Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 73


           IOT is expected  to be            by  the Kuwait  Financial Centre  “Markaz”   services in the countries. Operators have
                                                                                 already started  negotiating  with  local
                                             estimates only, the cost savings in oil
           a          multibillion-dollar    and aviation industries  to reach around   and international partners to launch such
           industry  in the  GCC.  A         20Bn  USD.  Many  countries  in  the  region   services.
           report published  by the          are  working  towards  the  diversification   We   believe   that   the   first   service
                                             of their economies, strengthening  of
           Kuwait  Financial  Centre         private sectors  and the development  of   propositions  will  be focused  on SCADA
           “Markaz” estimates  only,         knowledge economy. IOT, big data and 5G   type applications for utility companies with
                                             therefore, occupy an important position in
                                                                                 E-health  and smart  vehicle  type services
           the cost savings in oil and       the national policies of these countries.   following them.  More advanced  services
           aviation industries to reach      Consequently,  many  GCC countries are   like autonomous  vehicles  etc.  are not
           around  20Bn USD. Many            working to establish a strong ITO industry.   expected before a widespread penetration
                                                                                 of 5G. There will be  a lot of potential  of
                                             For  example, Du  (UAE)  showcased it’s
           countries  in  the  region        smart city solutions at IoT Middle  East   revenue  generation  in oil and gas  sector
           are  working  towards the         2019 Conference. Etisalat launched its IoT   and operators will face fierce competition
                                             (Internet of  Things) gateway  solution to
                                                                                 in this vertical.
           diversification     of    their   connect customers’ remote organisational
           economies,  strengthening         assets securely to the enterprise network   More  advanced         IOT
                                             in 2018.
           of  private  sectors  and  the                                           services      are    expected
           development of knowledge          In KSA, IoT is estimated to become a USD   to  be  launched  after  the

           economy. IOT, big data and        16.01 billion market by 2020. Hence, Saudi   availability  of 5G services
                                             government has paid special attention to
           5G therefore, occupy an           it in the vision 2030. MCIT has established   in the countries. Operators
           important  position  in the       Saudi IoT, an annual event focusing on the   have  already    started
                                             growth and development of technology in
           national  policies  of  these     the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a once a   negotiating  with  local and
           countries.                        year event for customers, service providers   international  partners  to
                                             and technologists.  Saudi’s  Regulator
                                             (CITC) is working on the development  of   launch such services.
        IOT has become a  hot topic  nowadays,   regulations  and has  already issued its
        due to the almost ubiquitous availability of   “Rules and Conditions for MVNO Services   Saudi operators  will  have to overcome
        wireless connectivity, widespread adoption   and IOT-VNO Services  Provision”. A   several  challenges  for establishment of
        of IP  technology, advancement  in data   consultation  paper has  also  been issued   a thriving IOT market. Most important
        analytics and the rise of cloud computing.   about draft  Regulatory  Framework  on   of  these challenges  could be regulatory
        The imminent launch  of 5G services is   Internet  of Things (IoT) and draft special   ambiguity,  entrance  of  established
        also a  very  important reason behind  the   conditions  for  class  licenses  Type  (B)  to   big players from  abroad and  lack  of
        heightened interest in IOT. 5G is expected   provide  Internet  of Things  (IoT) Services   technological now how in the local market.
        to finally, provide the level of speed, latency   using license-exempt frequency.  At  the same time, national complicated
        and security which will potentially enable                               security  requirements will  also create
        the provision of services like autonomous   Saudi Operators are gearing  up to enter   some hurdles. Operators should start
        vehicles,  smart  homes and wearable  for   this lucrative market. At present,  Mobily   developing  technical capabilities  and
        various health and other  applications, to   offers POS, fleet management  and other   alliances while working with Regulator and
        name a few.                          M2M services.                       other government bodies to facilitate rules
                                                                                 and regulations related with IOT.
        IOT is expected to be a multibillion-dollar   More advanced IOT services are expected
        industry  in  the GCC. A  report  published   to be launched after the availability of 5G

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