra will  also invite   to  the  industry  and emerging intelligent   As a step in this direction, Tech Mahindra
        partners  outside  of the  technology  and   ecosystems.”  Tech  Mahindra and Intel   has  collaborated  with  some  of  the  finest
        digital  industries, including  academia   Capital have collaborated  on other  AI   startups, working with academia, drawing
        and analysts,  to participate in these   summits as well. Since 1991, Intel Capital   from the  millennial  workforce,  and
        panel   discussions.   Rahul   Bhuman,   has  invested more than $12.6  billion in   jointly  creating cutting-edge  technology
        Head  of  Artificial  Intelligence,  Business   innovative  startups  targeting  artificial   solutions with partners.

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