Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        GCC Mobile Phone Shipments Grow 11.5% Year on Year in Q2

        The overall mobile  phone  market of
        the Gulf  Cooperation Council  (GCC)
        experienced  robust  year-on-year (YoY)
        unit growth of 11.5%  in Q2  2019, with
        shipments  totaling 6.5  million devices
        worth $1.7 billion, according to the latest
        figures  announced  by  global  technology
        research and consulting firm International
        Data Corporation (IDC). Quarter on quarter
        (QoQ), shipments were up 8.0%, continuing
        the  growth seen  in Q1 2019.  Despite
        shipments declining 4.5% YoY in Q2 2019,
        the feature phone market experienced QoQ
        growth of 5.5% to total 1.7 million units. The
        smartphone market, spurred by particularly
        strong performances in Saudi Arabia, the
        UAE, and Qatar, totaled 4.7 million units, up   Indeed, shipments of Huawei smartphones   the year as a whole,” says Popal. “Despite
        19.0% YoY and 8.9% QoQ. Combined mobile   in the GCC were down only 10.6% on the   the initial panic, Huawei’s shipments have
        shipments  declined  in  Bahrain  (-5.9%),   previous quarter in Q2  2019.  “This  is   already resumed  following a  brief halt  in
        Oman (-4.4%), and Kuwait (-12.0%)  QoQ;   because  a  significant  portion  of  Huawei   June and are expected to return to normal
        these declines were caused by a downturn   shipments took place earlier in the quarter   levels by end of 2019, as strong incentives
        in smartphone shipments, with the feature   and at an increased pace, which helped to   and communications  are  put in  place
        phone segments remaining stable in each   counteract the declines seen following the   by  the vendor  to  reassure  channels  and
        of these countries. “Smaller GCC markets   ban towards the end of the quarter,” says   consumers  alike about Huawei’s future.”
        like Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait have seen   Nabila Popal,  a senior  research manager   In  the long term, IDC  expects  the GCC
        their smartphone markets contract due to   at IDC. “Furthermore, most of the negative   mobile  market  to  expand  at  a  five-year
        a reduction in consumer spending caused   impact for Huawei was on their premium   compound  annual growth  rate  (CAGR) of
        by the introduction of new levies, a difficult   devices, whereas  their midrange  and   2.9%  through  to 2023.  “Major  events in
        job market, and changing  government   entry-level devices, which  make up the   the region, such as Expo 2020 in the UAE
        policies,”  says  Akash  Balachandran,  a   bulk of their shipments, were significantly   and the FIFA World Cup 2022  in Qatar,
        senior research analyst at IDC. “Kuwait has   less impacted. As a  result, the overall   along  with an anticipated  recovery in the
        seen a significant degree of consolidation in   quarterly volume of Huawei, and in turn the   GCC’s  smaller  markets, will  help  sustain
        terms of brands, while the implementation   smartphone market itself, did not suffer as   smartphone growth in the long term,” says
        of  new  taxes  (e.g.,  Utility  Tax,  VAT)  has   much as it could have done.” Additionally,   Popal. “This growth will be further fueled
        reduced the purchasing power of Bahraini   the seamless  timing of  Samsung’s  well-  by the introduction and rapid proliferation
        residents. In  Oman, the government’s   received budget  and midrange  offerings   of 5G devices and other form factors, such
        Omanization  policy  has  caused  a  saw  the vendor capture whatever share   as foldable devices, that are also expected
        significant  drop  in  the  expat  population,   was dropped by Huawei, helping to offset   to drop  in prices quite  rapidly towards
        which  has  naturally impacted  the  mobile   any potential declines the GCC smartphone   the  end  of  the  five-year  forecast  period.”
        phone market. By contrast, Saudi Arabia’s   market  may  have suffered.  “The success   “While many people seem to believe 5G will
        smartphone  market  is  seeing  growth as   of Samsung’s new A-series  range  – the   be the salvation to all the challenges facing
        the  market  finally  stabilizes  following  all   successor  to the previously popular   the stagnating smartphone  industry, it’s
        the upheaval  caused by  domestic  policy   J-series range  – highlights  the market   imperative for market players to realize
        and regulatory changes  in recent  years.”   shift seen towards midrange  devices,”   that  releasing  5G devices alone won’t  be
        Despite  May’s  announcement  of a  ban   says  Popal.  “The A-series represents a   enough to fuel the required growth,” warns
        on U.S.  companies doing  business with   great  value-for-money  proposition  and   Balachandran. “The provision of excellent
        Huawei, the GCC’s smartphone  vendor   its introduction offers consumers a timely   support,  widespread networks rollouts
        rankings remained unchanged in Q2 2019,   alternative to Huawei devices. This saw   from telecom operators, comprehensive
        with  Samsung  first  (42.9%  unit  share),   Samsung  increase its unit share of the   customer  education on the real-world
        Huawei second (22.8%), and Apple  third   GCC smartphone market by 8.4 percentage   benefits of 5G, and the release of devices
        (18.4%). While Huawei experienced a sharp   points from the previous quarter.” Looking   at the right price  point  will all be  critical
        halt in shipments  in June,  immediately   ahead,  IDC expects overall GCC mobile   if  5G  is  to  have  a  significant  impact  on
        following  news of the  ban,  its overall   phone  shipments  to close  2019 up 3.5%   overall market volumes and reduce  the
        volumes for the quarter were not impacted   YoY. “This growth will be spurred entirely   ever-lengthening refresh cycle.”
        as  significantly  as  anticipated,  despite  a   by the smartphone market, which is set to
        third of the quarter being hit so drastically.   post a 10.1% YoY increase in shipments for
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